What do you think about Trump supporters?

What do you think about Trump supporters?

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slowly destroying my want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

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Insecure poor trash that think they are entitled to things just because they're amerifag. Because of Trump though, the whole world knows that America will rot from within

But Trump won and Hillary lost

They’re American just like how liberals are also Americans. People shouldn’t identify by race, or political affiliation but by nationality. Nationalism all the way

Retarded, but they are usefull for us; to achieve our goal.

America will rot from within? Like how Germany England Sweden and France are being destroyed by a large influx of migrants

America is already rotten. Alt America is a cancer.


they've grown to embrace everything they're supposedly against. it's bewildering how fucking stupid they are

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Does it matter?
Surely how a President is managing the economy, world affairs, internal affairs is more important than the voters.
What do you think of Nixon voters?

I have to agree with that. I’m ferociously conservative on just about everything and a Trump supporter but what you just said is 100% right. We’re going the way of the Roman Empire

It’s too late to stop it.

Bo different than Hillary or Burnie supporters. They gave up their voice for the hive mind.

A bunch of idiots that are more concerned about political tribalism and 'triggering libs' than they are about having a mentally unstable moron running the country.

Absolute truth about eurofags opinions on America...they've been muslimized

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yeah let's just turn our country into a shitskin infested shithole. that's so intelligent

Mentally unstable morons have been running the country since the 70s dude.

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lmao pwnd em

lol you think youre alot smarter than you are

almost every single person in that crowd looks genetically challanged

I feel sorry for them. They're stupid, but they don't know it.

this is a particularly special one though. he can barely put together coherent sentences let alone develop necessary policies.

>they've grown to embrace everything they're supposedly against.

>Nixon voters
Nixon wasn't a proven misogynist, scam artist, and plain liar before he was elected. We found out afterwards.

Better than the libs who are only concerned about replacing us with brownies, murdering babies and taking gun rights away from law-abiding folks


Fear their stupidity, it's easily directed and they not afeared of anything because


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I don't think I'm that smart, but I'm sure not stupid enough to treat the welfare of my country as a meme-war

>I feel sorry for them. They're stupid, but they don't know it.

How very true.


Inbred hicks

do you actually believe the shit you say?

I'm not American but those guys in the pic look like fun people to be around

God’s my witness

ITT: You just have to peel back the onion and ask trump supporters, “Are you Better off Now Vs. 4 years before?”
Probably not...

nah stop with the false modesty. you very clearly beleive that you understand politics better than everyone.

thing is your assessment
>treat the welfare of my country as a meme-war
is fucking retard tier

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Make america Nazi again

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drooling, racist idiots

You mean he's like most people, and not this carefuly manicured personality presented to you by a Politicians PR company?
You really believe those politicians are people of integrity and enlightened views?
New for you. You don't get to the top by being nice.

I'm sorry the education system failed you. We really need to invest in our population and give them a better education. America shouldn't be plagued with idiots.

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leak your fb/ig/sc

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than everyone? no, just better than trump supporters.

> questions somebody else’s intelligence
> uses ‘alot’

Bro I live in the Bible belt and it's genuinely the dumbest, backwater rednecks that support him. Conservatives always like to think of themselves as like the 1950's suit wearing male, but in reality, most of them are fucking filthy snaggletooth rednecks.

If you think the Muslimes ARENT planning on replacing us. You clearly haven't read the Quran, or learnt history.

alt was just made up by democrat slavemasters a few years ago retard, its a fairy tale that only slaves and npcs believe

Right on, saved.

how many businesses has he tanked? tact is common among successful individuals. retards like him because they can relate

>scam artist
The man is a successful business man and president of the United States. He did it fair and square. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
He’s one of the more honest presidents in history. He’s very transparent. He posts minute to minute updates on his Twitter feed that he actually writes. He isn’t like the last dozen presidents who have just read from a script.

Weak willed & small minded, generally speaking. Same as the progressive left. Two tribes clashing. They’re seemingly not as bad as the far left, though, so hopefully there’s only four more years of insanity & it calms down. Probably won’t though.

I was actually homeschooled. You meant the communist bullshit and “common core” shit they put kids through these days?

I don’t have any desire to be diverse and inclusive because it doesn’t benefit me. White people don’t benefit from diversity. Why should I be part of a system where we are being increasingly discriminated against?

we don't have a set of conformed beliefs like democrat npcs....we are random anyones

lol, muslimes, clever

well ill just reply to both because this is blatant samefagging

well thats just as pretentious

this is just reaching guy. what kind of a fucking faggot takes the time on this website to make sure theyre writing is 100 percent correct. i didnt want to hit the space bar one extra time, so i will continue to use alot

“All Muslims are trying to replace us!”
Ah yes. The great Muslim takeover plot.
They are infinitely influential, but wildly inept at the same time.
Broad strokes, no substance, devoid of nuance, do you try to sound retarded or does it just come naturally?

Six I think. He's set up 500 though. So a 1% failure rate. Impressive.
How many have you set up? How many has Hillary set up (and not skimmed)?

you're homeschooled, and it shows

Got a problem with that, faggot?

still waiting on daddy to give me my small loan of a million dollars

only in that I pity you, poor thing

Three word chant!
Three word chant!
Three word chant!
Three word chant!
Three word chant!

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I think we are awesome

Common Core was based on edu standards in Massachusetts which has the best schools in the country.
The idea was that the education in Mass should be just as good as the education in Mississippi. But go ahead, home school away retard. Your kids will turnout infinitely dumber on a logarithmic scale compared to you.

How many businesses is Donald Trump the sole proprietor? Hundreds. How many businesses is Donald Trump a corporate executive? Hundreds. How many of those businesses filed chapter 11 bankruptcy? 6. How many times has Donald Trump personally filed for bankruptcy? 0.

The best kind of people.

the centrists always win.

If he gives you $100, and you turn it into $10,000, good for you, it shows his faith in you was well founded.
Why can;t you give any credit where credit is due? You're completely poisoned.

Let's take a look into Muslim Madrasas.

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lol homeschooled... did you take ur mom to the prom

hahaha homeschooled

I’m not saying Donald Trump only received $1 million from his father. He received much more. But most people couldn’t turn $1,000,000 into $1,100,000 without a good portfolio managing team.


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Oh ok. Well I don’t want your pity

I used to be a leftist a long time ago but I’ve come to realize this world isn’t what they want it to be. Nothing is free in this world except the grace of God, and the mobs howl for justice but there is no justice. The left has turned into a most hideous monster of injustice and inequality. Remember that

All lies

Yea apparently. They let a fake indian liar claim minority benefits

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down to earth and simple people who just want to live their life without some asshat telling them to respect every other culture while same said asshat is constantly shitting down on american culture. You guys are asshole

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“i didnt want to hit the space bar one extra time, so i will continue to use alot”

Peak America


Yea you’re going to remember what I said someday. I promise you

Im left leaning. My YouTube and Facebook feed shows me carefully selected morons on a daily basis that like trump. They'll take a camera to a trump rally, interview a thousand people, Pick the 5 biggest retards and blast it all over my related videos.
News articles generally also find the most racist bigoted republican voter they can possibly find.
This is all I have to go on, so I must assume all trump voters are extremely retarded.
...do you see what they're doing, guys? Do trumpies think maybe they're doing the exact same thing to you?


>We're being discriminated against
Oh dear.

The liberal hatred for Trump is simply the manifestation of guilt knowing they supported a loser, Obama, who had eight years of empty promises and failed hope and change.

They depress me. They're so hypocritical, gullible, and unaware of everything around themselves. It really highlights the failure of the educational system.

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Are you trying to be intellectually dishonest or does that just come naturally too?

>simply the manifestation of guilt
Yeah, the racism, fascist tendencies, kids in cages, etc has nothing to do with it.

Billionaire takes his $60 million tax cut and opens a new factory. Employs 50 people in the area, providing taxes, opportunities and growth for the for the community

Top Kek
“I’m white; what happened to my rights?”
Uhhh... we have them to everyone else like the Constooshun said. Doesn’t mean you lost anything, just means eveyone gets what the holy paper says

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The reason he stated that is because he's bigoted to every other persons viewpoint other than his own, so makes a wide sweeping generalisation about tens of millions of Americans.
He's a base level moron.

Have any examples of that trickle? Lol
No you say!?

Am I wrong?

I'm not American pal. I'm a capitalist, and a moderate.

What racism? The kids in cages that Obama had them in since 2013? What fascism? Give some examples please.

so why couldn't Hillary sell them anything.

>schlonged again.

Implying billionaires just appear, right out of school.

Bigoted.... you use that word.... I don’t think you know what it means....

Muslims obviously want to replace us, retard. Dems and jews are the ones doing the replacing.
Literally nothing wrong with being racist, faggot. There is no reason that the American government shouldnt be acting in the white man's best interest
Uhh yikes sweaty. Dude i can tell youre either fat, a tranny, a faggot or some mix from that comment.
Muslims want to take us over, dems are implementing the policy for them, the beaners, and nigs to do so. Is it really that hard to understand you retard
Go back to boomerposting on facebook, faggot
Muslims, spics, and niggers are more likely to be inbred than trump supporters tho
Nixon was a good president and impeached for a literal meme that had nothing to do with his policy implementation only an excuse for the subhuman leftists to oust him
Im graduating with a BS CS and pure math next year. What have you done academically, faggot?
>trump supporters are NPCs
Imagine calling the right NPCs when the left is so lacking in creativity that they have to steal all their memes from the right. Not surprising that trannies, fags, and nigs arent creative.

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It means you're unable to tolerate an opposing opinion. He can't tolerate that people voted for someone other than his proffered candidate because they have a world view (opinion) that differs from his. So he attacks it. That is the very definition of a bigot.

>What racism?

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Still can't meme

Did you just not know the facts about common core and pivoted to a Pocahontas meme cuz it’s more fun to troll Libs instead realize that all that’s Great about America, cities, companies, commerce, culture, colleges, are coastal and you probably live in a second rate town with shitty services, run down business and 3 dollar stores - but boy does that red hat look good.
Stupid...poor...homeschooled... ghost

"YOU'RE the puppet! YOU'RE the puppet!!"

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The left trying to meme is like watching a rerun from 5 years ago

>Still can't meme

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Fox much?

Clinton got a sizable majority of the votes but the electoral college system is rigged to favor low-population states, so Trump won in the electroral college.

white oriole victimhood is best victimhood

Smart enough to know that " a lot" is two words, not one.


Have you seen a raise proportional to the gains by corporate buy backs last year? No? Oh me neither... but thank god they cut those taxes and grew the debt! Really helped out the country! Lol

Find an adult you trust and get out of the situation.

It's purposefully made that way so New York, LA, Chicago, and San Francisco don't decide the entire election.

It's a checks and balance system.

Its puzzling how you interpret Trump as saying he wants legal immigration to saying he is a racist who wants to kick everyone out. In fact he offered the Democrats a plan for legal immigration and they turned it down. Seems the Democrats are the real racists.


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Well I’m not stupid or poor, I make about 160k a year. Yea I was homeschooled, probably didn’t get socialized as much as I would have wanted but oh well.

And no, I’m not a ghost. Not sure where that came from. You see, I’m not a hateful person like your typical stereotype demands that you believe, I’m actually just a good old boy who likes to hunt, shoot guns, go hiking, paint portraits (I prefer oil paint) and ride my Mustang convertible around with my significant other on nice days.

So, I’m a pretty successful human being who has right-wing opinions.

The standard liberal attack is predictable, call your opponent uneducated, a racist or bigot. Problem is those words are emotional, and not translatable to the policies Trump has created. That's why you don't see anyone complaining about his work, just name calling.


They're not Communist, so I'm for them.

Trump supporters (i.e., Republicans) tend to fall into four classes. One class is composed of wealthy people who want the ability to make more money through a less-regulated environment and lower taxes. The other three classes are people interested in gun rights, prohibition of abortion, and traditional culture including the fruits of racism in the form of de facto advantages for whites. Each of these three classes of people care so deeply about their causes they are willing to ignore all other issues to support a candidate and party who agree with them on the one issue. The Republicans have deliberately formed this coalition and it is exceedingly clever because it persuades tens of millions of people who are intent about one issue to vote against their own interests on many other fundamental issues such as access to health care. I admire the intelligence of the wealthy Trump supporters, and I pity the rest.

Look another anti white nigger. Kys faggot.


...is the bullshit they told you to get you to vote for Trump/Bush/Reagan. What actually happened? They bought their own stocks back, consolidating the wealth even further. Fun fact, lower/middle classes tax cuts end next year, and we get to go back to where it was when black man bad was in the white house, while the business tax cuts last forever.

I think my fellow deplorables are pretty awesome...

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Just as retarded as liberals

Harvard listed her as a minority professor.
Thats the left. the dumbest cunts on earth.
Pic is another racist leftest. Could you imagine if someone on the right did this crazy shit

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Yes, it's only his big businesses that have gone bankrupt and cost others hundreds of millions of dollars.

Your argument is a little like saying, "How many days are there in a year? 365. On how many of those is Trump going to start a nuclear war? 1."

All they have to do is look at conditions in the corrupt Dem vote plantations and it's perfectly obvious where the rot is...
Typhoid epidemics don't happen in places with functional governments.

People on the right do racist shit all the time. Its literally their platform now.

Riots in almost every major city

This is irrelevant to the question of the quality of the school system in Mass.

But the left-tards define nationalism as 'inherently' evil...

Oh... ok

And it's being run by the same conspiracy...

I think Trump supporters are pretty cool guys. Blocks aleins and doesnt afraid of anything

If you take out the votes by illegals and dead people Trump won by millions.
Thats why Hillary never wanted a recount.
Remember when Obmooma said it was stupid to think the votes were meddled with. Then the left lost and started crying about russia.

Yes, the bias against cities is part of a deliberate system, forged at the founding of the country. Rural states wanted to be sure their rights were protected, and so certain advantages were granted them. That's why the Dakotas (two states) have four senators between them and California only two. But it does mean that the system under-represents the interests of urban areas, where people tend to be better educated and, consequently, more broad-minded and concerned about the more-distant future. The Founding Fathers probably didn't anticipate a future in which those with less education would have dramatically higher political power on a per capita basis than other people.

Literally retard comeback.
The libtards cry about racism but the only time the find any is made up Jessie Smolett shit.
I live in the south. Ive never seen the kkk not once. Meanwhile antifa beats up old people and retarded kids weekly

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I can only assume you are one of the less-educated people that Trump so treasures.

orange man bad

History doesn't repeat, but it sure does rhyme.
We're rapidly closing in on the Murder of the Gracchi, your guess is as good as mine what order Social Wars and/or Marius come in after...

Nearly all of his businesses have hundreds of millions of dollars invested into them by their stakeholders. That’s the nature of corporations.
You make it sound like Trump has 500 lemonade stands and 10 bankrupt casinos. In reality, the Trump Organization pulls in $650 million in revenue and is worth billions. The aggregate of his projects are successful even weighing in the magnitude of their failures.

And when you assume....

You may not wear the white hood, but you do see the spirit of the KKK, daily.

Largely a reaction to the tribalism and open sneering contempt of the Left for the institutions and people who made this country a model for the world.


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You’re an ignorant man.

I think I'll never quite forget my digital homeland being invaded and occupied by paid goon squads because I voted for the wrong president. You've proven to me only that democrats are filthy liars who will do anything because they believe history belongs to them and thus will forget their crimes.

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Vote plantations are the only way they can keep power over the republic...

Hilarious from afar, disgusting up close

Funny how a partisan press works...

Im a double major grad.
I love how the loving left always goes right to name calling.
The left has a sick race to the bottom. They all fight to be the biggest victim. When they are shown that there ideas are stupid(like the green new deal). They cry racism. Look at AOC just started calling Pelosi a racist. Its the weakest most based form of debate. Thats why people look at this SJW shit as fucking nutbags eating their own.

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Smart enough to see through your puppetmasters...

And he's living in your head, 24/7...

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Everyone thinks trump is an abominable aberration...the truth is, the DC tree tops of the swamp have been like this for a century now, the only difference is the previous swamp creatures hid their egomaniacal existentialism. Trump is par for the course and now we all know. Not that anything will ever change. The genetic elite will always reign with selfish disdain

That applies to just about everyone

>Quoting Orwell without a hint of cognitive dissonance.
Drink the KoolAide, it's GOOD for you...

Immigrants don’t increase the crime rate and they eventually assimilate. Also, there is no god

When it is objectively true, certainly....

Haha, your shitty SPLC has to lie their asses off to keep the endowment money and do things based on number of "hate groups" instead of identifying the groups. This is the same dumb trick as the "school shootings" list, when you look at what's considered a hate group you find a combination of things that shouldn't be there, things that maybe don't exist and tiny groups nobody's heard of and you can't find online.

Again, history will not forgive your manipulations. They're all going to be carefully recorded and regardless of the outcome of history, you will be viewed as villains by people of the future. Your only legacy is the ease with which you cheat people. Look at this looney tunes graph covered, the graph comes to one conclusion but the text practically begs you to ignore what the graph suggests: that the SPLC destroyed the KKK a long time ago and anyone who uses the term KKK is being dishonest.

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Under representation is a major issue in California, most of the people living outside the major coastal cities have virtually representation. The Valley is completely forgotten about because everyone panders to LA and SF

*fetuses. Also, such a weak arguing point. No one is advocating for mass baby murder. And no one likes doing it. Are you aware of all the services planned parenthood offers for both men and women that ISN'T related to abortions? Yet dumb fucks like you would be glad to see it disappear. If you're so against murdering "babies" why does the country straight up abandon caring once they've popped out that vag?

best start saving for a minuteman

And if you ever stepped outside the Approved media you'd see that things are actually looking up a bit in spite of your attempts to sabotage them...

Canadian here while your Nazis and libtards kill each other. China and Russia won, you ignorant self centered idiots

There is probably like 7-9 clan members left.
The left acts like the KKK is all over.
Trump is a new yorker who was NAACP man of the year but all the left says is redneck racist. The lefts grasp on real life is a twisted fucked up disorder.

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God's the greatest cuck of all cucks

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What happened to all the semi-sensible trump supporters calling establishment shills cuckservatives? Why have they 180ed and become stewards of the new gilded age?

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So somehow he's better for leaving it out in the open to be discovered? That right there is some strong cognitive dissonance.

I don't, because I want mental stability

Man, I don’t hate or support trump, but how can you be this stupid. What the fuck is happening in America? Or rather, what the fuck is happening in the western world.


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Koolaid is all yours slowmo

there's more poor white people that vote republican than poor black people that vote democrat

>eventually assimilate

If you were doing it correctly yeah, but they won't because it's millions at once; they can just lean on each other. Settling that many people that fast isn't immigration, it's cultural transplantation. Hell I know it's going on in the UK so it's probably happening everywhere else but they can't publish anything about it without being scalped: muslims who come with money are buying/building whole muslim only gated communities. Not only is a gated community illegal in every one of those countries, inside the communities they beat women freely, put gays to death and just generally act like they never left the caliphate. They're not assimilating this time.

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The answer to radical islam is not radical christianity. Religion does far less good for anyone than it does bad for everyone.

Yeah what is going on.
AOC, Omar, and Hilliary have got to be the most dishonest retards ever.

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The education system has failed everyone over the last few generations, we're infested with millions of NEA indoctrinated communist stooges incapable of independent thought and a University system that basically qualifies as adult daycare.
Get ready for GFC2 when the student loan/education bubble breaks...

Poor people are poor people you jackweed.

>what do you think of X supporters?
>I hate them! X supporters aren’t human!
war, war never changes.

The terminology doesn't really matter. Call it radical conservatism, call it far right. Whatever. The fact is that the people who support the bullshit that is happening right now are straight up cunts.

Let me guess, you're either a government bureaucrat or immured in a branch of some grasping corporation?

>he’s one of the more honest presidents in history. He’s very transparent.

You can't teach this jobs of retarded. Ya i know, "trump supporter" of course he's retarded. But jesus. This is violently idiotic. I have to wonder if its satire.

Please never reproduce. I would welcome 2 niggers and a mudslime into this country with open arms if it kept a mongoloid like you from having children.

You're an embarrassment to yourself, your race and your nation.

>white working class exists

now kyle you know that's forbidden hate speech, why if you kept talking people might notice that rednecks are just a subculture surrounding physical work as an occupation and that democrat shitheads have merely been brutally mocking the poor instead of being soviet heroes of ultimate justice

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He's not an NPC, and that bothers you...

grab em by the pussy
haha, fair and square. Exporting labor to china is fair and square i guess. Save your company money in order to do something you claim to be against.
that's funny too. He lies without even knowing it. He thinks of some topic and comes to conclusions without anything to back it up and then calls that truth.

Of course they do, you're not repeating the correct 'truth'...

Have some more KoolAide, it's GOOD for you...

Because this country has always been about people immigrating. Also, seeking asylum isn't supposed to look like what is happening.

Simple enough, go read what's engraved at the base of the statue of liberty, right near where so much immigration happened in the past. Take that sentiment to heart realizing that it should be part of the mentality of Americans.

Why do I hear the same parroted bullshit catch phrases then?

The problem is that administration for the whole boondoggle has been captured by Marxists, education takes hind titty to political indoctrination.

I think most are useful idiots.

I think some are trolls that just wanna see normies freak out. The rest are legitimate retards that believe anything they see or read on pro/alt right media.

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This is the crux of it. You’re prob dirt poor, which means it’s the libs who’d take better care of you with a 1% redistribution of wealth like under fdr 75% tax rate...but you would never support an Elizabeth Warren because Repubs are strategically smarter than libs and both adopted your hot button issues and turned them into hot button issues. Immigrants are inherently evil, fetuses aren’t babies, and a fake news legal conspiracy in the 60’s and 70’s pretended that “militia” was in the 2nd amendment for shits and giggles...but you read that and you don’t think “huh maybe my views are the product of a nihilistic elite manipulating my beliefs to secure yet more power and money for them” you instead think “fuck you nigger”. Kind of a conversation killer.

A necessary evil.

Are you a grill? Post pussy

fucking idiots with a projection issue at hand.

Does he wear his MAGA while he does?

When he is factually correct?

It’s always been a meme war. Factions are meme factories

Yeah usually anti trump memes aren’t the best, however they do make good points

Can't wait to see Trump win easily again in 2020

Neither are like 50 other potential presidents

Really sad that the LibTards pushed it to this point.

The way you communicate sounds as if you were a character from a shitty Russian made mobile game

Hate trump, but there is some truth to that at this point.

Orange man very bad indeed

Thanks be to God...


just kidding, I'm a based pede. Fuck you faggot leftists and your nonsense. Trump will win 2020 and you'll all be MAD

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oinking little piggies who want to be led by a powerful man and would do anything for daddy trump because hes being mean to the people they dont like

>fellow countrymen bad

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>1950's suit wearing male, but in reality
They’re in a mid-life crisis trying relive their glory days when it was clear who the bad guys were and it wasn’t them. They’ve brought back McCarthyism but instead of China it’s AOC. At least this war won’t get us into nam.


>He’s one of the more honest presidents in history
lost hard
wow, it's been awhile since Yea Forums has convinced me someone is actually retarded
you are all just so fucking young and angry and ignorant. this democrat republican bullshit cycle happens about once a generation.
I'm not even that fucking old but I can remember 20 years ago when it was all about being as liberal and progressive as possible. It was cool to cheer on Clinton. now that's gone way to far with all the freaks and you have this hyper right alt white male angst movement.
the pendulum will swing back children, it always does. I know you all want to live out your little power fantasies about a civil war against trannies, times arrow marches forward

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They would vote for anyone who ran as replican

I’m not even that left leaning you fucking dimwit
You don’t have to be a liberal to hate a sellout prick who hasn’t even accomplished half of what he promised

And by the looks of it, you’re the mad one here.

Based on your 5th-grade-level writing skills, I’m going to assume you’re not from America, and that English is not your first language.
Election day is getting sooner everyday, so there’s going to be a lot of bait threads like this one. I replied to this thread, and I replied to you. That makes me gullible, so the joke is on me.

Can you imagine being so fucking "woke" you call a veggie a oppressive racist.
Cauliflower came from the Arabs btw.

Attached: Cauliflower Racist.jpg (164x176, 16K)

Jill Stein DID want a recount, quietly dropped after is started showing MASSIVE ballot fraud in Detroit.


Calls anyone right of Pol Pot, pro/alt right

Germany received less than 0.8% of their population in immigrants from the Syrian refugee crisis. They're the strongest economy in the EU, they can easily support such a small proportional amount of refugees. Apparently the rest of the world knows better than they do though.

And the Muppets who want to eliminate the electoral college intend to do this to the entire country...

Trickle down theory is retarded and so are you apparently.

You really think the money that was put into the factory goes to the workers? Let's do some math here.

Let's say 25 an hour, which is a high estimate.
Each worker $25 x 40hours (weekly) =
$1000/week x52weeks x 50 workers =
....2.6 million in a year..
The other $57,400,000 goes where?

When does that actually pay itself off in benefit for the workers and society?

~23 years to break even.

That's not including cost to open and run the factory. If investing in the future is your prerogative you should be looking elsewhere.


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Peak Left, the actual People they claim to represent are getting wise to the lies and they're flailing around for ways to seize power...

"Racism" is the Democrats new "Russia"

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At the cost of social infrastructure and cultural battles with opposing groups. Did you know that the majority of “Syrian refugees” that were taken in weren’t even Syrian let alone children. I don’t know why you find a way to rationalize this obvious problem when the very problem itself shouldn’t be here.

>If you take out the votes by illegals and dead people Trump won by millions.
Made up nonsense.

Britfag here and I can confirm this is true, muslim vermin cancer everywhere

Yep all the Somalia goat fuckers that voted for Hillary.
Jill Steins own Green Party wants to know where the 7 million they raised for a recount went. Just like Haiti is still waiting on the money the Clinton Fond. stole.

If you take out the shitty electoral college then he lost. Remember that Shillary had the popular vote.

About as retarded as a Bernie Sanders supporter.

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No disagreement here (although realistically both campaigns would have been run differently without the electoral college)

Keep telling yourself that...

Of course the problem shouldn't be there. It would have been nice if millions of Syrians weren't displaced by their own government, but here we are. Rescuing them from a refugee camp of 3 million in Turkey is an act of generosity which no country is compelled to do, and most aren't even capable of, but it's a pretty decent act.

>anyone that uses this meme is an NPC

Thankfully we're a Republic...


Slightly more retarded actually.

Non-citizens don't vote.

If you believe what trump's blatant unfounded lies you're so fucked up.

Imagine hating Trump because the media told you to.
Imagine not knowing why people hate Trump because you're just an NPC following the crowd.
Imagine being a democrat.

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You're not paranoid when they really are out to get you...

In theory, in corrupt reality Dem political operators make a specialty of it...

>announcing credentials on anonymous website.

I have 15 majors, 12 masters and 14 Docs and a Nobel prize in "you're wrong"


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That actually was pretty surprising, out n out hate teaching. Only solution is to kill god again

This map is so wrong Central asians and people of the Caucasus are considered white for one.

Any evidence of that?

White working class are as dumb as niggers....except they don't have any excuse for their stupidity.

This is why they hate niggers so much. They're threatened by them.

ecifically, the authors say that illegals may have cast as many as 2.8 million votes in 2008 and 2010. That's a lot of votes. And when you consider the population of illegal inhabitants has only grown since then, it's not unreasonable to suppose that their vote has, too.

All libtards hate facts.
Libtards own studies show 2.8 million illegals voted in Oboomas last race. But when Trump wins they say no illegals voted even
though all Dems were even telling them to vote.

I think Trump is "honest" in the sense that he's too stupid to know that he's lying, so he actually believes he's being honest.

It wasn't dropped. They did the recount and Trump still won.

suck more black cock, libtard

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>tiresome LibTard denialism
In the non-fake news after every election...


Science shows that conservatives are scared little bitches with overlarge reptile brains, and are deficient in processing complexity.


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they're kinda cute...

You seem to be fixated on black cock....I wonder why that is...

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Care to point me to a study or anything at all?

Bruh, we’re post industrial now. It’s globalization, where money earns money. No product, no work, just $$, making less $$ available for your wages. Literally fucking yourself in the ass.

Sorry you are a dumb cunt.
Dont be a bitch when you are wrong.
You assumed Im not educated. All i did was defend myself and you go REEEEE!!!!!
Your next step in the libtard manual is to call me racist.
Just more of the loving left.

Attached: libtard tweets.jpg (1200x700, 163K)

Yeah, pseudo-sceince like Phrenology that determined blacks are a submissive race meant to be enslaved.

trash that would literally end your entire fucking weak-chinned bloodline and sleep like babies after doing so. must be pretty shitty knowing any one of them are better people than you and your lefty kin. eat shit you queer.

A 2014 study in the online Electoral Studies Journal shows that in the 2008 and 2010 elections, illegal immigrant votes were in fact quite high.

"We find that some noncitizens participate in U.S. elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections," wrote Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, both of Old Dominion University, and David C. Earnest of George Mason University.

No fucking problem there's tons of studies if you look for them

Non Goolgle search engines are your friend...

You believe the world is ending in 12 years.
Who is the fucked up one here?
Also veggies are not oppressing you if you are worried and dont be scared of the hole in the sink

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Here is more science for your libtard mind

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That’s fake news m8. Where’d you even hear that?

you literally are a meme

I actually hope trump wins so the economy can crash on his watch, rebuking his tax cuts

no they aren't

Calls Trump and everyone that votes for him stupid.
Believes cow farts will kill us all

Attached: World ender.jpg (480x480, 44K)


That map's funny but wildly inaccurate.
Go read a book, you dolt.

In a rural society, the 99% were farmers, hence, the protections. Now that we’re post agrarian, all those tax benefits made for salt of the earth individuals is going to Patrick Bateman of the inequality factory. The fucking switch of the millennium.

Being as uneducated and unscientific as you is a curse and a blessing at the same time.

funny cause i just spent hours arguing with a nigger loving faggot who worked as a Democratic staffer and bragged about how he loved getting fucked in the ass by his nigger husband. fyi the vast majority of faggots vote for Democrats

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They're total tools voting against their actual interests

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64% of Quron is about what to do to the kaffirs (un believers), kid yourself all you want that book brainwashes them to rape and kill

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''Your study is wrong because I have one piece of anecdotal evidence''
-_-! Brilliant.

Calls not believing cow farts will end the world in 12 years uneducated and unscientific.
Same cunt thinks there is 500 different genders.
Who is the dumb shit here? Protip its you.

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Why the fuck are repubs so strategically superior to dems? Is it hawks vs doves? Are their god fearing rank and file just more credulous? Why hasn’t the electoral college been abolished yet?

Voting in Trump saved the country from total ruin. Him winning 2020 will keep it safe for another generation. After that it's anyones guess

Jesus. Google mischaracterization for me and then come back.

Because America is a shithole, a banana republic run like a company and whenever there is money involved things go south eventually because companies have only one concern and that is MONEY ie: PROFIT!

I pitty Americans. So rich and yet so poor.

>hasn't done shit
>is treated like a god
Personality cult to the extreme. Mao would be proud

Thats literally exactly what you did to me first.
Like all libtards when you get called out you fucking REEEEEE like a bitch.

>The Founding Fathers probably didn't anticipate a future in which those with less education would have dramatically higher political power on a per capita basis than other people
And those with the most education but the least conscience would have the largest megaphone re: citizens united; money is speech, corporations are people my friend

How so?

>Im graduating with a BS CS and pure math next year. What have you done academically, faggot?

so, in other words, you have a high school diploma.

"imagine if this shirt said something different, and the politician was someone different, and they did it in a different place, i bet the reaction would be different"

Very deep and very smart certainly

You do know the top 5 highest market value corps. are all Libtards.
45 of the top 50 zip codes voted lib.
Libtards are the party of the rich.

The kkk memes are alive and well goy

the 'libtards' have pushed you to the point of losing the ability to think logically?

True, God was cucked by satan

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this is so god damn true

They arent? The dems political goals are mostly keeping the upper middle class wealthy and big businesses happy, and a few individuals staying in positions of power themselves.

The republicans have held power despite a minority because the game is rigged and the dems know it serves their interests to keep it that way so they can position themselves are the people who are trying hard but with their hands tied.

>What do you think about Trump supporters?
>3 years ago
Honest mistake.
Oh, you're an idiot.

Seriously though. Our options were between a criminal and a reality TV show host.

I think next time, we should just pull a random name out of a hat from a pool of registered voters.

>this thread

Attached: npc golem.png (176x285, 8K)

>soviet heroes of ultimate justice
Your country is a dumpster fire of corruption, a gilded age without the gild, poverty and misery are your bread and butter, eat your daily pain and shut the fuck up

Imagine if Trump went around claiming to be a Indian.
Imagine if a white actor claimed a bunch of blacks lynched him cause he's white
Imagine if I said the world was ending cause of cow farts.
Now imagine why normal people think the left has lost there fucking minds.
Everyone thats right of Pol Pot is not a alt-right racist

Their banner policies at the last election were taxpayer funded healthcare for all and education cost reform. Sure is keeping the upper middle class wealthy.

I prefer Rawlings. Trump Supporters tend to bind.

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>Imagine if I said the world was ending cause of cow farts.
It's actually belching, but yes, factory farming meat is fucking up the climate. Researchers are telling us these things. Fuck educated people though right?