Why is society more demanding of men than of women?

Why is society more demanding of men than of women?

Attached: men_vs_women_1.jpg (596x453, 75K)

because they got the pussy

ive had women not care about any of those, what's your excuse?

Too true.

because if women where expected to do even half of what men had to do we would never live in civilization

I think it's obvious. I am not handsome, rich or famous.

nor am i. im poor, socially awkward and average in looks, overweight, and yet i still can get average women.

You found that 1 in a million. Or you are older and got one who is ready to "settle down" after years of fooling around and taking miles of cock using up her looks so she knows she needs to snag a man before she ends up alone.

In my country, even ugly women can have high expectations of men.

ive found 5 chicks that have accepted my penis, user. the only thing slowing you down is yourself.

how much time have you spent trying in person to get some pussy?

About 3 years.

Were they landwhales by any chance?

Well it depends what passes for "chicks" these days.

And there were dragons in that fairy tale?

Dont get me wrong. most guys can find a woman.

But if you want to play life on easy mode you need to be rich, hot or have a big dick. if you have more then one its better and if you have all 3 its like mike tyson boxing an 8 year old.

>No confidence.
Was asked out multiple times, nonetheless. Granted, I'm not as bad as those zoomer incels on Yea Forums. Its all a matter of opportunity. If you sit at home all day and don't interact with people on a regular basis, nobody will be interested in you.

>No money
Can't talk about that one, but this sentiment reeks of prole-dom. This is 2019, not 1950 folks.

>No college plans
I instantly lose interest in women that aren't interested in academia, but then > 50% of graduates in my country attend university.

>No friends
Often the same and really a dealbreaker. As with looks, you should generally seek out people who are as boring as you are, so you can be more comfortable around eachother and start something together to be less bored.

>Obscure interest
Only a problem if no confidence. You'd be surprised how open-minded people can be if they like you.

Guess what, looking good and cultural signaling ("style") works fine with men, too. Get in shape, fatass.

I've had/have all of these problems at one point or the other. Let me tell you that unless you're really hideous or unlikeable, those things are mostly a problem because they affect your mindset. Of course, men "ping" like 50 times more than women, so the latter do always have it easier. But they're also less interested in the casual engagement those men seek. And don't confuse your desperation and teenage horniness with actual interest in a woman.

no, one got close though.
born female, remained as such
understood, but if you don't have any of those 3 it doesn't mean you should just be sour grapes about it. i by no means think women don't have it easier, but do think spending your time complaining about it deters you from applying yourself to getting some. i think if you do it for too long you get into the same mindset as the incels.

ITT incels rationalizing to themselves why they shouldn't try and just give up, rather than making the changes they could be.
Its hard to change guys, I get it, but you have to. You're rationalizing your pain as permanent to avoid the difficulty of change. Its called learned helplessness. See a therapist.

I bet you play your video games on easy mode too, dont you?

That's the weirdest insult I've read all month.

Sure smells like a bunch of insecure faggots in here

I was few times at few therapist I have no idea why doctors are seen by people like youas universal solution for every mental problem . Can they read minds? I think that I know myself best and going to psychiatrists, psychologists, therapists is a waste of time and money. These people are only... people. They will serve me their standard speech, ask me questions that I could have come to myself if I had just thought about it and tell me what I already know very well. Most of us know the answers to the questions they can ask us and can imagine what we will hear during such a conversation with a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Nothing new, nothing we don't know.

>I know it all
>Specialists with years of training backed by scientific research are "just people" and have nothing to offer

Cool story, bro, but this sort of generalization is a pretty good sign that you don't know it all..

kek. This.
Again a classic example of rationalization of pain. Of not being open to change.

This sort of generalization is the result of years of experience in getting to know people, and the ability to distinguish between simple senseless psychological talk and real expertise.

Do you know that almost each of my friends who went and graduated in psychology at university had their own psychological problems?

So how can someone who is not completely mentally healthy himself supposed to be able to heal other people's minds?

Protip: Everyone is fucked, just in different ways. Doesn't say anything about their ability as a professional, and nothing at all about the quality of their science. Psychological problems are never solved by thinking really hard, but through healthy practice. Which you obviously can't do on your own.

That said, CBT is mostly garbage, unless you're dumb or have really specific issues. Individual practicioners can still make something out of it, though. But good old Psychoanalysis is where its at.

Because men are too thirsty

holy shit.
Okay. You know why you don't have friends or women don't want to sleep with you? Because you are a pedant who instead of trying to understand what people are trying to tell him, instead jumps into the minutia of the argument that makes him correct. Bear with me a second. Look, even if you are correct about therapy (you're not - see below) you aren't seeing the big picture that people in this thread are trying to tell you (which is you need to get over yourself and fucking get up and change). *This makes you absolutely insufferable to be around.* I bet you are nice and smart and tons of people want to be friends with you for about a week before realizing this aspect of your personality and very quickly stop hanging out with you.

So best of luck with that.

Re: therapists, You don't need to be "completely mentally healthy" in order to function as a therapist. That's not how it works. You don't need complete mental health to use a tool that you have been trained to use.

Man, that's probably a bit too much of an extraprolation. And I believe that his experiences are real, because I made them, too. Its why I advise against CBT for anything close to a personality disorder.

>Can't talk about that one, but this sentiment reeks of prole-dom. This is 2019, not 1950 folks.

You clearly took the beginnings of a politics course and quit before you got past the first few weeks. The proletariat are a changing morphing demographic not a snapshot of history.