Here's a little thought experiment Yea Forums called the Monty Hall Problem

Here's a little thought experiment Yea Forums called the Monty Hall Problem

There are 3 doors, behind which are two goats and a car.

You pick a door (call it door A). You’re hoping for the car of course.

Monty Hall, the game show host, examines the other doors (B & C) and opens one with a goat. (If both doors have goats, he picks randomly.)

Here’s the game: Do you stick with door A (original guess) or switch to the unopened door? Does it matter?

Try to figure out the correct choice without looking it up, it's a bit tricky so think carefully

Good luck Yea Forums :)

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whats the point of switching the door if odds are 50/50?

Odds are not 50/50


You switch to the other unopened door. The chance of picking right goes from 1/3 to 1/5.

that is correct, if you change your mind then your odds fall to 33%, stick with original guess at 50%. Stupid question, back to R3DD1T Faggot.

You mean from 1/3 to 1/2.

I still don't get this argument. Even if you do not change it your chances have gone to 1/2

there are 2 closed doors, one has the car the other one has the goat, how the fuck is that not 50/50 odds?


Yeah I don’t get it either, I don’t know if I’m retarded or what.

What if it started at 100 doors and went down to 2. Do you really think you picked the right door the first time?

What if we started with 1 million doors?

Always switch. Anyone who says 50/50 is a troll faggot

Accounting for variable change everybody

You made the first pick with a 33.3% chance to be correct. One variable is removed. If you switch, you increase your odds if you do not you keep your 33.3% pick.

This can be proven by increasing the amount of doors in the beginning.

There are 5,000 doors and you pick one. The judge the opens 498 doors. Do you hold your pick or switch?

This same experiment had been tested and while the odds may seem 50/50 the trail results showed that switching yielded a higher percentage of success in picking the correct door.

Switching is the best choice and if that doesnt make sense take some college math classes.

because the odds changed after the door was opened, you pick a door before the odds changed, therfore you most likley picked wrong initially (2 out of 3 change of being wrong)

fucking plebs

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You can have a better sexual experience with a goat than a car

It shouldn't actually matter, yet since it does I wonder if quantum mechanics is at play here.

What's wrong with getting a goat though? Just a pissed off lawn mower imo

It does matter. If there were 1 million doors then the odds you picked the correct door from the start are 1 in a million. If we opened 999 998 doors and left you with your initial pick and another door, the odds your door is correct is still 1 in a million. If you switch when only 2 doors remain, your odds are now 999 999 to 1 that you are correct.

I've never fucked a girl in a goat, it seems like a car is the better option.

yeah but if you sell that car, you can buy lots of goats to have a sexual experience with

OP here, lets get this fucking thread to page 1. tired of all the political shit and trap porn

yeah, odds changed from 33,3% to 50%, pleb

wtf, if you open 999998 doors, then you have 50/50 odds, since all the other doors are opened and wrong odds eliminated

but your pick didn't change, pleb faggot, The door you originally picked is still is probably 66% the wrong door

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No the odds haven't changed. If you have to pick a number between 1-1 000 000, you have a 1 in a million chance of guessing my number. If I start calling out all the numbers you got wrong, it doesn't change your chances at all. It is just dramatic flare. Opening all the "wrong" doors won't modify your chances. It is just for show.

You carry the same odds as your first choice. Thats what you're missing

Probably is often simple but rarely obvious. Since your chances of getting the right door were 1/3 if you switch your chance of having the right door is now 2/3. You can understand this by increasing the number of doors to 50. 1 winning door and you pick one. Is the prize behind it? Obviously you have a 1/50 chance of getting it right. Now the host opens 48 doors revealing the prize is not behind them. Changing your choice to the other door, the one you didn't pick, is now equivalent to being able to pick the 49 doors you didn't pick at first. So your chance of winning is 49/50.

Your odds don't magically increase as I start revealing "wrong" doors. Are you telling me that your odds of winning the lottery increase as i reveal all the losers who didn't win? Your odds don't change. Your odds DO change if you switch because I essentially revealed to you the 999 998 numbers that I didn't choose which is similar to me letting you guess my number 999 999 times instead of just once.


Incorrect. The prize has a 2/3 probability of being in either of the two doors that you didn't pick. If you open one of them it still has a 2/3 probability of being in either, but we now know where it isn't.


switch doors there is some bullshit math and more likely to win