Home thread. Only a month bros and we are going. What is everyone playing? Post your race/class and plans for the game...

Home thread. Only a month bros and we are going. What is everyone playing? Post your race/class and plans for the game. As usual, no Horde allowed. This thread is not for subhumans.

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If you're such a fucking loser that in the time from classic to now you don't have anything going on in real life, sure enjoy.

People are still playing WoW? Wow.

For me it's Human Warlock

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>What is everyone playing?

You saying I can't be hyped for the rebirth of the best MMORPG ever made and have a life? Mkay. Yikes.

Undead warlock. If not that then shaman, or hunter

m8 that is literally my OC you're posting and I'm Horde

Your permission to use my OC is revoked

World of Warqueefs? no thanks.

Good shit man. I loved that shit and co oped with a friend for like a year. Have fun with Santa and moon God. Building the ultimate GPS is a bitch tho cuz less than 1% drops and loot, fucking awesome game tho everyone should play through once.

I'm a Night Elf Mohawk!

-Mr. T

The game sucks now, i doubt this expansion will make it better. Also the alliance is for little boys who haven't grown up yet

human priest and dwarf warrior (you heard me right)

Deal with it subhuman. Also don't reply directly to me. Horde are not permitted to address a superior Alliance player directly without permission. Learn your place. Also out of my thread, shoes required horde scum.

Alliance is the best faction. We have best races. No shit class like shaman, we get Chad paladins. We also have the best cities and questing. Best mounts and leaders. Alliance always rapes horde in battlegrounds. Also we have shoes.


I have been playing on private servers for years, I have done it all.

yeah man, like lets not immerse yourself at all, just be a boney human again.

Everything is hunter gear anyway

I know you prefer fortnite

yeahhhhh, not on the servers I played. Also the horde has a better way of life. Just doing things instead of stupid diplomacy.

No shoes.

>inb4 you miss out leaking your ex gf

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Not playing hord this time to many squeakers

Fight me.

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What's going on? Are they going to release an older/ancient patch level of the game?
Never played it, only tried some offline version to walk around the world and see the content.
Never could stand the art/color/model-style.