Hi i want to stop wanking

Hi i want to stop wanking
I am a chinese overseas student and ive learnt wank when y6 we went out for cadet(in China we go to something like a hotel and one of my mate told me about wank) so later i went home and tried, first time my dick wasnt hard and i tried 30minutes to cum(when i was younger i like the feeling when dick is touched with sth hard eg: a horizontal bar in the park.) however it feels good when cum, its like when rank up to silver 2 in csgo(btw i just had 170h on csgo) anyway ive been wanking afterwards and espeacially in y8 when i came to australia, ive learnt sth called pornhub, which is something you will never find on a chinese website(unless you pay). Im in y9 currently and i tried to stop for a while, i was occupied by red alert3 aand csgo, but 2 weeks later i saw a porn AD when i was horney and not superosing i opend crome.
Plz help, i really dont want to jark off anymore,
I realised that because of over wanking i started sweating when gaming and it annoy me so much, and i also find out if i dont wank, i will be so much productive at class and my grade will be at average B instead of D of C.
I really really want to stop jerk off but everytime i get horney i cannot stop myself.
Anygood tricks or tips?

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you're missing out if you havent tried this

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Fak you in tring to stop wanking

You're young, enjoy it. Not wanking turns you into an asshole.

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You need to learn moderation. Wanking is like heroin. It's fun to do, but when it gets in the way of life it's time to give up on life and do more drugs. Remember you cannot fail your classes if you don't take them.

>Seriously though everything in moderation.
>Even Heroin

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Don't get stuck chasing grades and money, they will bring you the opposite of happiness.
Enjoy masturbating, also learn how to enjoy being around people and being social.
Happiness cannot be found in money, money only brings you physical comfort and fake friends, and both of those get old very quickly.
Happiness is found within yourself, not outside yourself.
Wank every day, young man. Enjoy youth because it is only a very tiny fraction of life.

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Jeses yall crazy,
I just wanna stop wanking.
My mom is yalling at me everyday of i have a good grade im gonna play csgo all day and be pro.
Everyone around me wants me to do well. I dont know.

They don't care how well you are, they are also flawed in thinking money will make you successful.
Fuck that, move into the woods and live a simple life and find a loyal 5 to impregnate and raise a family on the land.
You sound like you're going to shoot yourself, or wish you had, by the time you reach 30 years old.

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Get a hobby which doesn't require you to hide from the sun. Or you know, get a full time job. Grades really aren't everything. You have too much free time on your hands, so er take your penis out of your hands and go outside more.

Or do drugs, lots of drugs.

Bro you're young, not wanking is unnatural and potentially harmful to your sexual function in the future.
It's fine at your age, most guys are wanking 6 - 10 times a day. If you're only doing it once in a while then it's not having the effect you thin it is, you're just imagining that's the cause.

And wtf, silver 2? I was LEM before I quit playing that broken ass game AND jerked off multiple times a day when I did it.

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If you jerk off too much you can damage the nerves in your dick. Might not sound like a big deal, but when you come to actually have sex and you can't cum...

Imao im 1.6player and i just started this GAME so im bad, i cant sprey m4a4 so yeah.

Yes, thank god for a normal comment

How much is too much, obi-fuckin-wan?

Don't spray, learn to control. Spray is for noobs who are desperate for a kill.

If you are jerking off 10 times a day I'd bet you have done permanent damage. Shouldn't really be jerking off every day either, twice a week's fairly normal. So there you have it, rocks off cocks, go outside and be normal.

Not a problem my confused friend. I was being serious when I said you won't be able to feel sex. It's hell.

Thank you, i will try. I sometimes get horney 3times a day, sometimes once a week. Kinda weried. But ok

Alroghti, i play peepee bizon anyway, its my favouriate gun.

exercise more, talk to people whom you want to fuck more.

This motherfucker ain't chinese.
Goddamnit, normie Yea Forums, get off the internet and quit feeding trolls.

I am took shy to talk with girls, cuz in China if u ever talk to a girl in School, within 10mins ur whole class knows and started teasing u 4 this.
Anyway i guess i like chinese girls more than aussies, i'd ruther fuck a good lookin girl than a milf.

Now u believe it?
I just happened to be australia too long and i learnt some slang

>I am took shy to talk with girls, cuz in China if u ever talk to a girl in School, within 10mins ur whole class knows and started teasing u 4 this.

They are only jealous user. Talk to the girls and don't give a fuck, don't let them hold you back.

What the fuck kind of beta bullshit is that, fucking with you about liking girls?
tell them they're gay and obviously somethings wrong with them for NOT liking girls.
Reverse that dumb shit on them.
I was the first of my friends to have a gf and it was full on respect because I was also the first one having sex.
Fuck those beta kids, they all want the same thing but are keeping eachother down.

anyone using snapchat...thank me later

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Quit spamming this garbage everywhere, no one wants to see your lame ass snapchat full of bland as normie porn.

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Wots beta kids btw
Alright thats some new shit
Btw i ve got a girl always tring to talk to me dirong french class but she does't really is my type, i dont know wot to do i dont want to even talk to her now.

Best to accept the attention of a girl that likes you than struggling to get the attention of a girl who never noticed you.
Go for it, bro.
Betas are young guys that are scared of girls and try to stop their friends from having a gf.

>Btw i ve got a girl always tring to talk to me dirong french class but she does't really is my type

Ask her to hang out. Get to know her a bit better and see if she is your type or not. It's not about looks, honestly a girl with a good personality is hard to come by. Don't be shy user.
