Trips decides what I should put in my asshole

Trips decides what I should put in my asshole.

I have a couple of dildos, fruits (zucchini and cucumbers), the bathroom plunger, a vibrator, pens and pencils. If you want to add anything to the list go ahead.

For proof I'll put it on my SC story.

SC: tkesting10

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put a 2 liter pepsi distributor up your ass

Poat penis

Mason jar

put a fucking baseball bat handle up there

Headstock of a guitar

use me

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I tend to hit trips more often when I’m not trying to


put your fist up your ass, as far up there as you can

let me get an asshole timestamp first

Blow dryer max heat. Quickest way to heat the core up.

The cock of the closest male

cactus up ass

A shower head

Cucumber with toothpicks inserted at 45 degree angle. So it inserts easy pulls out hard

A doorknob

Bowling ball pin

A bleach enema

Traffic cone

Lube a metal rod like object and put it up your was. Then if you can put something else up there.

Check em

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OP is fag. He isn’t even here

A nigger fist

bros can thank me later

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Pop can. Unopened

Largest dildo you have plus peanut butter for lube

Big fat log of chew. Opened.

Grand Piano

Shit doesn't work

a real cock

Stick of deodorant

two fists

bathroom plunger but the plunger itself first

Roll for tide pod