Can we start a genuine "YLYL" thread? I got a friend I want to show funny pics to but I don't have my computer on hand. Ill start with what I've got saved on my phone (He's already seen those).
Why has this shitty meme template where it's literally just white text on the top and a jpeg image on the bottom, 9 of 10 times it's just fucking garbage and unfunny
I am curious, can this guy walk around with his leg skin burrito out?
Jordan Green
Why you gotta make normal people out to look like weirdos? the nigga that posted this doesn't even have kids and never will LOL. Honestly follow the goose and grow up you fucking poser.
I know you think I'm a fucking fag A Democrat lurking in the breads This sucks, I'm the Kike spam jerk Ray Pist I fap to traps Of loli dolls straight from Japan Andy six logs, he was never as steamy I think you know what I need to get b8 smth 4 ur B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T smth 4 ur B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T
I know you think I'm a summerfag "My user gay, " I'm an incel Make way I'm in my suicide mood Mama, I needs food, how about tendies? For us the beta males, so friendzoned Remember when reeeee? I don't know what you need to get b8 smth 4 ur B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T smth 4 ur B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T, B.A.I.T
"Oh, uh... ok. Then I wish 18 had a fat meaty megacock to punish my faggot ass with," exclaimed the small bald faggot to the long, thick dragon that he was currently fantasizing about using as a dildo.
Lucas Smith
Fuckin' lost
Owen Baker
I really think this is more of a mission for Tom.....
Isaiah Ward
Star Trek: Next Generation! Stay tuned next week for what Riker fucks next!
Venice joined the alliance that was initially formed solely against it with some of its enemies also switching sides
Jaxon Long
lol spic
Ryan Davis
That stupid motherfucker was gonna try to put it back in place...
Owen Green
stop already. In multiplayer team-match-games, there will often be an auto-balance-function active between matches. Should one team get raped by the others, players are forced to the other team to "even it out". This is what is referenced in the filename.
The joke is that they ended up fighting each other with similar alliances, just on the opposite sides
Austin James
Lol’d, nice work user
Henry Martinez
ah that makes more sense that what mr videogame expert said
Landon Stewart
>its actually an illegal border wall that the jews put up to preserve their gains in the palestains Israel exists now because the rest of the world keeps kicking Jews out of their country. Palestine is a shit home and Palestinians live better in Israel than they do in Palestine. Install is one of the only Middle Eastern country's to actually offer advancements in science, technology, or medicine.
It means >I'm going to sleep >I'm going to die >I'm going to kill myself It's a normie tier shit skin meme being posted by some spic pile of human trash with an Iq below 90. We need a fire wall too to keep these useless sub human brainlets off the internet. The internet is American soil, just as the moon is. It's not just our right, but our duty to remove nonwhites from it.
Colton Martin
not a single good one. all of you should feel ashamed
Could you do us the favor to post a good one then?
James Cook
"and here we can see a typical jew"
Blake Brooks
That dick seems too big for that.
John Rogers
that's what i call working for your belief
Jace Ward
12 maybe 13/25
Julian Lewis
Got me.....Why? I don't know.
Carter Edwards
Because someone will see the priest when they walk in on you. Duh!
Ethan Cox
That's so unfortunate. She used to be dead sexy!
Jackson Stewart
i guess it was a terrible joke on my part. i thought it looked like a jew nose
William Davis
What a weird looking dog?
Jaxon Garcia
Why? You think Hank would be all loose and played out? He's only been with 1 woman and that's his wife. Hanks as faithful as the day is long, and if his best friend Boomhower -who pulls bitches, let me assure you - describes Hank as tight well, that's a compliment. Yeah I bet Hank is quite tight. I tell you what
Hunter Powell
holy shit I lost.
Easton Torres
Lomg live this thread, jfc, I'm surprised it's still up.
Brandon Moore
Charles Turner
The result of trying to answer an age old question
Jace King
My friend, heather
Blake Thomas
Lost. Ass rape is always funny.
Luis Butler
hey fuck off not all racists are retards.
Blake Stewart
>letting your mom hit you fucking faggot
Tyler Bennett
Yes they are. You have to be a moron to be a racist. The two are linked....
Gabriel Carter
Mason Morales
user: still posting on
Ayden Rogers
>this person would ban real women of legal age who look young from participating in porn
Christian Hughes
>5 year olds being faggots Good point.
Jonathan Phillips
fuck off damon
Dominic Bell
I had to Google it to confirm but good God she blimped out
Cameron Thomas
Who is the crying dude there?
Ryder Martin
It looks like Sargon of Dorkwad. What's that fag crying about?
Landon Bailey
>transgender people are deluded about their chromosomes are you retarded?
Ian Jackson
They should hang the person who thought it’d be a good idea to cast Rosie O’Donnel as Betty
Christian Wood
She’s a big girl. I’d eat cottage cheese off her lumpy ass