[s4s] daily nof*p thread #10

dis thread is for all of you who want to stop f*pping! u ar not alone. there ar a bunch of us here who r willing to support one another. beating addiction is hard so lets do id together!!!!

pls share tips and tricks dat work for u. and if u slip up dond be ashamed to share it so we can identify the problem and help u in the future

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Tip: Just dont do it

ops progress: i am going to start da counter on tomorrow's thread. dis time im aiming for 2 full weeks!!!

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But I don't wanna stop fapping

i only did it once instead of 5 or 10 times so im getting somewhere

u do u fren. dis thread is for people who want to stop. im not here to judge other peoples life choices. i just want to help does who dond want to f*p

The problem with people like you, OP, is that they lack inner strength. I love fapping, sometimes I'll do fap marathons where I just watch video after video and cum to each one. Even still, when I want to stop, I can stop. It seems that in your current state you're no better than a deadbeat junkie. I figure your soul is too weak so I'd recommend having sex, it's basically weightlifting for your soul.

GABMARE FREN!!! i promise ill join u tto!
dubs! wooh!
OP's nod a junky... ebery1 has weaknesses ob dere own ann OP's maekign wonderflel progress!

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I imagine you're able to control your masturbational desires, doremiposter?

i wuz ablel tto ddo id widout thinging when i caem tto [s4s]... i had tto maek tiem ffor id bcuz i nno ids nod hlelthy tto nod ddo id ffor tto longe

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.47.[640x480].[6ED94EE9].v2.mkv_snapshot_04.08_[2017.08.20_09.31.37].jpg (640x480, 198K)

dubs!! da entire point of dese threads is to help me and other frens build self control and overcome our addictions.

based and inner strengthpilled
You won't get anywhere with these tactics, kid. Imagine not going on Yea Forums for 2 weeks. It's not like you're gonna be like "nah i dont feel like going there, i've got other things to do" afterwards.

wat ar ur suggestions fren?

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today I touched my penis

have sex?

shut up, you stupid pedo

punch yourself every time you fap past your weekly maximum. after about a week of breaking the max you won't even get close to it

Just set up live webcams in your bathroom or wherever you fap and then you won't want to do it duh

okay this is brilliant

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Yeah I thought of it when I was in the psych ward never touched my bepor while in there not even to pee

dond b r*de
eat nice food...

Attached: おジャ魔女どれみ♯ 第42話「魔法をつかわない魔女」(DVD 640x480 WMV9).avi_snaps (640x480, 201K)