"If you don't like America, leave" is such a lazy, sloth-like, cuckbrained way of thinking...

"If you don't like America, leave" is such a lazy, sloth-like, cuckbrained way of thinking. The kind of people that apply that logic in other things in life don't get anything done. This is not a doer mentality. Have a problem? Ehhhh just leave it. Donald Trump is a confirmed nigger. That's precisely how niggers think. Nigger president.

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Don't like it? Get out!

I agree, we should shoot them all and burn them in a pile.

They should leave though if they hate it so much

if you guys waited a couple days between these threads you would probably get a more entertaining response.

And, he's telling people who don't like their own countries to stay there?

get out liberal

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with what? trump supporters are as anti gun as liberals,not that it matters anyway.you retards sit in your trailer parks all day and fuck your sisters

That's basically what liberals are saying, probably because they hate America themselves

If you don't like America, leave.

your right,and the guy who's hats get made in china.who's wives come from europe,and shits on the constitution sure does love america doesnt he.you retards who support trump just prove how stupid americans are

Trump 2020
Deport anons family 2020

Mexican: VIVA MEJICO!!!

So... if you don't like America, you should stick around and keep complaining? I guess that makes sense, in a weird kind of way

Fuck I can’t wait for the next civil war.

I helped 3 illegal families get deported in the last month I did my part

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How does he shit on the constitution? I already know what you're going to say by the way. You're the same fucking retard that says this every goddamn fucking day. But go ahead and tell me anyway, I love laughing at your fucking stupidity.

blacks are only capable of organizing at kfc and welfare office


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>So... if you don't like America, you should stick around and keep complaining?
Apparently yes, according to the left. They think it's perfectly normal and acceptable for people who hate this country to live in it.

There is no logic in people who dislike Our President. You are preaching upon deaf ears. The only thing we should do now is deport deport and deport.

I blame it on the shitskin muslim politician who married her own brother

It's not just her though. A lot of people on the left feel that way about this country. Race has nothing to do with it either. But it is funny they're saying it's racist what Trump said because they know a lot of niggers and spics think that way yet refuse to fucking leave.

Central America? South America? They ARE leaving. (Not the sharpest tool in the shed)...

Shouldn't he leave then? Nobody complains more than him. His supporters should also leave, because they hate their country so much they want to kill at least half of its population.

You are correct.
My hatred for the left grows day by day.
I shouldn’t get over emotionally invested in this though. The best option for me at the moment is to deport as many illegal family immigrants as I can before I am found out in this neighborhood and move and repeat the process.
I know it isn’t doing much in the grand scheme of things, but as long as I can make a few parasites suffer, I am happy.

USA is the only real America.Thats how the rest of the world sees it (you must be from a 3rd world shithole country)
You must be a retard or something ~

We want to kill the worthless people like you and your spic family lol

You want to flood our country with uneducated violent savages, you should probably leave America.

It's not just "don't like", it's "hate the core values of". And if you hate them as much as the "squad" clearly does, they should leave. And, as Trump said, try their bs in other countries and if it works come back and show us how it's done.

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Spics are not half of the population, number one. And illegals absolutely need to be removed from this country and rightly so.

Somalia is one of the safest countries on the planet.
The best people come from their like Omar.

Why? I left Portland OR because it was too libtarded
Best decision of my life

You should both leave. You clearly hate living here.

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.

I just love how we're all suppose to pretend just because they are "citizens" that means they love this country. Puerto Ricans in general are not patriotic, and as a collective group either are muslims. I'm sick of this PC bullshit from the left. They never call these people out.

Once the Muslims and Spics are gone and cut off the blacks welfare. it will be paradise. That includes you and your family.

trump supporters want to kill everyone who's not white, all liberals, and everyone who doesn't support trump, and they want the remaining women to be sex slaves. so that's probably more than half the country.

Wanting key things to not change for the worse is called protecting your country. Wanting to change the core tenants of individual liberty this country was founded on, such as the "progressive" left, means you hate the country at it's core. Those people really should leave.

Found the leftist faggot internet cyber warrior

I'm satisfied with having them here. You're not happy living here, you should get the fuck out. You're not a patriot, you hate America.

>They never call these people out.
With luck the left can regain their senses within a decade or so.

I pay taxes something your whore mother and parasite father has never done lmao

The Squad members are nothing but sensationalists and demagogues. Probably socialists, too. And while I agree some socialists ideas are acceptable, the issues these four are focusing on clearly undermine what the average citizen desires. Open Borders? Abolishment of ICE and legal immigration? Bet they live in gated communities with private security while spewing this hypocrisy.

You are a role model

No, the people who openly call for communist policies or Islamic horse shit are the ones who should leave. Why doesn't that dumb bitch AOC move to fucking Cuba or any of the other dozens of (((socialist))) countries? Then I'm suppose to believe she loves America?

AOC is a fucking lying bitch who continues to keep the lie she grew up in the Bronx, even though she didn't

gay marriage is america, welfare is america. If you don't like it leave.
This triggers the trumpflake

Thank you, waiting for the civil war so I can spill their blood without having to hire a lawyer.

She's a fucking spic isn't she? Why does she have any bit of power in the US? What a fucking roach. She hates you and is against you.

>No, the people who openly call for communist policies or Islamic horse shit are the ones who should leave. Why doesn't that dumb bitch AOC move to fucking Cuba or any of the other dozens of (((socialist))) countries? Then I'm suppose to believe she loves America?
You must mean the jews. maybe if americans quit obsessing over israel so much it might happen.

"I am a whiner and I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining 'till I win. and I'm gonna win for the country and I'm gonna make our country great again"


The only harm gays are doing to is themselves and the youth.
The real threat are illegals and Muslims.

>Nigger president

No that was the last guy, trump is darth cheeto

Immigration is america, if you don't like it leave.

Yeah all of those jews beheading people in the middle east and openly calling for the death of America. Damn jews.

you sound like an entitled millennial who works at mcdonalds.

Millennials are so lazy they still live with there parents. if they go to school instead of paying for it they complain about student loans.

When I was 23 in 1967 I had my own care, payed off my own $5,000 house and had 3 kids with my wife. What is wrong with Millennials? Its because of their participation trophies.

>Immigration is america, if you don't like it leave.
We still have native americans

isn't this a cyber warrior forum though? it's been a non-stop skirmish since 2016 at least.

>Yeah all of those jews beheading people in the middle east and openly calling for the death of America. Damn jews.
Behind every head chopping muslim is a jew lawyer telling white people to allow him to immigrate to america.

Your death will be a victory for America you boomer leech.

Alright kid, you've shitted up the thread enough. Go back to playing fortnite, MEN are talking in here.

Fuck you, I helped pay for this country. I pay my fucking taxes and had a job and made money. You probably don't even have a job you lazy sack of shit millennial.

Кaкoвo этo - лизaть aмepикaнcкyю зaдницy, чмoня?

They don't hate it. They love the country and want the best for it. They hate far right policies and the idiot in the White House. Your problem is that you equate Trump and your policy beliefs to America. That's not what America is. In fact, that way of thinking is distinctly un-American. But you're stupid, so you don't see that.

I can confirm leak shit this works

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Don't like it, leave.

Half the fucks crying about what he said are the ones claiming to have been moving to Canada if he got elected anyways.


Can't wait for the boomer die off. You all ruined the economy and are unapologetic. Fucking die you old shit.

oh, i promise you we pay way more than you. my dad owns a multi-million dollar company. even our property tax probably outweighs everything you pay.

How is praising Islam while at the same time refusing to denounce terrorist groups, expressing love for America? How does that work?

We didn't ruin the economy, we made it strronger. You fucking ruined the economy with Obama and shit.

Wern't you faggots threatening to leave if you didn’t get your way last election got your bluff called and acted like little bitches?

Just checking

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this isn't that relevant to modern politics. Native Americans got all kinds of fucked up but this doesn't really reflect immigration policies

My family was here first and I contribute to society. I don’t spread disease or speak in tongues. I don’t steal from the poor or form peasant gangs. I think I’ll stay. And actively work on removing these worthless humans from behind the scenes.


racist slurs = no cred

That's what makes this whole thing more ridiculous. The same people bitching about what Trump said are the same ones who constantly trash this country, demand it be more like other socialist countries, and threaten they're going to move if they lose the election. Then get the fuck out, no one's forcing you to be here.

Your a liar and your dad is a drunk

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trivial cunts

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There is nothing un-American about respecting Islam and acknowledging its good attributes. You know, the First Amendment that you're casually ignoring. You're listening to Trump and Fox. Both have claimed that Congresswoman Omar, for example, blamed the US for 9/11. That's simply not true. She has spoken out against discrimination of Muslims in the US (you know, like what you're doing). Trump has tried to twist that into her blaming the US for that attack. He's nonchalantly given credence to claims that she married her brother, which is also untrue. But he can do this because there is anti-Muslim fear and hate in this country. The same discrimination she speaks against,that he then lies about. It feeds itself, with people like you keeping it alive. But none of what Trump has claimed is based on fact. Like so many other things, he's lying. But he knows he can, because you'll never question him, like a good dog. Trump and his (dishonest) words matter more to you than this country and our Constitution.

I’m not a huge trump fan, or even a fan of most government in general, but the man has a point, if you have such a problem with this country and can’t even pretend to come up with a solution gtfo

oh, its time for tears and playing the Sensitive Woman, Wounded Bird Act.


>There is nothing un-American about respecting Islam
Uh, yes there is. Have you been asleep the last 20 years? Were you still in your father's ballsack on 9/11?

>acknowledging its good attributes
Which would be none. If you love Islam so much than GTFO and go live in the middle east.

Islam is shit and has no good attributes. Unless you agree pedophilia and throwing gays off buildings is a good attribute.

The solution is eat the rich, and the white. They don't exactly hide it.

>"everyone is entitled to their own opinion"
>"in this country we have freedom of speech"
>"oh you disagree with me? that's preposterous. leave this country right the fuck now. freedom is for niggers and muslims"
>"kill everyone who doesn't want be a slave or a cuck for the rich guy"

I hate republicans so god damn much.

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my dad drinks fuckloads of coffee, but no alcohol.

The left fucks are sure good at playing that act eh?

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Shut up, commie.

The constitution is a cope out everyone uses when they don’t have any other argument the right to say things freely doesn’t give you any right not to be ridiculed or prosecuted for what you say. Ohmar literally wants to establish sharia law and has mentioned its “advantages many times, not to mention she’s probably one of the most retarded congress representatives in the country because she has absolutely no experience and should be voted out for the sake of the state of Minnesota or heaven forbid the entire state becomes the next Detroit

There is a difference between disagreement and hating this country with a passion, like those four cunts clearly do. Why do liberals think hating America while living in it is good for the country? How does that make sense?

Be refugee from Somalia. Rape, pedophilia, stonings a daily occurrence. Get lucky enough to escape and make it to the USA. Do nothing but bitch and complain about how terrible it is and do your best to turn it into Somalia. Wonder why everyone hates you and wants you to leave.

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The Founding Father's would be disgusted with you. It's the first thing in the Bill of Rights, yet you're somehow ignoring it. You're disgusting and should feel ashamed of yourself. And, no, I'm probably older than you. I understand what the fuck happened. But I'm also not a reactionary idiot who will let hate mongering control me while assholes take advantage.

I'm disgusted by those things. I think societies in the Middle East are ass backwards. But a good thing about being American is moving beyond everyone else. Or it's supposed to be. We won't allow those things to occur here. But at the same time, we recognize the fundamental right to practice whatever religion we choose. It's amazing how little you care about the First Amendment. I bet you think you're a patriot, too. How sad for you. Maybe you'll get better someday.

liberals... KeK

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Lotta nonarguments in this thread.

Exactly, this is literal retardation in full force. Islam is such a great thing even though the country I fucking fleed is an Islamic dump and I would be beheaded if I did any of the stupid shit I do and say here. Oh btw we should do all of the things that made it a shit hole here too.

Jesus fucking Christ, go the fuck back to Kikebook with this fucking bullshit

Forget all the politics and everything going on with anything now.

Democracy thrives on our ability to criticize the government, no matter how good or bad they are. These are ideas adopted in the age of reason during the enlightenment. All ideas must be subject to criticism without exception.

So yes any president who says "don't like it, leave" is a serious fucking problem.

“Won’t allow those things to occur here”
Buddy, you sure you live in America? Our politicians live off of this shit

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bad argument, because liberals say there are 50 genders or some shit. so there could be 49 wage gaps between them.


Not an argument.

Actually the founding father would be in full support of kicking out all the muslims and spics who have no loyalty to the country. Why the fuck would they want anti-americans living and leeching off of the country they just finished fighting for? And FYI the 1A is not a cover for people to say whatever the fuck they want about America, and if you don't like it you're "racist".

Bone spurs 2020

this is a perfect example of the problem with you people
>democrats: "h-hey I want to talk about things like poverty and homelessness and m-maybe it would be a good idea to have healthcare available to all?"

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Not arguments.

Healthcare will never be available for all unless of course you want to pay even more taxes, but of course none of you want to do that do you?


Keep on proving my point, my idiot friend.

Holy shit. Yes, it absolutely does. I cannot believe how wrong you are. There are exceptions to First Amendment protection, such as fighting words and slander. But the First Amendment absolutely does protect anything you want to say about America, its government, and its policies. Your are fucking stupid. Your don't know what the fuck you're saying. My God, beat yourself to death. Take some time away from the tranny porn, go do just a little bit of research, and feel like the moron you are. This is one of the most basic principles of American freedom and you don't know this. Maybe you should take a citizenship test. You're not racist because you don't like what they say. You're racist because you're the kind of person who uses the word "spic," and thinks brown American citizens who don't agree with your policy beliefs should be kicked out. Please get depression, pick up a substance abuse problem, and kill yourself.

First of all "healthcare for all" is VASTLY different from "we're going to take your PRIVATE healthcare and force you onto medicare whether you want it or not". That is literal communism and has no place in America.

Not an argument.

Trump supporters are lucky they don't have the holy living crap beaten out of them on a consistent basis srsly

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Not an argument.

This! Oh, and by the way...

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You realize people were literally getting their asses beaten for bad mouthing America right? All the 1A says is you cannot get arrested. That does not mean the founding fathers would stand there and watch a group of fucking beaners waving their spic flag and demanding gibs and open borders. Those spics can't even fight for their own countries from fucking gangs, Puerto Rico is a failed state with a corrupt government, AOC never says a fucking word about this, but I'm suppose to believe they love America?

he is a HURE

Not an argument.

The argument is that you are lucky you have the 1st Amendment to protect you from having the fucking shit slapped out of you for posting that drivel whenever you get mad trumpshit.

Not an argument.

Plus Donald Trump's whole campaign slogan (
Make America Great Again) implies that America is flawed and Donald Trump wants to change it. Which is exactly what he's calling for as criteria for deporting people.


Not an argument.

Not an argument

mods these are bots

Not an argument.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

nigga I'm on like two dubs so far this thread, go suck your uncle's microdick


No, his slogan was that King Nigger was turning the whole country into a shithole. And he was right.


>in Russia

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>yfw Donald Trump is actually King Nigger

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

>King Nigger
Finally, some honesty. Usually it's pages and pages of arguing with a racist and they still don't admit that they're racist. For pages. Hours in some cases.

they're not on our land. they're on land that's so not ours, they have their own police departments and don't pay federal tax.

mods these are bots

Snot a blargument

You're still talking?

No one cares what you believe. You don't matter.

Not arguments.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Aren't you the same faggot who was crying earlier being racists on Yea Forums? What happen, did you get banned from Kikebook or something?

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

kek. you literally disregarded my whole point in a heartbeat. It doesn't matter if healthcare for all is unrealistic. America is supposed to be a free country where people can think, feel, and say what they want. But the second someone even dares to say something that isn't in complete line with trump and his republican goons, it's muh izzlam and muh traitors and muh go homes

every fucking time

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Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not arguments.

>Country X has this policy and it works
>doesn't go live there because everything else about it sucks

>doesn't say a single thing of actual substance
>crying like a pussy over Trump instead

It's okay, I didn't expect you to have an argument anyway

Not an argument.

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Not an argument.


how do I know this is literally you

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Not an argument.

LOL, cant wait to vote for him again!

Uuuhhh ok so that slogan is actually one the KKK used.. do with that what you will

I bet that kid would still whoop your ass in a fight

What is it with you democrats and sex? Is that all you think about?

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Racists are excited to have Racist in Chief for the second time.

Not an argument.

>Uuuhhh ok so that slogan is actually one the KKK used.. do with that what you will

The KKK was created by Democrats though.

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Not arguments.

Not an argument.

>trump supporters are as anti gun as liberals
[citation needed]

Not an argument.

I actually made the argument that should have shut you up.
Instead you're using a script boris.

I love you

Not an argument.

He's just gonna say bump stocks. It's always the same fucking guy who says this, then uses bump stocks as his shining example.

Good argument. I love you, too.

ACA is on the way out. Federal judge took steps toward replacing it within the last few days.


Not an argument.


My name is Boris. Quick kiss me before liberals ban hate speech!

America hasn’t been a free country for 200 years mate, I hate to break it to ya, but if you pay taxes, and have to pay for other people shit with those taxes, you aren’t free you’re just s corporate slave

It's not gay if it's an argument.

No it isn't trumpshit. The judge's ruling is in a holding pattern which we can use to our advantage

was created by and is still filled with Democrats.

mods this is a bot

and yet you support racist Republican party policies and President. Curious.

Not an argument.

>"I am a whiner and I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining 'till I win. and I'm gonna win for the country and I'm gonna make our country great again"
Like how trump says that is how he wins? Trump literally said "I am a whiner and I'm a whiner and I keep whining and whining 'till I win. and I'm gonna win for the country and I'm gonna make our country great again"

mods this is a bot

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

That slogan is found around the world throughout history. America is not special.

racism is the new russia

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Not an argument

Not an argument.

I'm gonna persuade that ass

Not an argument.

It invalidates your attack on them for "crying" when that is literally how Trump gets his way.

Not an argument.

I don't want to stop illegal immigration as long as its Russians.

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your mom is the new your mom

I hate to be the one to break it to all the lefties in here, but the dems are literally going to bend over and let trump win again unless they can find a candidate that can even remotely compete with his massive following, all the dems are literally going to be tearing each other apart for the same votes meanwhile everyone that voted for trump in 2016 is going to vote for him again because the dems are doing nothing to appeal to them



If you don't like USA pick a plane and shoot it in a building!

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Republican confirmed
>would have also accepted: cheap labor to be exploited rather than pay an American a fair wage

Not arguments.

There is the phenomenon of white niggers. Multigenerational white Americans who are still poor and powerless despite all the opportunities granted by the greatest country on earth. How is it that they remain poor and weak, fat, drug addicted, etc meanwhile a first generation immigrant works hard and accumulates more wealth than the white niggers could ever imagine?
It’s because they have the nigger mentality. Trumptards are no different than bernietards, both think they they are entitled to government handouts except trumptards think that non White’s took those opportunities from them. It’s truly the mentality of the weak and vulnerable. No wonder both parties bait them to vote and do nothing for them.

Not arguments.

if you love America suck my dick


Not arguments.

>but the dems are literally going to bend over and let trump win again
So why is it never because you're going to be dumb enough to vote for him? You're a lot like your President in that regard, blaming others for choices YOU made.

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No, it's a reasonable expectation. If you stay in someone's house and hate it there you should move and leave people who love their home alone. The same is the case with your hating the country you reside in.

Not an argument.

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mods this is spam

>racism is the new russia

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I agree that "your mom is the new your mom" is unarguable

Not arguments.

Saying that is not actually an argument faggot.

mods this is a script some Russian loser is posting
it's spam under the Global Rules

No that's not what he said at all. What he said is the whole reason you're in this country is the countries that your family emigrated from are the asshole of the world. He said it in the context of maybe think about the failed policies that you advocate for before you try to fundamentally change the best nation the world has ever known.


You know what's funny is that Trump didnt even name anybody specifically. That was meant to expose the anti American liberal pieces of shit for who they are

Not arguments.

yes he did trumpshit
why can't you just admit you find people like AOC "uppity?" That you'd want them "sent back?" Just say it.

mods this bot is still spamming

Not arguments.

Not arguments.

You basically support Treason against this country if you voted for Trump.

Attached: 000-019.jpg (1484x989, 261K)

Not an argument.

mods this bot is still spamming

Not an argument.

shut the fuck up you retarded piece of shit
I've read your feeble attempt to excuse the imbecility of Donald "Fuckboi" Trump
it's about as strong as a Donald Trump erection with a woman over the age of 18 (1/32nd of a full chub)

Read the rules before posting next time

Not an argument.

read the rules spambot

you don't have to pay taxes if you don't use the currency or own property on the land, etc. if you lived in unincorporated land and bartered with rabbit furs, you could possibly live tax free.

Not an argument.

What if it's your house too, and you hate how other occupiers/owners are affecting you

Not an argument.

mods this is a bot

Not arguments.

A) Because I don’t vote, thinking you’re vote matters is retarded if you don’t live in a swing state like Iowa or Florida
B) because the democrats have done literally nothing to appeal to trumps massive audience of supporters

Mods we want a good posting experience. This poster is a bot. Bots are against the Global Rules here. Please do your job.

>you're vote
>trumps massive audience of supporters
If I put some cheezwhiz on a twinkie and deep-fried that filthy shit I'd hit 90% with them

Not an argument.

>I don’t vote,
which basically means "I had the power to stop Trump and I didn't." Good job dumbass.

Attached: 000-048.jpg (750x375, 29K)

Not an argument.

stop spamming bot

Not arguments.

Leave, you faggot

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Ah yes the ludacrisly viable and totally not illegal business of trading furs, too bad 80% of the land in this country is federal property and protected from any form of hunting

Not an argument.

Fine. I'll pretend you're a real poster.
Actually they are arguments. You're a coward who refuses to address them.

Sir, it is you with the lazy, sloth-like, cuckbrained way of thinking

Consider: Trump is saying this in the context of doing everything he can to actually improve America. If people are complaining while things are improving, they can GTFO because at that point, they're just being negative for negativity's sake. Either help make things better, shut up, or go away. Makes perfect sense. Nobody needs a bunch of whining armchair critics who contribute nothing while nit picking every little thing that happens.

Actually that was a clear viable argument, you're simply trying to silence your opposition.

Not arguments.

Not an argument.

Ah yes my one singular vote would’ve been enough to stop trump from winning, what’s that? I already live in a blue state that voted blue? Oh what’s that trump still one because he won the swing state? Jesus you people are ducking delusional if you think you have any sway in the election that’s decided by a state you don’t live in

>improving America

user, everyone hates or distrusts us worldwide, and your President gave tax cuts to the richest Americans and corporations. That is not "improving America."

Since you are clearly incapable of coherent responses, you will be ignored from here on out. Thanks.

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

it's just an irritating, unimaginative faggot. there are people that get off on being repetitive and irritating. it IS real autism. i was in some gay ass hackathon facebook group and they would spontaneously spout "garlic bread" at every opportunity. they were pretty sad. thankfully, i've never seen whatever the fuck the "garlic bread" thing was come here.

denying trump has a following is how he beat hillary

you can hunt in BLM, National Forest, 73 National Parks, 336 Parks and Wildlife refuges and many Bureau of Reclamation lands
>hunting for pokemon or faggy Trump memes doesn't count you softdick Trumpturd

Yes, user. Your singular vote. Trump won by 100,000 votes, yes it would have counted.
>I live in a blue state
Michigan was Blue. Wisconsin was Blue. PA was Blue. They went for Trump because of shlubs like you.

>everyone hates or distrusts us worldwide, and your President gave tax cuts to the richest Americans and corporations

you say that like it's a bad thing. It's not.

you motherfucking retard I didn't deny Trump has supporters but I did point out how fucking stupid you dipshits are
>and then you proved it yourself

Not arguments.

Not an argument.

Free spins for all

>the context of doing everything he can to actually improve America
He's bloated the economy for rich people, destroying congress's ability to hold the executive branch accountable, and is wasting all of our time with his stupid obsession with illegal immigration.
He never gave a fuck about becoming President, it was a marketing scheme for him, but since he won he's done little but make an ass out of him, whine, and abuse his station for profit. And the GOP doesn't give a shit so long as their agenda gets done. It's a cynical power grab with no regard for porblems we still face.

Not an argument.

>It is real autism
That is an interesting theory. What if, at this time of night, this is the standard behavior and bonus: it has access to a computer.

Attached: images[3].jpg (301x167, 6K)

I love watching libs rage. It's funny as fuck.

Your precious tax cuts jacked up the deficit another 2 trillion dollars. You would have impeached Obama if he'd done that.

Not an argument.

Ah yes my 0.001% of a vote really made a difference there didn’t it? They voted for trump because he appeals to middle class white families, which made up the majority of the voting population in 2016, that the dems have done nothing to appeal to because they want the minority votes or the diversity votes

>he’s bloated the economy for the rich
You mean the thing every single politician has done for 150 years?

We're in the present day, we can change that trajectory, and Trump instead elected to give himself a fat tax cut.

You trumpshits are the ones raging here. We're just letting you know what's going on.

Attached: Your President0.jpg (310x163, 6K)

Not an argument.

Not an argument.

Funny how your vote didn't count, but those who voted for Drumpf did.
Or you're just really bad covering for your lack of civic responsibility.

Attached: Your President11.jpg (640x640, 76K)

We can change that trajectory about as well as we can control a meteor falling towards Cincinnati as 460,000 miles an hour

Not an argument.

Actually Republicans once had taxes on the rich at 90%. If you leave this out of your narrative because it's inconvenient, then it means you're probably full of shit about other stuff.

“Civic responsibility” I thought this was a free country where I could do whatever the hell I wanted? And did you not read the second part of that? About swing states being what decide an election? Or are you just too retarded to understand the electoral college is a retarded fucking idea

Not an argument.

You fucking elected Trump you fucking faggot. Own up to it.

Not an argument.

>the electoral college is a retarded fucking idea
That's not what you're arguing faggot.

The post count of this thread has exceeded the combined IQ of its participants.

You know the Panama papers literally proved to the world the rich don’t pay a cent in American taxes because all their money is in offshore accounts and foreign banks right? And you know why they get away with? Because they pay off your politicians

Except mine. It's much lower.

Yes my not giving any say in the situation voted for trump uh huh sure

>durr we shouldn't tax them
So a leaked document "proves" why you're ok with carrying water for the rich, user?

Not voting, absolutely. One less vote that could have stopped Trump. I'd beat your ass.

So you’re just going to abandon any argument you had simply because I mentioned something liberals agree with? Or did you just not have one at all because you can’t admit to your vote not meaning shit outside of the swing states?

We shouldn’t tax anyone, I don’t give a shit about the rich they already control the country and god knows I can’t do shit against them and neither can anyone else

>one less vote
So trump would’ve won by 99,999 then?

Your argument is similar to saying "trump bad because he bad"

It’s a shame then that the president is elected by delegates and not votes then isn’t it?

Your attitude got Trump elected you fucking faggot. Own up to it.

>We shouldn’t tax anyone,
Then you support making companies pay living wages to offset taxes?

That means "shut up."

It's a shame you keep defending this shitstain you elected.

>"we" pay
>"my dad" runs
>"our" property taxes

Boy are you in for a surprise when life finally touches you

I’m not defending trump and I definitely didn’t elect him you just won’t admit that voting doesn’t actually mean anything

If you weren’t taxed they wouldn’t have to be paid a “living wage”

>implying anything at all can touch me

This post has to be a joke
Speaking out against bad ideas is not being against having a bad idea and speaking it. I think you're deliberately being retarded but God help you if you're not

california hates the rest of america, why dont they just leave and 90% of the other problems will be solved

especially the women

the electoral college is working just the way it should. working just fine.

Bullshit. No taxes would mean a few extra hundred in my check each month. And there would be no social services without taxes.
You're a faggot.

You mean by making the majority of people’s votes utterly meaningless?

>I don't defend Trump
You should. You elected him.

>implying you want to keep paying for other people’s shit

you are missing out if you havent leaked a girl yet

Attached: 86f425aebb4f48779d5353d86ddf13b0a7d9889f8abe472984eea8.jpg (332x212, 15K)

>paying for other people's shit
It's already law under the 16th Amendment

You people are mentally fucking deficient if you think note voting equates to electing trump, you know who did elect trump? The 55% of the voting population in 2016 being middle class white Americans that trump was trying to get votes from

You didn't vote trumpshit. You didn't do your part to defeat this President. Own it. He's yours.

Funny thing is I can focus on my own life and it'll happen to you anyway. I won't know about it, I'll maybe be on a beer break with my buddies having laughs while you crumble. We'll be talking about our next project to build something better, probably something small like an enclosed porch on a back patio. Laughing at each other's insults and grilling fine meats we shot the weekend prior while having beers and laughs about who could prep it better for consumption. Matter of fact I've been here too long taking my shit, I'll get back to my buddies that actually have life experience.