What is the best drug drug?

What is the best drug drug?

Defend why it is best.

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herpes. keeps on itching.

no hangover, no comedown issues, quitting it is piss easy, not addictive, cheap as fuck too and whenever I take up weed (instead of drinking) I lose a lot of weight.

i could see myself getting addicted to heroin. it seems to target perceptive, sensitive losers such as myself

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I like weed the best because you can get fucked up but still function, and there's no hangover.

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meth. it is just the best

>not doing recreational ketamine
you are either an idiot or a kiddo

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genitals. because you scratch them.

my friend does meth often what makes it so good?

lsd or mushrooms. they're fucking fun as hell and potentially life-changing. no addictive qualities, not really any side effects if you do them correctly, apart from maybe some nausea. or if you're latently schizophrenic. okay, so they're not for everyone.

probably for jacking off, meth makes you super altert and confident with super strength and speed the problem is you jjust want to jack off allday

You're not a heavy smoker then. I quit a month ago having built a dependency through 4 years of 3g a day. Felt like utter crap for a month before I started feeling better

Sure, show us your teeth meth-y

LSD is probably the best drug. You think profoundly. Everything visually is interesting. Everything audio is interesting. You get afterglow instead of a hangover. You aren't nauseous.

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And got insane blood pressure. Kinda risky. Also dehydration.

weed is overrated

Bbbbuttt weEeEeed isss a mEdIcInE remember? We here talking about drugs. Not sleepy time dumdum smoke

weed is a drug you absolute retard

That's sold at medicine stores?

is DXM not a drug because it's sold at drug stores? Are benzos not drugs?


Clean high, little to no come down.

It just keeps getting better!

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Then caffeine is also a drug. And h2o


Also poppers and mdma

honestly ketamine is the best drug. Its easy to manage, fun af, and doesnt leave you feeling like shit the next day.

Liquid g might be the best depending on the dose.

I disagree

Liquid g is super fun, I love to give women K and do g makes me a horn dog


I'm sure you do. Considering you didn't put psilocybin either

Cocaine is great!

I’ve done it plenty I just prefer lsd

I'm high off life so call me an addict! Rehab would mean death and I aint trying to have it.

Cocaine. No debate. Do it , case closed

>What is the best drug drug?
>Defend why it is best.

cured me 15 minutes of my entire life, it gave me the power to understand myself i liked who i was, and helped me learn how to think for a little while

i just kok'd

Alcohol. Because all I really need to make it is some yeast, sugar, and what ever the hell other delicious consumable sweet sustenance I want into a jar together to make it.
I can also take enough to get to whatever level of happiness I want to get to.

Secondly weed, because you can grow it and smoke until you get to where you want to be.

Maybe also oxycodone and hydrocodone, because it makes me feel good and literally takes away the pain.

Still mostly alcohol, because I make it and you should buy it from me, rum due in about two weeks, 80oz of pure country home made molasses making magic with yeast as we speak.

LSD hands down; $10-20 for 12 hours of a trip

Definitely meth. Not one doubt. You're all fags if you disagree.

What are dabs?

want me to leak your best friend

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MDMA and dextroamphetamine.

MDMA can't be beat, but it's pretty neurotoxic and can't be taken often. Dextroamphetamine can be taken fairly frequently without harm or very much tolerance increase, if you're careful.

As long as you only take it orally (never smoke/snort), stay hydrated (including electrolytes, not just water), and don't forget to eat, it has pretty much no downsides other than feeling a bit tired and less motivated during the comedown, which is quickly resolved by sleeping. Even multi-day binges aren't that unhealthy as long as you're maintaining sleep and nutrition. (No
you can't sleep while on it, but you can get a lot more sleep than usual before and after.)

I vote meth also.

Fuck for hours, Gold Nova III, prestiged twice on CoD MW2, and went up 150 levels on Forza Horizon 4, in one single day.

Not to mention I was getting head for a solid 2 hours.

So yeah, methamphetamine is the best drug.

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I believe dexamphetamine and meth have very similar effects and are almost identical molecularly, so I haven't tried meth but from dex use I definitely believe you that it's likely the best-feeling drug.

I've done so much acid before that i took a long break from it. I went like a year and a half, eating it all the time. Probly arounf 2 sheets.
Now it makes me paranoid, anxious and confused


i've done most of the amphetamine family, dexamphetamine give's the high you feel 5hours after hitting a crack pipe, they are similar but the is no way in hell you can get the same intensity and strength of a hit as you would with meth

Interesting. I definitely believe you. I'm not willing to try it though. I have a career and pretty good life.

Meth and mdma

DMT. It's like a 12 hour LSD trip, but with the entire intensity packed into 10-15 minutes. Super convenient, super extreme for such a small time investment, relatively safe, and possibly the most religious experiences of my life.

Caffeine is a drug too, you idiot

What visuals do you remember? Did you have any sensations?

It just makes you too happy to not be the best drug and it makes talking to people easy plus if you take enough you get to speak to God and live

a l c o h o l

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yes there is definitely a clear line between the right drug and overstimulation, dexamphetamine is definetly better in this regard. meth is too fast... it's rushes thought processing so it has very few productive uses. dexamphetamine is pretty much the sweet spot for productivity provided it's not abused.

Basically the only difference between dexamph and meth is that the extra methyl group allows meth to pass much more easily through the blood-brain barrier. That makes it hit your neurons immediately and all at once. It then takes 12 hours to wear off

i don't know dude... it just makes me feel wierd and numb. can't even jack off!

Also, when the body breaks meth down, it converts about half of it to amphetamine which just extends the high further. The other half is excreted in urine as-is. So if you pee in a bottle you can recycle half your meth :)

One of the downsides can't but for 2 days after


I've done it probably close to 100 times over the years.

Sometimes I don't get enough in my system in time to break through, and it's just 5 minutes of tingly feelings and some neat mid-level acid visuals.

When I do break through, I've experience everything from feeling multiple other beings watching me like I'm in the middle of a stadium, to only a few individuals that seem to know me somehow and are at least interested in me. These beings range from weird, springy sensations that just feel sentient (maybe visuals? hard to tell on full break throughs), to blue ethereal/ghost like things, to almost the sensation of distorted greek gods in togas watching over me.

A very memorable trip almost seemed like a dragon like Shen Long from Dragonball Z swallowed me and I was floating through the thing's internal anatomy.

I've tried to time small doses when I was jerking off to right before I cum. If i break through, it's obviously too much, but one time it was like the lady from the vid turned into a bejewelled sex god, and I came so hard that it felt like my lower spine got electrocuted.

How can this not be the best drug when you can experience all that different shit in 15 minute increments??!?!

i've only nutted on robo once, 300mg dxm and 140mgs of vyvanse, it was honestly kind of dull like i could feel the cum flowing out my penis but my brain was like "meh"


depends what for overall id say morphine/heroin if you can keep you usage to like twice a week or so with out the withdrawl opioids arethe perfect drugs imo persoanly i have really bad pannic attacks and shit so i use mostly benzos as they make me into a fucvtional human but again withdraawl and in this case its 20x worce i lefit have a nose and cyanide in case i totaly run out as its bejond hell. if you have moeny cocaine is great for getting work done or partying and its not phusicaly adictive which is a major+ if thats too expensive for you speed or meth are similer but way cheeper and last a lot longer. i persoanly hate weed it just causes me to vomit uncontrolably and have a massive day long pannic attack but most people seam to enjoy it. psycodelics are lets say intersting lsd or to a greater extent stuff like dmt can cause you to reivalueate your whole perspective on life which if you spend all day on Yea Forums is probably a good thing. other stuff like ketamine or pcp are citainly intersting i like them a lot but some find the whole being unable to comprehend why one of your arms is the size of an atom and the other the size of the universe a little disconcerting. empathogens like mdmd are good with friends at parties but really shit to do alone in your room imo. alcohol is just like benzos(xanax vallium that sort of thing) but really toxic and shit its ok if you have othing else but seriously when stuff like chloral hydrate and sulfonmethane were invented in like 1870 they were marketed as safer alchol alternatives then about 1900 barbiturates came in as a safer alternative to them then stuff like qualudes then benzos so there were most of which are considered really toxic so the safer alternative to the safer alternative to the safer alternative is considered toxic id stay way clear of it as far as possible

the pleasure of cumming.

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Thanks for the reply. I was wasted on liquor and Molly last time I smoked deems and all I remember is a floating path of electronic smiley faces leading me somewhere. Then I felt myself rise through the couch and back into my body and I "woke up". I've smoked it a dozen times just preloading. haven't broke through but I haven't tried to. I cant wait tho! I've smoked deems on acid, shrooms, Molly, Coke and opium on separate occasions and always had a good time. Usually mix it with reefer but don't hold the flame to it. What do you use to blast off? I've heard people but it in carts now or vape it?

you ever actually robotrip or do you just go first plat. dxm gives me crazy fucking sensations to music (especially starcle) and one time on polistrex i got mild, sharp looking visuals. SPACE MAN AND HU MAN AT SAME TIME

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>since i'm too stupid to get into college i'll just type an essay here and hope someone lonely reads it

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It’s weed. It’s soothing, calming and has medical prosperities. No one can really hate a stoner and you never get a crackhead stoner type guy. Also it has many versions from edibles to smoking

are there dominatrix in there too?

you have to be really careful with h try to aviod doing it more than twice a week if you can or keep the dose really low about 4 bags 0.4g of avarge stuff a week and you will be fine but rember you will crave more not to the same extent as coke at first but its so cheep(at first and is good for every ocation you will want it all the time) i got up to shooting 200mg of morphine a day for about a year and getting off that was fucking horible now im really cafeful with how much opiods i use and try to avoid the needle. still hopelesly addicated to benzos tho and trust me withdrawl form them is about 20 times worse. if your a misrable fuck like me who wants to unironaicaly kill all life on earth when sober try and take drugs that are not physcialy addictive in bettween days of using opiods or benzos coke speed meth ket pcp weed mdma what ever just don't let your self start using more and more h every day.

yer i get this a lot on here tbh i tend to write essays on any topic i know well i did actually get into collage to study as it happens pharmaceutical chemistry but drooped put after 2 year cos i was in and out of hospital all the time for a non drug related illness could write you a 10 page document about the structure activity relationship of benzos or cathionones or something but no ones going to read it so fuck it

wrong post number im way to high for this shit sorry

Heroin, IV

Cannabis, because I think of crazy shit for hours.

Nope, all the sentient things I've experienced on DMT trips only want to help me along. Nothing has wanted to punish me yet :)

don't start with street gear is you can aviod it morphine or oxy or something is harder to od on cos you know exactly how much is in each pill more on to h later

underrated truth

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there's plenty of people thirsty for this knowledge, such a shame the faggots running the education refuse to teach much about proper chemistry and kids only discover the interest once they've left school and discovered drugs.


>best drug?
Im gonna have to go with penicillin. That shit saved a lot of lives and sparked an evolution of medicine against infection

>best drug?
Im gonna have to go with pervitin, That shit helped the Germans exterminate 6million jews.

Meth. He has to be on meth.

I picked heroin because of the price advantage. IV morphine and IV oxycodone are both shit. If you want non street then definitely oxymorphone or fentanyl are the way to go. Hydromorphone is a great rush but has no legs and you’re sick af again 45 mins after your shot

its available if you know where to look unfortunately most of the intesting stuff drugs/ explosives that sort of thing that got most great chemist inishaly intersted in the subject tends to get you on about 20 watch lists these days ill leave this here tho its a archive of most of a great drug synthesis forum from about 2000-2004 ish

massive amounts of info on there for the aspiring chemist or just people interested in the truth about drugs and how they work

my insurance doesn't cover pervitin, do you have the generic in stock?

Mescaline tbh. It's better than acid.

All I've used is DMT. No other drugs do it the same way. Psilocybin and DMT are additive, but no other drugs I've done add to the effect of DMT. I haven't had the opportunity to push it with LSD, but I suspect that would work too. Breakthrough can occur between multiple psychedelics, but it's rare. Shoot to the stars with one...……………...

Idk about you but I usually have a comedown day after acid that I feel like shit for

Anyone that does opiated without a needle is a pussy

Benzos get rid of that

Shrooms for me

a few more links i mostly just lurk these days cos i forgot my long in and cba to make a new ones
great place to discus new drugs and specualte about potentual new ones its a bit reddit for some peoples tastes tho
more basic but less elitist good for general discution
Yea Forums for drugs that basicaly it

start with snorthing/smoking or judt eating pills then work your way up fear of needles goes away pretty much the moment you first shoot up

Def agree
IV opiates is the best you can ever feel

This true? Anyone tried?

great with a small dose of opiod for coming down off a 4 day stim bings as well
don't shoot anything that has good bioavaliblity oraly or snorted other wise its just a waste of good veins if unless its way better shooted like say coke

Heroin. It cures all ailments. Just don't run out

grabbed this off Wikipedia quick half true

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You don’t get the rush from other methods of administration
Are you an idiot?
IV bioavailability is 99-100%

again according to Wikipedia about 7-23% is converted to amphetamine most of those other metablolites are either very slighly active or not at all

true for many drugs particularly opioids but stuff like diazepam and other benzos have bioavaliblites in the 95-99% range oraly and for benzos at least there not particularly water soluble so you have to fuck about making up a solution with propylene glycol or something iirc methadone is like 90% oraly bioavalable. also smoking a lot of stuff like say crack can defo give you a rush not exactly the same as the "bell ringer" from shooting it but still. save your veins for morphine gear coke and meth don't bother shooting shit like mdma( trust me iv tried)

np i try to get my friends to read all this stuff but for the most pat they just care if whatever they have will get them high or not.

I've never even done drugs before. Not looking for anything to get addicted to (I know you can get addicted to anything, I just don't want to be a full blown heroin addict who loses his house or family where the withdrawal is fucking horrible). I want something that's more of a stimulant or aphrodisiac where everything just feels more euphoric or intense.

Were talking about shooting opiates, why bring up non water soluble drugs. It’s not relevant

Also you can save your veins if you always use clean rigs and rotate injection points to avoid scar tissue

Methadone is a waste

IMO anyone who likes opiated and has injected heroin, opana, fent or dilaudid wouldn’t make the argument that oral or insufflation will give you the same result

Mda if the comedown wasnt worse than a meth comedown somehow. This coming from a regular drug user who doesnt get comedowns / doesnt feel them anymore

weed mdma speed(as in addaral if your in the us) or methylphendiate (ritiline) are good ones to start with but there are litteraly like 20,000 to chose from if you can find some of the more obscure ones.

Have done high quality cocaine before, would not recommend


dont listen to this faggot coke is a high tier drug, only downside is price, but at least price makes you less likely to get addicted

This. But I liked MXE better

What is the difference? Can you find it on the street?

>this degenerate

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big thc

Shrooms because neurogenesis

i was talking about shooting in general i used to shoot basically anything i could get my hands on good shit like h morphine and coke but also random shit like promethiazine and cyclizeine even tried to shoot prozac once fore some fuck tarded reason but try to keep it to a minimum now im more careful now. iv got really deep veins i can only hit the back of my hands and feet and wrists and like once after about half and hour of digging near my elbow. as for methadone at first i thought it was horrible stuff i was used to doing 3-5 times a day so like 50mg of methadone all at once made me really ill until it started to were off and i was in withdrawl way before i could get my next dose but once i got down to like 10mg/day i actually got a taste for it and found it to be a mildish but long lasting pleasant high

heroin is indeed great for its price iv never shot oxycodone or hydromorphone but i personally love morphine personaly i don;t trust fent unless its pharma stuff or i made it my self btw ever had diapinone probably the best rush iv ever gotten off any opoid with the possible exeption of morphine mixed with coke

midazolam is a water-soluble benzo. shooting it feels like going from sober to extremely drunk instantly... it's not fun

i'll shoot anything i can too.

have shot mdma, not worthwhile, methylphenidate (fantastic, better than meth or amphetamine), adderrall (so, so, not worth the huge damage that goop probably causes), dpt (crazy), among others

methadone IV is ok... not nearly as good as shooting other opiates but you still feel a rush

fyi... the worst damage to your life comes from fucking things up to get more because you're scared of being sick.

but if you never have to worry about being sick, you can be just as normal as people prescribed opiates from their doctor for pain.

and since there's a dirt cheap otc drug that just about completely prevents withdrawal, nobody should ever be sick unless they're in jail

had that in hostpital once i thought it was pretty great actually i unfortunate they would not give me any ore when i asked lol

Crazy, loud, Italian, New York old dude. Personality. Likely on nothing. Don’t fuck with them though. You’ll end up at the bottom of the east river.

the methadone syrup i got was too thick to get though the needles i had before the blood from registering cloged it up iv hered its semi decent mixed with cyclizine tho metylphenidate iv is like a 7-8/10 for me got like half of the rush you get with coke i can only get concerta to so it needs some basic lab work to get it pure enough to shoot btw you ever have any of the rc chems like it like ethylphenidate they were pretty decent as well and came in crystal form i even had a huge 10g crystal of it at one point dirt cheep too me and some friends got like half a kg of it for about 600 once im not from the us so addaral is really rare here instead we get low grade amphetamine made in eastern Europe somewhere it needs at the very minimum an acid/base extraction before its good to shoot its dirt cheep but normally like 5-10% pure and still smells strongly of the solvents used in it production

a lot of places sell cocodamol over the counter 8mg of codeine with 500 of paracetaml do a cold water extraction and the 250mg of codeine should hol you over untill you can get more gear or if your tolerance is low get you decently high

yeah if you're not in anti-drug hysteria america it's fine, but there's no otc codeine here, and maybe if you get shot 5 times the ER will give you 5 pills of it to last a month.

but we do have loperamide, which is an opioid that doesn't cross the blood brain barrier... so it sucks not being high but without any physical withdrawal it's entirely manageable... you don't do crazy things because you fear it, you can work, go to class, etc

probably coke for feeling wise but its also the worst because its expensive as shit, addicting as fuck and ruins normal drinking. its everywhere so it hard to get away from it and you turn into a weird little shit after awhile



5-15 dollars too much, i hope it isn't USD.

Agreed it’s like 3.50

depends on user
alchohol is the best if you have 0 self control and spiral down into an addiction
pot brownies if you want to spend 8 hours feeling okay
meth or coke whenever you need something to be done
mdma once or twice a year just for fun
opioids in winter nights are the dopest shit
dissasociatives are choose your own adventure of drugs
pychadelics have a high risk of bad trips, always keep a benzo around to cut the trip if it goes bad, otherwise top tier experiences
akso benzos are pretty neat when you have an anxious personality and your greatest weakness is looking people in the eyes