old meme edition
o misread
Bear, I hereby gib you the otter waifu
I guess this is the one true drawthread, there's 3 new ones
ya'll gay
No u
don't be ridiculous n-nooooo TwT
>he fucking got me
O-oh shiet...
Change the guy so he's white.
Can someone draw this chick frozen solid/covered in icicles and shivering?
change the guy he says.... not knowing that how my oc wurm looks like...
shame on u user
Man I’m not good with shiny things like ice, if it was more translucent like concrete I might’ve done it
It's already one weeks over.So can i have my it now,by it i mean this request.
Requesting Star Butterfly and Moon Butterfly aggressively kissing each other.
do not do this request. requester is an abusive self-admitted animal lover who has had sex with their own dog.
I support this request.
req Wurm wearing something similar to pic related
asfrfag here, cement would also be appreciated
>like concrete
nigga what
Requesting an full body draw of a humanized version of Thomas the Tank Engine. Thomas is in his 20's, has blue hair and eyes, human skin, a bit of facial hair on his chin, wears a blue button up, long sleeve shirt, a red undershirt, black jeans, and blue and red sneakers.
I don't care, I don't want to see a nigger in my porn.
eh, I can try
what a weak ass bitch eh
Hello new thread, how is everybody
Wurm finally admits it
Sorry that I don't get off to shit, faggot.
>he's never seen translucent concrete
my man, please be bait
well you have it here so there's hardly a point
Then just cover her in the icicles and give her the shivers, user
But that’s the problem
They just triangular shapes. Also icicles can be dry/not shiny in extremely cold temperatures.
icicles can be drawn opaque
also this
no u
whatever you say friendo
me dont like
this is a shit tier armor
Requesting Stacey wearing a skimpy bikini and playfully undressing like in the reference, please.
We want to see the frozen bitch, drawmen
why stacey? why not roxanne (way hotter)? though stacey did have epic tits but roxanne had those hips thighs and ass oh man
I’m working on it calm ur tits
that ain't Wurm
I miss him
Well, Roxanne will get content regardless, i mean she's popular. I have a thing for Stacey, probably my first nerdy girl crush. There's no much explanation on why her, really. Besides, the artists could always draw both of them.
oh man u were talkin bout the glasses girl?
dont have an specific name for her yet
Call her Lorcunto
Maricon hehe
yeah, just call her Vurm or something
Who this is?
Also gday thread, ya cheeky cunts, how's everyone goin this fine morning
european detected
>who this is
Newfag detected
i have aten many a slkice of Pizza and am masturbating furiopoiusly
'Straya cunt, best god damn country in the world
U got a problem with that m8?
Cmon then cunt I'll glass ya
Hahaha no but who are they
>Not masturbating with a slice of pizza
never seen them before myself
Me too
YV, old drawfag
They said it would be better
>>Not masturbating with a slice of pizza
bitch id ont want fucking dpimples on my Dick
i miss her
>do not do this request.
>requester is an abusive self-admitted animal lover who has had sex with their own dog.
I have no idea what are you saying?
Can I get an easy request or sum shit
I guess we're in the same boat here bud
Aight, aight, I'm guessing they fucked off and stopped coming to these threads?
Don't call me bitch, cunt.
Don't knock it till you try it ;)
Haha no homo tho bro I ain't gay
He always seemed like kind of a cunt to me tbh
Eh more like they were driven off
and now?
boi u geetin an asswoppin
i honestly like it
like the vampire from AT?
who is that
I like her freckles.
>Don't call me bitch, cunt.
fuck ypokuy gonna do abgouty iy Hoe
>Don't knock it till you try it ;)
shut the hfidfck ogff
Do you think I’m fucking joking you cockhead? Lorcunto or we (I) riot
He was regarded as the ‘king’ of drawthreads
Pretty much he was very toxic to people he didn’t like and would drive them off pretty effectively. He was funny and chill at times but mostly he was an asshole and I personally prefer the lower level artists we have in place of him. At least the ones that actually draw anything other than their avatars
fuck yes, my internet is back on at home
anyone else have anything (preferrably lineart) they want colored?
(pic is just a previous color request I did for a NEET drawanon who doesn't appear to be here today)
>He was regarded as the ‘king’ of drawthreads
According to fucking who?
You? Are you him? Because I've never heard that shit.
Who is you?
Then you probably didn’t see him often
He called himself the king and a lot of the people that brown nosed him called him that. It was really common right after he left when people were spamming that the ‘king’ was coming back
Requesting Kamen Rider Zero One telling a really bad joke
thaks! I like them a lot too
dont try me boi
Vurm sounds like tht thing I want to go with
Requesting Mozart as an angelical figure descending from the skies during judgement day
that's not Wurm but it is who I wanted, thanks dude
can we get a fullbody
Listen up here you fuckinnnnn
Manwhore illiterate ass pizza eatin ass biiitch
I ain't a hoe, bro I'll smack you silly don't even worry about itttt
>shut the hfidfck ogff
Sounds like a bloody legend, but yeah nah fair enough
>Ones that actually draw anything other than their avatars
Hahahahaaaa... Yeahhhhh sameeee
the coloranon from last thread, don't really have a drawname
Im sorry little one...
ey no problem dude
from that drawing? i already moved on user sorry
It really do be like that sometimes
Fat bitch show me your tits
aw shit
here we go again
yeah from that drawing, it's fine
Why is she so sweaty?
Requesting Honey Lemon eating out Gogo like this.
Ok I deleted my post because I don’t want to spam the thread, but
who is this user??
didnt your mother teached you how to ask for things?
oh oki
she nervous
I will end you. What does than even mean?
can you force her into more sexy outfits please?
sure, giv a ref
>I will end you.
You will not
>What does that even mean?
It’s a name, it doesn’t have to mean something
please, kindly show us your bountiful bosom, beautiful madam
Reminder if you're against YV you probably look like this.
Isnt that YV himself?
typical cuck shilling for yv
He was a fucking legend and great drawfag. He kept the shitty ones away and wasn't afraid to scream his opinion to others.
He even cucked other drawfags he was such a chad. He was truly the king of drawthreads.
oh look another cock
i bet youre an actual cuck, thats why you shill for him so much
Nope, one of the biggest spergs obsessed with him. Lurk more newfag.
hi zander
It's time to stop posting.
I think YV did a fryfag pic once, smh
i dont know who that is, ive only lurked in these threads
>i bet youre an actual cuck
im not buck
finally caught that fuckin ice cream truck
>lurk more newfag
I mean, ok I guess
I saw blurry selfie of YV before and the hair seemed the same, my bad
Post it, I haven't seen it. He's done a lot of Monster High pics.
How about "big bad boss bitch" Sal? Another sperg against the glorious king.
Hi smol cute
hey smol rin, hows life
something like Nami from One Piece (and can ya make it fullbody pls)
Draw moot
hello, how are you?
Guy. Now's not the time to have another meltdown in the thread.
You clearly haven't, newfag. No need to lie. YV has an afro. That Zander sperg has a receding hairline.
celebratory Diz
i dont know any of these people youre talking about. youre either yv being autistic or somebody that regularly attends cuck threads RPing that you have a gf. come on, user. i dont really dislike him but propping him up as a king/chad is actually cuck tier.
Hey look! The last sperg is still here!
Looks like YV work
>youre either yv
Not this again. Know your place cuck, you probably commission others of your crush's character and yours holding hands.
please, keep celebrating
YV doesn't color. And the linework doesn't look the same.
that's that one bitch, sam
i know, there's like three sam's
>god I hate linework
says the man blowing another and jerking it to his attempts to look like a "chad"
this is just sad, bro. i hope you get better in the future. thanks for the (you)s, take care.
na, that's actually mine. i also did pic related for someone
i still have the lineart of that fry pic too
begone foul user!
it wasnt that hard, was it?
sure, give me some time
Bye cuck, keep sperging over yv
>rent free
Get help. Stop posting.
You do commissions?
>the irony.png
btw does she have an official name yet?
thy bosoms are indeed most bountiful, thank you for gracing me with their visage, madam
(god I hate typing like this, not to mention I'm bad at it)
dedinitely won't be editing this for myself later.
nobody else wants anything colored?
youre the one posting about him. i actually forgot about him until you brought him up. hmu if you ever get a girl though you actually seem serious about being a cuck and being a bull does sound like fun
Could you try this?
Imagine being as chad as YV
>cucked Buck
>cucked Jack
>cucked Zander
>cucked EHG
>cucked Entity
>they all spread lies about him and he still is more popular and more liked
>he triggered them all so bad he lives in their heads rent free
>they sperg out at the slightest positive mention of him
>great art
>the only way to stop him was to target him in real life because they were so powerless against him online
ok yv
na i just do random things sometimes maybe
Yeah it’s Lorcunto
>says he leaves
>so autistic he comes back to reply again
Welcome back cuck
>rent free
Fryfag here. Still the best delivery i got on Yea Forums.
She should work out and lose some weight.
ok yv
learn how to read, never said im leaving
im gonna take a guess and say that youre vorefag, the way you argue and use reaction images remind me of him
Dont know why youre trying to derail the thread but ok
why thank you sweet user
as someone who likes YV's art, I don't give 2 shits about him as a person. van we just get back to being a normal, halfway calm thread instead of sucking his dick and sperging over how bad he is?
how u
I have nothing to complain about but i'm still sad.
how are you?
What rhymes with YV?
>r e n t
>f r e e
No, because YV the person is currently off his rocker again.
its vorefag, what do you expect
I'm good, albeit bored and wanting to color something. cute moot btw
I really wish he wasn't.
>rent free
>retarded memes and images
>no argument when called out
hello vorefag how are you today? why are you obsessed with trying to make these threads bad?
>you're a cuck yv supporter
>you're yv
>you're vorefag
Look at how much the sperg over YV-posting.
ok yv
not him, but vorefag hates yv
he even tried to imitate him
>tfw i know who the real vorefag is
>hello vorefag how are you today? why are you obsessed with trying to make these threads bad?
Because nobody will deliver on his commission-tier obscure fetish-based trash requests that he spams here almost 24/7. The dude is fucking warped
I'll let you in on a poorly kept secret: the real vorefag hasn't been here in a hot minute. So that's not vorefag.
>check these digits
>gets singles
>deletes own post
There wasn’t anything to check, why bother leaving it in the thread
Granted it’s not very good at the moment, but I’d hate to let my post bring down the quality
I will go with Vurm
no bully pls
i admit it took me a second but now im calling it, youre vorefag, theres no doubt in my mind.
im sure he would do this just to derail threads, thats just who he is
theres no way thats not vorefag. probably didnt post his req yet to throw people off.
Nobody believes this, vorefag
I thought I was YV? Maybe I'm Roam.
I don't miss this.
That's not Vorefag. It's a vorefag. Believe what you want, but I've been keeping my eye on the threads every now and again, and at least 3 different IPs has posted as Vorefag. Someone's just decided to start chucking red herrings in the thread after the briefest mention of the man who just can't help himself.
We're already to the part where everyone is everyone. This is accelerated autism.
Before I go further can someone redline this for me?
das hot
legs are too short
and now youve stopped posting your dumb images, typical vorefag shrinking into a ball when called out. im ACTUALLY going now, have a nice day. you have me a good laugh
perhaps it isnt, but a vorefag larper might as well be vorefag.
Hips have no business being nearly that wide
fair, but you leave it up because you're okay with failure once in awhile
And I’m normally a fan of thicc
Alright I will redeem myself
Look upon my singles and laugh
you do realize vorefag has been caught shitposting from mobile, his laptop, and his defunct father's computer before, right?
ok yv
Sure, and I said there were at least 3 separate IPs. What would you do if I said there were 14 in total? Give 14 ways he could do it?
The style of posting hasn't even been consistent- and some IPs have posted as certain individuals prior to putting on the Vorefag mask.
you are redeemed, user. henceforth you shall be blessed by RNGeezus, but only if you don't try
n-no u
u gon make her cry
oh shit I already moved on amd my ctrl+z wont go back enough
bye cuck, keep sperging over yv
>what is dynamic IP
oh yeah? and which certain individuals are those?
haha four-eyes
Those tears should turn into motivation to actually work on her body and to stop being STINKY
see ya next thread vorefag, youre so obsessive over drawthreads its funny. love ya bro.
Requesting a comic of this girl, completely nude, getting swallowed whole and alive by a giant toad
>Grabbed by it's long sticky tongue
>Pulled into its mouth head-first; her lower body still outside the toad
>Toad gulps once pulling her deeper inside; hooves still outside, the rest of her inside the mouth
>Toad gulps again; lower body is in the mouth, upper body is in the stomach
>View of her entirely in its stomach
>From the outside, you can't even tell she was eaten
>Digested alive
>Remains disposed of
The idea originally popped in my head after playing some Fallout 76 and getting attacked by a radtoad.
>Tfw you actually dream about your request
>Tfw she wanted to eaten alive in my dreams
>Tfw she was more enthusiastic about it than me
>u gon make her cry
>The character is uberthicc herself, but I may have overdone it
how good is your coloring? coloring is fun
No I'm YV.
For your consideration, mon petit cherie:
oh god lok what you guys have done
she is crying now
>maybe shit and cum?
n-no b-bull- bully please.....
>guy says see you next thread
>vorefag suddenly shows up
>vorefag was one of the spergs posting against yv the whole time, projecting again
>oh god lok what you guys have done
>she is crying now
>>maybe shit and cum?
>Im tempted to just ask pepsi to color this
>that'd be dishonest tho so fuck
I like to think I'm pretty good, but I'm also biased
I don't have any good non-lewd ones from the last few weeks, so take this censored one
NO, poor Vurm, can I kiss her better?
The russians fucked the shit out of my F Account and im penyless again, please pat the slime.
m8 can you fix her legs? they're way too short
Hey nines, would ya mind if I tried my hand at colouring that?
leak your fav celeb
Oh I din see you, hey rin
I mean, sure go ahead
Cheers brotha, love ya, no homo tho
oh god oh fuck
>>>maybe shit and cum?
its too late user she gon do it
haha very original
I'm sure a dynamic IP would take you from the midwest to the coast while also having you in the northwest moments after one another. No, really. It could. But ask yourself how probable it'd be that 8 of the 14 IPs would be posting at the same time, and forget that I know where some of these people live, thanks to shenanigans. And one problem child. Then there are the actual ISPs, and the fact that I'm even managing to obtain any of this.
Not that it's hard. But I hope you see why actual Vorefag pinging from Comcast to some obscure ISP way in the northwest makes no sense. Unless he pays for 8 different subscriptions.
Then again, what do I know. Except for the knowledge that 6 of the IPs noted are, or were, moderately frequent Drawthread posters. But if you think I'm just going to feed you juicy, juicy drama, think again. Except the part where I say that our resident problem child is guilty of doing this at least this year alone. I can't speak to the prior years, because I wasn't keeping a lazy eye on every address popping in until January.
And so speak of the devil, but not that devil, here's another Vorefag.
Don’t do it Lorcunto, it’s not worth it!
>>>>maybe shit and cum?
stop it right now
>>>>>maybe shit and cum?
>Except for the knowledge that 6 of the IPs noted are, or were, moderately frequent Drawthread posters
>but wont say who they are
just shut the fuck up already vorefag, your RP'ing as multiple people is obvious
let me guess, next youre gonna say yv was vorefag once right
Bapho requester here.
Sorry, mate. But I'm out of state, vacationing right now. I've been gone pretty much all day and will be tomorrow as well. Peace, brother!
reminder jam and eggs are vorefag
reminder bludgeons and robit were tubavore
>>>>>>maybe shit and cum?
I already did.
shut up jam
so you're vorefag, confirmed.
let me guess, you dont have evidence either
draw her (alive) wearing a Zero Suit
ok just this time
what an ass :c
I tried but cost me some lines
dind`t that guy was confirmed an hero ?
Well okay then.
Someone be kind enough to write out a greentext about the events today, so I can catch up on the latest conspiracy theories about me. Always gives me a good laugh
Imagine being so obsessed with someone you don't like online you constantly make shit up about them.
>YV doxxes
>YV stalks
>YV is vorefag
>YV spams
>YV is a pedophile
...all the while you refuse to see that you're everything you say he is.
shut up jam
better, nice job
can you give her Nami's sandals tho
>responds to Lorcunto
I got u fam
Genuine question. Who's Jam?
I don't know anyone outside Leyla, Scribbie, and Decaf.
what about your obsession with yv
aaaaand you redid it before me. oh well
i'm still not sure, but i normally don't draw chunky moms
ew furry
coloring isn't bad tho noice
yeeo nines whats good
She should've done it. Now instead she'll be back to feasting on McDonalds.
I'll be honest. I really don't know who anyone is here. I don't bother with names because the only person who's important here is me.
man im tired of doing precise edits
I still thank you
maybe u can edit in nami's sandals
fam u can do better than me any time
I thank yee for the drawing!
Here we go again.
If I spent all of that time documenting a live spamming of 3 whole threads
a mental breakdown, what makes you think I don't have evidence? Because I don't want to ruin a good thing?
You just want me to make a mess.
I've done 1 of those things, with minimal effort on my part. YV did... fancy that. He actually has done all of them. He even managed to do it to himself. Did you not see the screenshots of social media accounts in this very same thread? It beats the rapid-fire replies of what random artist ate for lunch or tweeted for an entire hour or 2, but that's just not what a healthy person does with their time.
Buck, Jack, Jam. Names of people who haven't officially been here in months.
I mostly do furry and shota, bexause I like it, and sometimes loli (and really anything requested, given it's decent lineart and not too complex)
that coloring is literally just a flat with a gradient clipped over top though, I cheat a bit but I like the way it looks
I'm not that great at editing but I can try
literally all I did was chop and move the feet and stretch the pants, fix the join line a bit and color the background
no problemo
how sloppy you think them holes is tho
gotta get sum fuk ykno
tbh sometimes that's all you need to do and someone'll pay out the ass for it.
one last request from you, can we get Zero Suit Vurm, you don't have to but it would be nice
Hey wurm would you happen to remember when you started drawing Lorcunto?
How much chunko weigh
Can someone curse this real sword please?
yep, and I'm doing it on mobile, with an app I paid nothing for, using a phone I got for free
some people are just lazy
is there any chance we could get a full-body nood? you know, for science.
hey ttorr
Eh nm, whats up with you? Also hows this lookin so far
what a bully u ar user
thanks still fam
I- i dont really know.....
ye I saw it
gimme a sec lemme see if I have it somewhere
sure but im doing some other req giv a min
ello 9ball; hows it going.
Its goin well, hope youre doing fine aswell
A cursed blade, for you
Before it gets twisted, that's not a list of people who have pretended to be you know who. That's just a list of names that haven't been mentioned in a very long time, thread wise.
But because it's such a pain in the ass, I'll throw out a Terry or 2. There.
You mean to tell me different people have different circles of people that they like?
I need to know weight so I can get my proportions right send weight
ive been ALRIGHT. finding out shit about drawing i was blind to for so long.
i've been leaning on my elbow long enough that I van't tell where my fingers are without looking at them... should I stop or see how far this goes?
>whats up with you?
the usual. drawing and wanting to die
>hows this lookin
is this a thicc loli or something? cuz i wanna fuck it.
The one on the right looks a little outta wack. Looks like you're going for a perspective shot, but the lower half and upper half meet in a weird spot. Not really sure how to explain it
>zero suit
>I-i dont really know
Well i bet they're all sloppy now in the slut suit
ive never done the math fam
dont know the exact weight i might need to google some stuff to get it
What a hamplanet. I'm surprised the Earth's orbit isn't fucked by her weight.
Cut them off while they’re still numb
Do it or i fist u
oy, this aint you laugh you lose.
uhhh thiccer
>before shading
Aw fuck youre right, I dont know if I should start over on that point, as much as I want this to be good im still incredibly lazy at the core
alright thats good to hear, and glad youre improving aswell, keep it up
Hey floof lord, preen me plz
>shading and color cleanup*
I’d like to see that uncensored. Do you have an archive of your stuff?
I want to bully her until she spirals into a massive depression to the point where she'd be willing to do anything just to hear some kind of positive words directed towards her.
youre too kind user-kun.
i have a requesto if you dont mind. its not loli related.
my guy is that linette noir
...hyb... idk what this means, unless it's How You Been, is which case good. but I've been here awhile so idk why you would ask, hence my confusion
second one is mine, first one isn't. I can send you more of my stuff on telegram or discord, but no, no archive (yet), maybe I should upload them somewhere withban artist tag in the future
/r/ this
she round 140cm or 7"4
ideal weight shoud be 48 or 50kg aprox
so Idk how far I can strech that
make her round 50 or something
a fellow mumboneer, I see
/r/ing that robot be lewded
huzzah, a man of quality
>pretty much done, I'll clean up more later
ah a fellow man of culture
Oh Im just working on this atm, but whats your request
why of course
also, rule 34 applies, someone get on it
Requesting Centorea sitting on her side, wearing a dress like a princess, and lovingly rubbing the head of an adorable male servant who is taking her futa cock up his ass. I’d love the feeling of serenity and bonding to be here. Like if she were to talk, she would tell him “you’re doing so good... just relaaaax~”
I worked really hard on this I only accept positive constructive critisism
Ay my boy nines I gotta head off for now, but here you go bud, might finish off later
i jus wanna see what that booty do
>incredibly lazy
haha same dude
dem birfing hips
hell yea bitch
naps are good..
whaddup fools?
Nothing go back to bed
i dont know if you can see this clearly cuz if u need it i can find a larger copy. but a redraw of her doing something comfy like reading a book.
ahh, okay, i haven't seen HYB used that way before
someone draw a cute girl showing her butt
Howdy doo. Up for a req?
nuthin much, just sitting around wanting to color something
btw I colored you once forever ago, in futa form
I second this motion
O that looks great apple, looks better than what ive been doing oof
>I wanna see that imp booty
Oh boy Rin do I have news for you
Theres hella booty on Nuclearwasabi's (the guy that owns the character) twitter
O alright, I'll see what I can do in a bit, if I dont end up doing it now I'll probably send it to you on discord later
Fukin pc died sorry guys
t. Wurm
who else uses snapchat
Hmu on discord Drawthread user #1741
this works for me lad. np as for clothing, its pretty much like pic related; feel free to make as sfw u want; im avoiding the tiger stripes cuz too cliche