Happy Anniversary Apollo 11

Happy Anniversary Apollo 11.

50 years ago today, this fucking cardboard tinfoil covered piece of shit landed on the moon.

fake moon landing thread to commemorate!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Eurofags be like

dude ..ive camped out in the woods in more substantial tent shit that this bacofoil paper cardboard selotape motherfucker

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Fuck that tinfoil piece of shit

I tried looking up faked moon landing videos on youtube the other day. Approximately 98% of the vids I turned up were debunking conspiracies involving the faked Apollo missions. Is Google in on this somehow? Tweaking searches?

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Buzz Aldrin punches guy for saying he didnt land on the moon LOL


It's just that the people claiming the moon landing is fake are fucking idiots who cannot reason.
Actual science and news wins out in this instance, even on the internet.

Buzzed Alldrink doesn't know where he is half the time, they just roll him out for special events.

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>actual science
Sure thing guy.

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Astronaut was standing next to the tire, kicking up dirt for like 20 minutes on that repair....

maybe that's where they unfolded the rover and set it up

pics or video or it didnt happen

>maybe that's where they unfolded the rover and set it up
>astronaut literally in the driver seat looking like he driving away
>no tire tracks

yeah.. keep believing, brainwashed user

Long live the first humans to set foot on our Moon!!
Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin!

The memory shall never fade!

>Actual science


More like retarded larping faggots.

Sure thing, retard

Retarded asshat


noone believes in the moon landing

What about..
>wet flag
>misaligned shadows
>footprint doesn't match the boot
>the unrealistic quantity of photographs taken in a short period of time
>camera pans up after departure
>no delay on a phone call from moon-Texas-Washington

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>set up rover
>sit in it
why is that so hard to believe?

It's easy to turn up flat earth bullshit theories, though. And a few years ago it was a mixed bag when it came to Apollo faked/really happened. But maybe you're right in that more and more videos have been made debunking the theory because more and more people are convinced the idea that the US would fake it, and all the evidence they find to be compelling has resulted in an over abundance of hoax debunking videos.

What an enlightened response, clearly you are a man of science.

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They tweaked searches before for more pity reasons.

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>wet flag
You can't tell if it's wet by looking at it, and why would they make it wet if they were faking it?
>misaligned shadows
uneven terrain
>footprint doesn't match the boot
the boots have an outer layer they took off
>the unrealistic quantity of photographs taken in a short period of time
not an argument. Pictures don't take a long time to take
>camera pans up after departure
It tracks the ascent stage. trivial to program
>no delay on a phone call from moon-Texas-Washington
that was edited out

Had there been hard vacuum, eliminating the effect of winds and rain, in your wood?

the flag they planted on the moon actually has a pole running thru it to keep it in a "waving" position because well, theres no air on the moon to make it wave, and the flag would just fall limp.

This is what it looked like without the Mylar foil. It wasn't flimsy.

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What about Van Allen Belt radiation. Astronauts on the highest Space Shuttle mission reported being able to see through their eyelids due to Van Allen Belt radiation and they weren't even in the belts, just closer than previous missions. If this was so, why didn't any of the Apollo astronauts reports a similar radiation anomaly?

I could address all these, but I don't care all that much.
I will however say...
>that was edited out
Of a live broadcast? Lol sure thing guy.

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so then what was the purpose of wrapping it in tinfoil and cardboard?

They didn't know it existed yet.

I was flimsy actually because it took 40kg of fuel to get 1kg into space, you have to make it as light as possible.
The moon having 1/6th the gravity of earth meant that it was not flimsy there, but it couldn't even support its own weight if freestanding on earth, never mind landing forces.

That guy tried to get any of the guys that "walked on the moon". to sware to it on a bible. Not one would do it.
He made a film called Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon.
Just watch it. we never went.

Nice to know that people who lied to millions of people around the world are still good Christians.

This makes no sense you silly goose. That's like saying you couldn't get burned by fire if you were not previously aware of it's existence or properties. Also, to the best of my knowledge they did know of the Van Allen Belts and the radiation threat. The official answer is mission planners decided the exposure would be minimal and likely not threatening to the health of the astronauts.

I'll just leave this here

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Astronuts said they could push their hand through it. So are you calling them lairs?

It wasn't tinfoil and cardboard, it was Mylar, a reflective foil that reflects light+radiation so the lander doesn't overheat

If Mylar can protect you from radiation why do they cover me with lead when i get a x-ray

How exactly did they even get the rover up there anyway? Did they cram it into the lunar lander? Why the fuck would they even bother with it. Seemed like a bit more equipment than they needed. Does anybody remember watching them put it together? I must of missed that one.


Space shuttle missions last 6 months at least. Apollo was moving at 11 km/s and moved through the radiation belt in a few hours. It was enough that the Apollo astronauts have a higher than average rate of cancer and nearly all of them developed eye cataracts. The radiation also destroyed some of the film they used for pictures until they learned to insulate the film canisters in later missions.

I've seen an interview where they actually use that excuse though.

They ship has a rigid structure and the Mylar is thin and flimsy.

Different wavelengths and energies of radiation dipshit.

Cause lead looks hotter on you.

X-ray has a shorter wavelength than gamma radiation so it can be stopped by a thinner layer. And if the lander was covered in lead it would be too heavy.

On NASAs own site they said they are trying to get a capsule 3,400 miles up. They said its real hard because of radiation and x-rays.
But they have already gone 240,000 miles away like 5 fucking times in 1969. Its almost like they never went?

I wouldn't bother humoring some random crazy guy either. If they had sworn on the bible he'd just call them liars.

Nah man. President Nixon wouldn't lie to us.

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I think you mean ISS missions lasting 6 months. I'm fairly certain before the ISS was built, shuttle missions were only days long. Maybe I should have googled it but I am very lazy.

kys. The Soviets would have loved to prove this fake. They couldn't. They couldn't even fake news it. So again, kys.

Because a three day mission is clearly the same thing as keeping humans in space for many months or over 3 years on a Mars mission.

X-rays are roughly classified into soft X-rays and hard X-rays. Soft X-rays have relatively short wavelengths of about 10 nanometers (a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter), and so they fall in the range of the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum between ultraviolet (UV) light and gamma-rays. Hard X-rays have wavelengths of about 100 picometers (a picometer is one-trillionth of a meter). These electromagnetic waves occupy the same region of the EM spectrum as gamma-rays

Please stop with your fake science. Dont make up shit when you dont know shit.

It's only hard to believe for people who can't fathom achievement. Basement dwellers and low IQs.

No one is talking about mars dumb shit. Nasa says they want to put a capsle 3,400 miles out. They cant do it. The moon is 240,000 fucking miles away you fucktard

UV light doesn't carry 100KeV either

Since so many other countries have better technology today than fifty years ago, how come nobody else bothered going there. Must be pretty fucken easy by now.

They can put a capsule there. They can't put a capsule there that will protect human safety long-term that doesn't have so much mass it would be unfeasible to launch.

I'm done playing with idiots for today

Do you even know the political implications if the Russians said those pictures were fake?

if this shit happened in a studio,where are the tire tracks?

The problem is they made science "cool" so psuedo intellectuals like yourself can clutch on to the narrative they push without being objective. You take anything outside of this narrative as "low iq" without actually trying to understand the criticism.
Your bias and your dogma are blinders and your incapable of comprehending anything outside your narrow field of view

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They destroyed the technology and it's a difficult process to build it back.

Trying to bait this hard, kek

Its called Orion. They want to just send it 3,400 miles up and bring it right back. They cant do it. But they said they went 240,000 miles away multiple times 50 years ago. Im sorry this bothers you.

the same way it happened on the moon. it was faked.

Cant do it...ATM because we switched rocket types and our space mission/goals? And the Saturn V cant carry the Orion. It's like they have to design a whole new rocket

>anything outside of this narrative as "low iq" without actually trying to understand the criticism
This can be applied to so much more. People who understand why a person thinks the way they do can make arguments to destroy them. A person who just brushes off their opponent as a rural retard and can not see the other side will always lose.

It's because it is the new long term heavy lift rocket. They could build another obselete Saturn V but chose to innovate. They already out the capsule portion of this on a lightning orbit to simulate reentry from a lunar return.
Just because it isn't ready for risking human life in doesn't mean man has never left our sphere of influence.

>Bait so successful yesterday we use it again today!

Why aren't we all still driving around unsafe cars that get 8 miles to the gallon if they got us around?

Im sorry cognitive dissonance keeps you from seeing the truth.
Can you imagine people in 1969 saying we cant do what they did in 1919. They could build a hell of a model T in 1919. We need years of planning and 100 billion dollars in 1969 to make a car good as the model-T

Any community that gets its kicks from pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded with actual idiots believing they are in good company.

Did you know being educated in like anything reduces the odds you'll believe conspiracy theories?

America apparently lands on moon a few times.
Doesn't return for decades, even though plenty of research etc could be done.
People get salty when people say it was fake as if real we would be making constant routine yearly trips to the moon.
"Costs too much monies", says the angry boifat while his government spends so much more on useless fighter jets that will never be used, because paranoia and profits.

America 2019

Yeah. They destroyed all the technology. Along with taping over the original moon walks. Oh, and they lost all the moon rocks.

Confirmed: This thread did in fact never land on the moon.

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Amazing isn't it?

"Mom!! I posted it again!!"

Yep biggest thing mankind did. Oh no we lost everything.
All plans for every rocket to the dune buggie and space suits.
All video, all telemetry
Makes sense to me?!

We'd have a conspiracy sooner?
The Russians loved to do that shit. They still do. Distrust in the government is ultra destructive to democracy.
They started the "Hitler's still alive" conspiracy. The west only just last year were allowed access to what's left of his remains in Moscow.
And I am confident as hell they did start the moon landing hoax. They're just more subtle.

>lost all the moon rocks

What? Are you high? They have loads of them, including some that are still sealed from when they were picked up on the moon.

>the moon in the sky

Can you imagine seeing this in person? Must have been pure awe

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>More subtle
I mean, not anymore... They have a news station now called "Russia today" where attractive anchors with perfect American accents report very clear conspiracies... They dont hide anymore. They know their audience are retards..

English clearly isn't your first language, and you're salty about the USA. Color me shocked.

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Armstrong himself gave some to Holland.
They were not even rocks they were fucking petrified wood. Keep believing in fairy tales

It wasnt a warehouse on earth, its a warehouse on the moon!

We haven't gone back to the moon because faggot politicians and their retarded base don't see any profit in going back to moon. They could easily afford it with their current budgets but don't because they have no backing.

We have the tech (obviously), it's just there's no value seen in it.

This dumbass would believe nasa if they told him maybe the moon had old trees

Ok now this conspiracy is taking off..

They gave moon rocks to over 100 countries, but one turned out to be fake so if we extrapolate the whole thing never happened.

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You are fucking stupid. it was on a mars military base. everyone knows this. My Uncles drinking buddy was there!

>upset that nobody speaks sesame street English
>thru tho etc
>thinks nobody else can speak English outside of the states
>being that desperate to think they are more educated but not


All of them they test are fake. Im sorry cognitive dissonance keeps you from seeing the truth

clearly there was nothing wrong with anons post want to point out what was wrong?

Now calculate how much money goes to subsidizing failing industries because politicians are bribed by multi-trillion-dollar corporations

>source: just trust me bro

So where's the proof that it's faked? Right now there's more evidence and proof that it happened vs not.

The entire Apollo project was heavily documented throughout the entire project. Plus all the literal THOUSANDS of witnesses that worked on the project.

That's the issue with you conspiracy retards, there's no fucking way you can silence 1000s of people.

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>"We had to land on dark side of the Moon, as the side facing the sun is too hot."
>Apparently flew to moon mostly facing the Sun with no atmosphere to protect them, like the surface of the Moon


Nasa shits couldnt even get the size of earth right.
Its small as the moon is from here.

Go google shit dumb ass

There's no such thing as the "dark side of the moon" you fucking retard. The only "dark sides" are some craters at the extreme poles. The Far side of the moon is fully lit by the sun.

Blame Pink Floyd, fucking with retards for decades

A little high, I guess.

Hook me up with some moon rocks?

Riddle me this then batman, since the Moon doesn't rotate on its axis, then why didn't they land on the side facing the Earth constantly?

I await the excuses.

wrong the far side of the moon is only lit by the sun every 8 hrs per day.

What do you think the purpose of Apollo 8 was? There are craters everywhere you can't just go in a straight line and land wherever the fuck you want.

They did you fucktard, the landed in the Sea of Tranquility which faces the earth.
Y'all dumbshits haven't even looked into this topic at all have you.

>cant do it...ATM
ATM being the keyword meaning it takes time to develop a new rocket to carry a larger payload. Also your model T is a poor analogy compared to rocket science. Nice try tho

Are you asking why we redesigned our cars and improved their safety and fuel efficiency over time and not in a year?

>gets angry
>assumes people said in a straight line
>because he cannot answer the question

Simply put they can land where they wish, they can plot trajectories prior to launch.

So again why is no lunar landings on the near side, where people can actually view it by telescope?

And since the surface of the moon 1/3rd at a time has temperatures rising to 350F how did the astronauts protect themselves from that high heat even while in the module itself?

Apollo 8 was to orbit the moon, not land on it.

Precisely. They orbited 10 times in order to find a suitable landing spot for future missions.
what is the sea of tranquility trebek

Um they didnt land in the dark side of the moon or else no photos would work. Also if you think the space suits didnt have thermal protection and werent color white for a reason then you're dumb

I really think this should stop with people understanding how hard it is to maintain a conspiracy, and how exponentially harder it is to maintain with each one person you let into the loop, and how many hundreds of thousands of people are involved with NASA, space science, the moon landing etc..

And when a conspiracy breaks, it shatters.. it doesn't have a few bloggers on the internet and tabloids spreading horseshit.
Full media coverage, full government damage control, full public knowledge. That's how a conspiracy breaks.

>the Moon doesn't rotate on its axis
You wanna know how I know you're retarded?

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>And since the surface of the moon 1/3rd at a time has temperatures rising to 350F how did the astronauts protect themselves from that high heat even while in the module itself?

How does a thermos keep hot things hot and cold things cold? How does the oven in your kitchen not get to the same temperature outside as it does inside?

>hurrrrr I'm a fuckin retard. What's a map???

You do realize that the landing sites are way too tiny to be seen from Earth right? Oh right you're too mentally retarded to grasp a simple concept

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some cameras have this nifty little feature called "zoom"

Are you suggesting the Lunar module was a thermos flask, please do you make me pee pee a bit from laughing.

The moon doesn't rotate on its axis, it rotates around the Earth but always facing the same way as it doesn't rotate.

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be careful you are about to make yourself look retarded

>The moon doesn't rotate on its axis, it rotates around the Earth but always facing the same way as it doesn't rotate.
>always facing the same way

I wonder how it does that then

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It has a synchronus orbit, it always faces the earth but it takes 27 days to rotate once, and 27 days to orbit the Earth. So in theory the Moon actually doesn't rotate at all.

>Are you suggesting the Lunar module was a thermos flask, please do you make me pee pee a bit from laughing.

Insulation retard. A thermos uses vacuum space and an oven is wrapped in fiberglass batting. Look up aerogel for a modern take on the concept.

>So in theory the Moon actually doesn't rotate at all.
No it actually rotates. It only APPEARS to not rotate from Earth point of view

>The module had insulation like a thermos does
These people are something else man...

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>So again why is no lunar landings on the near side, where people can actually view it by telescope?
The moon is 300,000,000 meters away. If you put a ruler in front of you at a 0.3 meter distance, a man who's size is 1.7 meters while laying down on the surface of the moon will appear 1.7x10^-9 meters in size, extremely small. The best telescopes can magnify up to x250. Which will make said man appear 4.25x10^-7 meters in size, impossible to see.

I bet most of these conspiracy retards are Berniebros and voted for Obama.

Haha yep. I thought the same. Let's keep watching, yeah?

How far we've fallen in half a century...

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There is more powerful than that.

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The moon reahes 250 F. Not 350. That's the setting you just put on the oven for your tendies so I see how you got confused.
NASA space suits are rated to protect against temperatures as high as 300° F. It's also not like on Earth. There is no atmosphere to hold an ambient temperature. I am not sure but I think I remember that making it easier to protect against temperatures... Could be wrong about that last part.

Anyway the other user is right. It's insulation. The thermos was an example which you so boldly used as a strawman.

It's all BS because if a astronaut on the lunar surface farted the force of the expulsion would propel them into the atmosphere and they would drift away.

It also goes to -243F right? So what do they do with the Thermos Capsule? Turn on the heating and let it stay warm and toasty? Then how does it cool down for the hot temps to come?

See checkmate.

That's an amazingly powerful fart. On earth that would tear your pants open and injure people behind you.

Really hope you're trolling at this point...

You are talking about professional gigantic telescopes, and even those have limitations, the more you zoom in, the blurrier the image and the less bright it appears, it is just stupid to think you can see a man made aircraft size object or a man on the surface of the moon an that distance with any telescope.

Well yes you are of course correct NASA gave the astronauts corks to put up their asses for the duration of the mission

he has a point how does it cool and heat up if it is insulated inside to regulate temperatures? wouldn't that play havok with instruments from condensation?

retort much good, ya!

Not the same user, but when a space is insulated from outside temperatures that means heat can't easily leave or enter. So when outside is really cold (there is very little heat outside), the inside heat can't escape because of the insulation, if there's a heat source (like the body of an astronaut) the. The Temperature easily regulates inside.
When the outside temperature is greater it can't also easily enter the aircraft, so the inside temperature still is regulated.

You have to remember that heat energy wants to flow from a place where there is lots of it to a place where there is almost none, an insulated surface around an object makes the inside of the object's heat stay, and the outside of the object's heat also stay.

Chequem8, indeed! You saw through the conspiracy by proving the 1960s didn’t have the technology for heating and cooling.

It's in a vacuum. You've already lost two ways of heat transfer and only radiant heat is a factor, so insulation does the trick (the tin foil op is referring to is just that). The inside of the lander produces a lot of it's own heat with electronic equipment so that isn't an issue either, and again due to insulation is doesn't escape.
For cooling, they had a radiator and a porous plate sublimator which takes advantage of water boiling in a vacuum somehow, I don't really understand how it works but essentially when the water from thw radiator boils off it takes heat with it, and when you use the sublimator it slows the boiling off process which means it takes more heat.

Anyway.. again, insulation insulation. The interior temperatures are totally unaffected by the outside. Heats eat because of electrical components. Cooling down was trickier but they got that too.

Actually the moon does rotate, however it's in a tidal lock with Earth, something common with other moons in our solar system. Also, all Apollo landing sites were on the side of the moon tidally locked with the Earth.

This being said, I still call bullshit on the Apollo missions.



"hurr durr the moon obviously doesn't turn to face the sun when in orbit with the Earth for 16 hrs per day."

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wow this entire thread is comedy gold

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I can't tell who's serious, who's retarded, and who's attempting to troll.

Tenouttaten thread

It doesn't.

Earth takes 24 hours to go around the Sun
16 hrs per day the moon is facing the Sun and the back of the moon is shielded
Thus 8 hrs when the back of the moon is facing the sun

want me to leak your best friend

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>Its small as the moon is from here.
No, you retard, it isn't, because they're different sizes

>there's no fucking way you can silence 1000s
I worked on the F22 for years before I knew what it even was. plus the manhattan project was many time larger with 10s of thousands of people working on it and the public didn't know until the bomb was dropped. things are compartmentalized in any great undertaking.

Yeah, but the difference is that the Apollo project was highly publicized and documented the entire time.

"a glorious example of American values and workmanship"

It's different than a top-secret project like the f22 or Manhattan projects. Those aren't being run by a civilian agency.

look it up there was no heating or cooling systems.

no but that wasn't stated. My point being they can have Thousands of people working on something with only a very few in the know. I'm fairly certain we went to the moon but there is some fishiness to the whole project.

You're trying too hard now

>camera pans up
That famous shot was from the third landing.
The first two landings the pan wasn't in-sync and missed it.
You watched the broadcast live in 1969?
Oh wait, no.... You've only seen clips of it on the history channel. I.E. the edited version.