What is she afraid of esfores?

what is she afraid of esfores?

Attached: IMG_20190808_101833.jpg (1048x1150, 89K)

Other urls found in this thread:


i don't know you cropped it out of the pic


stay in the general nigger

stay in the general nigger

Your fortune: Outlook good

stay in the general nigger

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

12damdos pedo rape dungeon

american civil war 2


Pedos like you

stay in the general nigger

stay in the general nigger

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

stay in the general nigger

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

hey mods can we send this tard to /vg/ already he's been flooding our board with his shit for months

the nigger in general stay

i dond thing bullyign is bury nice

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.04.[640x480].[912823AA].v2.mkv_snapshot_17.35_[2017.07.08_11.01.25].png (640x480, 444K)

stay nigger

making threads that nobody else posts in and necrospamming them for weeks is an act of bullying against our entire board

id literlely doesnd matter..... lrn tto b nice ann chlellax... ggo ffor a [s4s]-qualelty life. dond b liek da anons on udder boards who obsess ober smol details ann demand peoplel walk on eggshlells... beign nice is a step 2wards qualelty postign

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.39.[640x480].[36208AE6].v2.mkv_snapshot_07.22_[2017.08.12_12.18.58] (1).jpg (640x480, 191K)

preventing this board from being completely replaced by 150 single inhabitant threads that just say "bump" every twenty minutes is nice

dats nod wuts happeny dough dond buy intto r*de-eyes pls, maek a cool meme insted! plus, if u encourage r*de dond b surprise when ebery1 aroudn u is r*de tto u! id wont feel nice.

sso~ leds! ggo fly a kite! u~p! tto da highest heights!

Attached: Mo~tto! Ojamajo Doremi - 20 - Hajimete-au classmate [WinxBloom1980][RAW-720p][19986881].mp4_snapshot (960x720, 392K)

nobody is gonna post nice when this board gets renamed /bg/ - generals/random

dats a new meme... memes come ann ggo.... u cud maek a funny generlel tto. ebery1 wud laff at id ann hab a goo tiem....

Attached: kayako chan chewing.webm (960x720, 206K)

being alone

Attached: 1503857992711.png (420x397, 142K)

this. killnigger

mining coal, which is very reasonable considering it's hard and hazardous labor

Idk lole

Attached: 55e.png (680x382, 79K)

who isnt
Are you himeko katagiri an undergroud music artist?


Attached: R-3753913-1343011283-7341.jpeg (1).jpg (300x300, 26K)


Attached: BFFB1EE4-EBEA-4199-9C6A-32F49470DEE3.jpg (500x497, 46K)

double jump,,,,doesn't fit into physics

Attached: homework-clip-art-thinkingcapwhoacolor.gif (431x500, 41K)

How about one big jump with a barrel roll?