I'm a fucking loser

I'm a fucking loser.

-Social anxiety with panic attack
-Zero confidence, feeling worthless
-Poor job, no money
-Have a trashy car
-Ugly, dunno but I'm sure unattractive
-faping all day
-My english sucks as you see maybe

What do inb4 anhero?

I want to live, but now this is only pain. Help Yea Forums I need advice from you, not from /adv/ or reddit, want start here.

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What are u doing to get out of this feeling?
You aren't going to get an answer here

Work at Walmart and feel better about yourself

pay rent

find something you're good at and put all of your motivation into that.

I don't get it

What feeling? Of being sad and worthless? I'm killing time by fapping and watching TV shows.

Here its useless. You might meet 2 people here who are not trolls.
Professional help. Its useful. I am depressed, tried to kill myself. A professionist will help.
Friend/gf. Its better if you talk. Even a friend is ok.
Good luck. Hope i helped

first off, don’t come here looking for answers.
If you want to get better you should talk to a psychiatrist, or you could just say fuck it and start doing drugs

that's bad when you fail at dying

Welcome to the 80% of young population OP

So you're doing absolutely nothing about your feeling of being sand and worthless and hope to us to say what you should do?
Dude you're getting the consequences of what ur doing. What do you expect fapping and watching Tv all day?

that's not all
you're also gay

Dying can actually be very hard.
Even if you truly want to end it all deep down, your survival instincts will kick in at some point and probably end up saving your life.

Yeah. Got found after swallowing all my meds w/ alchool. Pure alchool.

I thinking of that too when I read your comment.

Would you belive if i said i am the same and still have a girl that loves me?

If you have a gf you are not the same

OP here

I think you already know the answer

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Get. A. Fucking. Life.

You're fucking lazy and everything will change if you exercise a shred of discipline and go fucking do something with your time.

I mean having the same things you listed
I barely fap though and have no car

Just find something you truly enjoy doing and go for it.
For me it was astronomy, probably the only reason I didn’t end up killing myself.

Also you should probably talk to someone about your anxiety, there are a ton of medications for that sort of stuff.

It’s not that complicated man, find a decent job for now that has insurance. Seek therapy. Work out regularly spend less time online. Gluing yourself to 4 Chan only ups the anxiety. Eat better/work out/masturbate a bit less and you will see changes right away in your mental state. Relax.

Maybe try something else

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I can't enjoy anything. Just can't.

go smoke some weed until you do

You're fucking lazy. That's it. Fuck off or an hero. But you're wasting our time.