Least favorite race?
Least favorite race?
white/caucasian they think they rule the world
fuck you fagget
They're shitshows, no matter who's running.
btw favorite race Spellcaster
Nigger, obviously.
Fuck your shit, zombies were actually interesting to play before those shitty links came out
Tour de France
The human race
Race is a social construct.
Not kidding.
Cyberse, It didn't add much to the game and all the cyberse monsters all look like fucking cgi vr robots that imagined by someone living in the 90's. Other races have their own vr robot looking monsters so why do we need a dedicated one. At least with rocks or fish the designs are more varied
the human race
Did they ever even make a good rock/thunder/reptile arch type last one I remembered is the worms but they suck
Oranges and Weebs and Footfags
Not to be racist but every Mexican I know is a two faced bitch
Elves. Fucking knife ears think they're the best at everything
Ey, fuck you
Anything non white
Way too many ayy lmao summerfags here today, coincidence or do they know that there's no more hiding the truth now that 1.5 millions dude are gonna storm their hiding spot
Half-elves. Fuck diplomacy checks.
Daytona 500
Blacks are retarded and violent and whites think they are so much better than everyone else yet you call us two faced
No question Indians. Anyone who travels will say Indians.
The 400m. Fucking sucks
do tell
Blood elves that racial is fucking shit and the men look like women
No good rocks or reptiles, however thunder dragons are fucking crazy rn
All of them except white