Going to have my last couple of cigs, what y'all want me to ask the devil when I go down there

Going to have my last couple of cigs, what y'all want me to ask the devil when I go down there.

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you serious?

What you gonna do, is that a bridge?

See you in the other side man

Ask him why you are such a massive faggot


don't kill yourself user we love you

Yee, huge fag here,1 cig left, i dont see any questions yalll want me to ask

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no stream, no time, my bad my dude

Is that a big antenna? you gonna climb and swan dive off that bitch?

Proof this is fake and gay

What's the most you have ever accomplished in your life?

Do a flip faggot

it’s okay just know that i love you man no homo

Put your hand thru the noose doing thumbs down to prove validity

Don’t do it man, go buy more cigs and think about what you can do with your life over them rather then killing yourself

Guess what, when you die, thats the end. No afterlife, just nothing.

No questions for the devil? Peace y'all!

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what else ya think i'm going for?

Tell him to finally answer my prayers, he's been ignoring me

ask him if they got ac down there

why an hero?
I seriously want to know.
You don’t need to know my scenario, it’s not pretty, and my only way out right now is to get my old car running properly. That’s all I can do other than try and take care of myself. I guarantee that you have something I don’t, your youth, so make something of it.
You don’t want to know what happens when your gone. I’ve done that before.

tf you talking about

Not OP, but suicide is the easiest and most effective way to fix almost any problem.

Ask him why.

aight man see you next week

Kek u mean that black emptiness like before you were born 2spook4me

op did you died

L8r niggur

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OP here!

I came, that was great