Hunger Games thread

Hunger Games thread
First 24
Suggest a code

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dubs getting

Attached: aiportraits_1563588926.jpg (512x512, 14K)

Puppy's Past Self

Time Travel

Attached: 500000287_medium.jpg (300x300, 31K)

Puppy's Future Self

Attached: Untitled3.png (264x257, 157K)


Attached: 163.png (126x124, 19K)

RIP puppers innocence

Nazeem "The Dream"

Attached: 3939494.png (560x614, 478K)


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Rip thread

Diamonds Droog

Attached: PSDroog.png (138x395, 3K)


Attached: 66AA2C6E-937F-464F-99E6-7B10CD99A917.jpg (750x1334, 50K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832K)

Old man Kekkins

Attached: Old man Kekkins.png (419x579, 359K)

Coco Bandicoot is hotter than Belle Delphine

Attached: 529482664420.png (656x810, 404K)

Ducke detective(s)

Attached: DUCKE DETECTIVES.jpg (624x614, 58K)


Attached: jrplxchazzj21.jpg (828x460, 59K)

God in Disguise

Attached: 1530477815148.jpg (567x768, 55K)


Attached: b648aef4e52738a61634b9204846f244_crop_375x420.jpg (375x420, 134K)

Dubito's Lawyer

Attached: Thelawyer.png (500x424, 371K)

Godd Howard

Attached: 1539719671884.png (704x900, 421K)

Mr. Cookie

Attached: Mrcookie.jpg (750x985, 203K)

Toast Traumatic Stress Disorder

Attached: 90F64D09-2E6C-4520-9396-A0C1E1C5EDD1.jpg (640x640, 27K)


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Jack Nicholson

Attached: 1563233931591.png (640x480, 504K)

WTF Mickey.

Attached: Mickey.jpg (250x215, 5K)


Attached: Reaping.jpg (670x862, 312K)


yeah let's get to it

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Attached: 01198retcon.gif (650x450, 106K)

make it quick

ill try

Attached: 02.jpg (670x2243, 728K)

My votes: TTST, Droog, Cat, and mm


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Let's get to chilling in the marketplace

Attached: OHNOE.jpg (270x349, 35K)

I'm ready user, are you?

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You take your time OP-kun~

Jokes on you, with my jump back I will remake skyrim again

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Puppy needs to know what happens in the future come back!

Arbiter ewwww
Future puppy gets a blast from the past
Fran does some good team strategy
Dubs wants that trap shota [REDACTED]
I wont questuion your version of fun, Mao

Attached: 03.jpg (670x2023, 615K)

I love how senile Old man Kekkins is already!

Attached: 4205538535.jpg (654x976, 91K)

How are you gonna get all the ducks in?
Nazeem wanders the sky district before it was even built
Mr cookie?
Poor Kenkins

Attached: 04.jpg (670x1491, 496K)

20 years wasted not making Skyrim over and over, why live

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Howard, thst thing's probably rusty!
Arbiter wtf
Wh- What is beach humiliation?

Attached: 05.jpg (670x1258, 418K)

Puppy is one kinky motherfucker, I bet he waited for that moment all his life.

Hopefully nazeem can be the hero we need.

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He got such a nice pair of dubs he memorialized it
Mao's time machine runs on liquid copies of skyrim, how curious
So THATS how jack nicholson wound up looking like that
Nazeem=Yea Forums?!

Attached: 06.jpg (670x1473, 472K)

B e a c h h u m i l i a t i o n

Attached: 1562535204392.jpg (1024x768, 126K)

I would let Nazeem take me to the cloud district whenever he wants hnnggg

You know it babycakes

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Attached: 1543863384817.png (402x436, 23K)

Did jack nicholson roll dubs too?
Puppy domesticates some primitive humans
How does that even work, Mao?
Nazeem's cat


Attached: 07.jpg (670x1623, 480K)

Billonaire? Now I can pay the people to hit their own faces, yay!

Attached: challenge.jpg (480x565, 250K)

Gotta make due with what you got.
Don't worry Todd I own skyrim

Attached: 51.png (145x207, 23K)


Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

>Puppy's future and past selves are getting laid at the same time.
Is there a bigger Chad than him? (mfw he's just a whore)

Mao gets some of that treatment they gave to mongolians in Mulan
A zombie trap?
At least old man kenkins got a job

Attached: 08.jpg (670x1126, 377K)

The asura's star in my sky
No acrobatics i cannot fly
The moon as bright as nirnroot
You'll always find me around whiterun in a skyrim reboot.

Attached: download.jpg (637x358, 68K)

What the fuck dubito
Jack you sneaky rascal
Hokuto No Kenkins
Nazeem finna take these girls to the cloud district
Why not tupac?

Attached: 09.jpg (670x1242, 417K)

Oh well

Attached: 125.png (549x202, 113K)

Bless my Child

Attached: 1544027324491.png (251x311, 64K)

So now its puppy's future past self?
Poor dubs
Poor dubs
Wait, Who is nazim's grandpa?

Attached: 10.jpg (670x1490, 447K)

Omg kekkins my fucking sides!

Attached: ForcedmetoKEK.jpg (720x940, 155K)

Are we just going to ignore that Puppy just got retconned from existence?


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Ok, he's a whore then

How would that work?

Attached: [].gif (600x397, 1.58M)

World war 5 was no joke, dudes
I mean, what did you expect using sticks and stones against lasers?

Attached: 12.jpg (670x577, 175K)

Oh Hey the present

Attached: 13.jpg (670x1108, 360K)

Futurw pup comes from an Alternate timeline where the other past puppy is still safe

Aw hell.

At least past puppy didn't live to be beach humilliated

Gues youre... shit outta luck, bud
Fran cuts to the chase

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Hey you guys seen my grandfather clock? I think i lost i- Guys? Guys where are you?

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Attached: a6e4d34bde8e843ff025a9f232bb00e4_crop_180x86.jpg (180x86, 19K)

Wait, I think kenkins got bored and left

Attached: 16.png (670x409, 224K)

Who do? What the hell is a whodo? What?! SPEAK UP SONNY!

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The story of my life...

Attached: bored.jpg (650x650, 273K)

And we come to the end of the line!place bets!
>ducke detectives
>dubito's lawyer

Attached: RigsnMao.png (2000x1330, 683K)

The young version of my first incarnation

Attached: 00833.swf.00-21.48.png (650x450, 28K)

Bettin' on the ducks

Attached: Aamdr.jpg (374x340, 48K)


Attached: 524.jpg (936x809, 524K)

Such is life

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And unlike the second place, the votes were NOT split in two, nice not jinxing it guys

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Thanks for hosting

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Thanks for the game.

Attached: L.jpg (1035x1373, 117K)

k, thx, bye

Yay! Thanks for Hosting OP! Always fun

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Thanks for the last kek pap pap

Attached: 105.gif (340x340, 147K)

Thanks for the game

Attached: cool.jpg (512x512, 52K)

Thanks for hosting

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Thanks for hosting

Attached: 22.jpg (334x309, 84K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: rigsfwnukedniggers.png (633x657, 155K)

Thanks for hosting

Victory applesauce and diluted quaaludes for everybody!

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Thanks for the host and GG

Attached: 109.png (167x245, 30K)

Thanks to you too

Attached: Rigspose 1.png (500x500, 111K)

Double dubs?! Truly blessins from kekkins.

Attached: 483726.png (615x302, 267K)


Thanks for hosting

Attached: zzz.jpg (304x218, 66K)

Anyone wanna host next?

