In terms of ease of use, pain induced, and survivability, how does Yea Forums rate suicide via food allergies?

in terms of ease of use, pain induced, and survivability, how does Yea Forums rate suicide via food allergies?

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assume using takeaway food and eating it at a secluded location, and that the food allergies have not been tested for again since first being discovered in childhood

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please google suicide prevention hotline. look, if you'd planning on killing yourself anyway, what do you have to lose calling them?


allergies much worse, had to be taken to the hospital as a child first time it was encountered

apathy, mostly. i've tried getting help before, but i've come to realize it's not a battle of me vs. the world, it's a battle of my apathy vs. my fear of death

figures it's this kind of post i get a full house trip/dubs nice catch user i totally missed that

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mostly looking for info on how much it'll hurt, tbh. if anything, that'll convince me not to do it. i tend to avoid pain.

on the one hand, suffocation. on the other hand, autoerotic asphxiation exists for a reason, i guess...?

also taking any tips on how to go through on it.
i've stepped up to the edge and lost my nerve multiple times already, not because i suddenly realise i love something, just because i'm scared it'll hurt

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what are your thoughts on why you are afraid?

a mix of fear that my last moments will stretch out and prolong the pain, and/or that if i die before my natural death, my soul will remain bound and continue feeling until the time my natural death would have been

so you believe in predestination and you are afraid that if you cheat it, it will punish you?

that's a good way to phrase it, yeah, only for me it's an "if", just a BIG "if".

and what sort of apathy do you have? Is it completely hopeless to come back to life, you feel?

it's like when you play a game, and you fuck up character creation, or put points in the wrong stats, and now the game's unplayable. that's kind of how i feel.
i messed up my character creation, i'm logged into the wrong server, i'm not having fun, this game sucks, i can't afford or don't want to pay the subscription fee, please for god's sake let me quit.

yeah, I get the feeling. I still cannot say with a good conscience to just commit. What are you early, mid twenties?

25, how'd you guess lol...
i just want to peacefully logout. maybe help someone that DOES want to live, by donating my organs to them. too idealistic, i've since realized...
how messed up does one need to be, to become jealous of kids with cancer, that they're never judged for dying early?

as a 24 year old it wasn't hard to guess.
Man those just sound like edgy teenager thought. I have them too but on a different accord.
You have seeked proper help right? What did they say about this?

the usual, i should find something that i'm passionate about, when i had a job i was told to keep at it, it'll take my mind off things etc

didn't have enough energy for the job, was tired all the time. whenever i DID have time to sit down and take a break, same thought came back: "fuck me i'd kill myself just so i won't have to do that again"
as for interests... food, travel, collectables, none of those interest me. skydiving etc are for adrenalin junkies who have too much money imo, so... back to square one

people as a hobby? Have you ever thought about just living in nature? Maybe you are totally unfit for "proper" functioning.

if i lived in the US, i'd definitely do that, just up and walk into the forest wherever. unfortunately, i live on a tiny island smaller that's literally smaller than New York, and just as densely populated. There's little to no nature i can adequately live in

>smaller that's literally smaller
lmao whoops. i guess i really wanted to emphasize that

well then the road is clear isn't it? Gather some money and move! Is this Europe? I am a Europe too.

didn't even notice lol

haha my parents would love it if i could "gather some money" at all... i haven't done so because of apathy, and what happened at all my jobs.
at some point it all just became "god, i'd rather kill myself than do X"
even that bit about upping and walking into the forest- that's primarily because i know for sure i'll die since i have practically no survival skills

Damn dude. What about this conversation? You seem to be up for not talking about how to actually commit.

i feel like it's become my complainfest lol... if i could kill myself, i'd have succeeded the first 3 or 4 times i tried.

i guess my point is, nothing interests me, not food, not travel, not skydiving or whatever
every possible action i could do is outweighed by the feeling of "well... i'd rather just cease my existence."

if i had a genie wish, i'd wish not for my death, but to never have existed in the first place. literal nothingness is the most peaceful existence i can concieve of

and hey, user... thanks for sticking with me here. it's really nice to have a listening ear

I feel you. Once stood atop of a parkade and a few inches far from death but luckily pussied out.
Life kinda just got on and I think I found my place. It's not amazing or something but I suppose it's better than nothing. Moreover, I saved my family a lot of misery which is why I didn't jump in the first place.
Life can be a piece of shit and when u think it can't get worse anymore, it does. But you will reach the bottom eventually and afterwards it gets better.
Maybe you are in the wrong server and maybe next you did misskilled but so do many others and it's not like there are any other games you could play. Getting used to the same old missions is a part of leveling.
Keep going man. That's the one thing I can tell you. Keep going.

But if you srsly wanna do this: bullet is easier and less painful. However, before you do that call your parents and tell them a last time you love them and that you are sorry.

No worries man. I wish we could have this convo in person over a bier right now. I am sitting at home because I am sick.
And fuck man, see, you can enjoy things. Maybe you should just go out to a local pub, slam some biers, talks shit with some guys and slowly you would crawl out of this hole. The hole is a shitty place to be and it denies you perspective on things.

i've been at "bottom" for over a decade now... every time i think it's getting better, it crumbles. i've given up trying.

where i am, guns are banned. i'd have eaten a bullet long ago if i could get my hands on one. no idea where to get drugs to overdose on, since drug smuggling carries a death penalty here. wish i had an easier time dying

i wouldn't mind hanging out with you, but... frankly speaking, i don't want to be out of this hole. crawling out means trying again with energy and enthusiasm i just don't have.
i've gradually cut off all my friends over the past year, crawling deeper in the hole, because i don't want this fixed, i want this ended and gone, y'know? i can't continue like this. i want a game over screen, then nothingness.

ah... gotta go, user, or questions will be asked of me. once again, thank you for hearing me out. i hope things go well for you, too

same for you my man, same for you. Wherever you go I wish the best!

You gotta do what you gotta do. I can only say that I'll be here for a while if you wanna stay/change your mind/wanna talk.


As this thread proves, you're not alone. Your vidya analogy really hits home. I know it doesn't feel like it, but you can totally start over. Have you tried any prescription meds?

That's what it took for me, just sayin.


Okay, let's look at this a little closer.

You're young. You're white (cuz this is Yea Forums). You're literate and have computer access. You're self-aware enough to know that something doesn't connect. You've been able to survive without sustained work. You reached out for human connection. These are good things.


Depends entirely on whether or not your allergies are life-threatening. Since you thought of it I assume they are. Even so

>ease of use
Depends what you're allergic to but I guess it'd be pretty easy.

>pain induced
Don't have any allergies myself but I assume it'd be very long and painful since you'd most likely die of asphyxiation if anything, plus the inflammation or whatever you get.

>and survivability
Very, very survivable. You most likely won't die but you might get close enough to it to have second thoughts.

Overall 1/10 just jump off a bridge or something.

Hope you'll read this, I'm joining this conversation a bit late.

A friend of mine has killed himself recently. He wasn't very popular at school, but I saw a lot of people suffer because of it. Suicide is an easy way out, but a very painful one for everyone around you.

I saw you mention organ donation to the people who want to live. Organs are harvested from people who are clinically dead (brain death but the rest of the body is kept alive by for example respirator) so your dead body would be of no use. You can help more people if you're alive. Providing value to other people and helping them is a good way to overcome suicidal thoughts and depression.

You should talk to a psychologist or a psychiatrist, because I'm 100% sure it's clinical depression. You just don't have enough of certain hormones in your brain like, for example, serotonin and you need some pills to help bring back the hormone balance. They aren't mind altering or anything like that. I just want you to know that depression can be easily cured, the hardest part is to let people know that you need help.

I saw people go out of depression both with and without a proper therapy. Hell, I got out of depression as well. I understand that you may not feel like trying anymore or you think you don't have enough energy. Nobody said that you have to struggle with this alone, you can go to a specialist.

People's average threshold for failure is very low, but you have full control over how many times you try. You can fail on the first try and give up, but you can also fail 50 times and still keep going; it's up to you.

You can't make world a better place if you're dead and I'm sure you could help a lot of people on this planet. The decision is yours, though.

I wish you all the best, keep trying to get out of it