Ask a guy high on cocaine anything

Ask a guy high on cocaine anything.

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What is the ambient temperature of a pigeon's cloaca?

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How you doin homie?!

Yea Forums got all mangled while I was gone.

You literally have nothing better to do??

Nah man. At this moment, bullshitting with at least one other folk on the internet actually seems like bliss.

If I'm completely honest, I'm kicking it to a local university radio station that's playing some mint metal.

Man u aint know about coke if u don't try bolivian/peruvian coke

That might be true. What's your jam dude?

Idk what jam dude is. I'm a thirdworld user

Fuck, i don't know what jam is
I know what dude means

Third world? As in a "less developed"country?

Yeah, south america u know

Jam = what do you do for fun/work/whatever. What are you about.

I just get high with my friends and walk arround the city high/drunk as fuck
What about u bro

Shit dude. I used to do the same when I was a kid. Some of the best times!. Right now though, bartender/I fix computers for old people. For free.

I find that old people are intimidated by technology. I seek to alleviate that nonsense.

And naturally, I also get high and drunk at fuck with my friends. Haha

I'm Canadian.

How many pushups can you do right now

How's it feel being from nigger land?
You must be from royalty since you have the internet

got a rail for me?

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0. My lady is trying my to sleep and she'd be pissed if I woke her up with that kind of stupidness. But easily 45-50. Candid.

Billy no, that's the oxiclean..

That's cool bro
I don't work at the moment because i'm lazy kek
Cool, and how are the prices of coke there? Here you buy a "bag" (bolsa) that is supposed to have a gram of coke (drug dealers almost never put a gram inside) for 500-600-700 pesos or if you want to you buy a 5g that depending on quality could be like 3,500 pesos, 2,500, etc

I wish. And gladly.

Ah, man, so envious

Tomorrow I'll double amount and dedicate a rail for u sweetie

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Fair enough

Funny joke nigger
Not every south american look like those monkey mexicans you see in the US

Dude, you're paying, legit, twice as much.

So what you're saying is, you deport these nigger monkeys here to maintain purity in your eugenics based civilization? And then we just deport them back to you?

Are we playing human soccer?

Good call. Haha

Dude, slow down. We're all user here. All copacetic.

Thank you!

De donde eres?
Idk. I'm white.

how much cocaine did you take?

I don't speak Spanish.

I'm I'm fuckin lit as fuck. I don't fucking know. Haha. 3 G's. Maybe.

You got some fire blow, or just kinda eh? Me and my old lady split a gram over these last 3 hours.

Of yeah. Sic shit for sure!! That's cool too hear, your and your lady.

Yeah, we have more but we have plans for tomorrow and saturday so were just hitting the dab pen and sipping beers trying to wind down. Sucks I'm horny AF, but she is on birth control that gives her a period once every 3 months, and of course that shit started 2 or 3 days ago.