What are you working on, frenz? Let's not be NEETS

What are you working on, frenz? Let's not be NEETS

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Your fortune: Outlook good

I'm making vidya

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working for fun, i mean

nice, what kind?

A visual novel
I'm waiting until I set up a scanner or a tablet again for drawing. In the meanwhile I'm making a short vn with a mouse.

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Nice shit and good luck, i dont have enough patience to deal with programming

improving my Youtube channele, trying to get better at jamming on Keyboard

also dubs

While it's understandable, if you desire to make games, you should look for programmers. You might also try your hand in ren'py, gamemaker, or rpg maker. They take care of all the heavy programming for you. The work left is very easy to wrap your head around.
My work in ren'py is pretty much just writing dialogue and formatting it in a specific way.

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I'm not really too big on making games, I like making movies and TV mostly, but I think that if I wanted to make games, I would force myself to learn programming because sometimes hard shit like that gives me passion for stuff.

Sasuga FArcher
I feel you on that one.
Since I'm making games as means of testing out artistic possibilities I'm still not doing programming, but one day I'd like to tackle that too. I do agree, going deep end first is the best way.
movies and tv you mean anime or live action

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

reveling the world aboot mexico a goats fucking your mother

I mean both. But I might do some silent animation or voiceless because I don't like relying on people for acting and shit.

Right now I'm writing a script for a live action short film, but I know it's gonna be a while before I have the means to produce it


Thanks, you too

mostly burgers and fries but i also do drinks and customer service some shifts

I'm trying to implement a separate chaining hash table that maps strings to other strings and stores all its memory in one chunk to optimize locality and avoid mandating dynamic allocation.

My data layout looks like this:
struct table {
int width, height, depth;
bool resizable;
char data[];

Width is the number of buckets in each category, height is the number of string pairs in each bucket, and depth is the maximum length of each string. Accordingly, the amount of space a table requires is not actually sizeof(struct table), but instead sizeof(struct table) + width*height*2*depth, to account for the data array at the end.

The biggest issue I'm running into so far is that I can't figure out a way to make it so you can pass a table into a mutative operation as a pointer to struct table (struct table *) instead of a double-pointer to struct table (struct table **). The problem is that because mutative operations can insert key-value pairs into the table, the bucket used for the insertion might get full, and the table will have to be grown out in width and height; or the key or value might be too large for the table's depth, and the table will have to be grown out in depth. This means reallocating the table (if resizable is true).

When you reallocate memory, the memory you're resizing might move if its original location can no longer accommodate it (i.e. if there's allocated memory after it that it would otherwise grow into). In this case, the standard realloc function will return the pointer to where the memory is now, instead of the pointer you passed in to where the memory was before it was moved. So if I'm requesting the system reallocate a chunk containing a struct table, then I'm passing in a struct table *, but I can't guarantee I get the same struct table * back. I need a struct table ** so I can reseat it to the new struct table * if there is one. Otherwise I have no way of telling the caller their struct table moved to a new address.

But it's so ugly :(

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Working on not to b a neet hihi (uwu)

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I started learning c++ again after a month of doing nothing with it. Not really what learning it will get me, but it's better than watching tv or playing games all day.
Maybe it makes me no longer a neet someday but I also kind of want to work for Canada post sorting stuff maybe tomorrow I'll check if they've got any job listings.

sorting out this stupidly large VST collection

Struggling with having zero focus or motivation but also this weird jacked-up feeling that comes and goes but is mostly brought on by listening to music.

It's all because I am schizo. Delusions are gone but I have intense daydreams about random shit like the Chinese invading but for some reason I am given the opportunity to play YouTube poops over a loudspeaker. I think I'm going invest in real estate eventually so that I can have my own source of NEETbux and not have to worry about the government putting limits on my "resources" like they would with SSI.


Let's not become like those incels. I thought wearing a tie today might spice up things around this joint. Those bachelorettes aren't going to lapdance themselves.

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I try and use as little of my brain as possible. I got it down to 1%. When I smoke'th the weed and become so passive a subject, all I get around to doing is hiking, photography and a little bit of sketching, but mostly 2048, instagram and organizing. I could live like this forever, but at the expense of denying everything else. The problem is if I wish to turn on my brain to do anything else, I have to deal with all the problems that come with it, which is pure schizotopia land. It's like I need to be medicated so I can't think about anything, but I, as well, want money so I can keep my slug-like lifestyle going. Obviously no Yea Forums is allowed under this strict guidance. If I am at work, however, (I am a police psychologist), anything goes for my brain -- porn, Yea Forums, donuts in the Costco parking lot. Whatever it takes to make the voices shut up. That's my hyrbid approach to living with brain trauma.

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are you dutch?

no, hamburger

yo mr/mrs production guy/gal
imma walk tto da store ann get sum beef ann get food rdy ann all dat jazz but afterwards ill get tto drawign ffor da rest ob da night!

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I'm working on lying in bed stressing out about my upcoming final semester of college.