Will she text me this week?
Will she text me this week?
Should i text her first?
Asking again
Third ask
Holy shit
Magic 8 ball, is op a faggot?
Should I talk to her?
God dammit
Do girls love my d?
Will she finally get her phone back tomorrow?
Should I talk to her?
Can I have something to eat?
Can I have something to eat?!
Is this relationship gonna work out?
should i go tomorrow
Am I going to fail at my job this year?
Does she miss spending time with me?
Will I get a chance to fuck her
Does she want me to invite her out to do things?
Does she miss hanging out with me but realize it's a bad idea so she doesn't want to?
Did she consider me to be a good friend?
Did she only ever view me as a brother?
Did she ever have a crush on me or like me in a non platonic way?
Did she/does she love me?
Does she think about me much?
On purpose?
Does she love me but also love him and my wife so she is trying her hardest to push away the feelings she has?
Are those Tumblr posts about me?
Will OP be crushed by a cow falling out of the sky?.
Will I stop thinking about that?
Will I have a stable and happy marriage in the future?
Do I ask her out?
Are my crypto investments gonna pay for the house?
Will I make enough from crypto to pay off the mortgage?
Should I leave her?
it's breakup time right? please?
tell me tho
bro for real
If I admit my feelings will she admit hers?
If I continue on course how I have been will I ever get over her?
Should I pursue hanging out with her again?
Will this have a positive effect on all relationships?
Will I have sex this week/weekend?
Can I wait until after I finish losing weight without jeopardizing the relationship?
Should I buy the desk with the hutch?
Am I insufferable
Basically I had a really good friend, we got really fucking close (mind you this is my wife's sister) I started growing feelings for her and after making a bit of a fool of myself (drunk texting, never admitted any feelings or anything but was acting super fucking weird) I just cut all contact with her other than incidentally seeing her at family functions
I want to be friends with her again (we have a lot in common and a very similar sense of humor) but don't know how to go about it.
When she asked why I stopped doing things with her I said it was because I was really self conscious about my weight (almost everything we did was cardio things where I jiggle, like gym, running, karate and Kung Fu)
I've been dieting recently to finally nip my weight in the bud
Will I ever get a gf
Should I try and date the girl who wears a diaper?
Well then should I just give up and start fucking guys?
I've made a mistake.