Iam drinking and lonely

iam drinking and lonely

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>tfw one can never leave the zone


were you the alcoholic who said he sleeps better when he drinks yesterday?

no but yes

Fellow drunk here. Any man who is afraid of being alone is afraid of his own true self.

hey same

what if you are afraid of yourself?

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You also have the power to change yourself.

does it matter in the end?

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No. It matters now.

im not afraid of myself like some other entity im just mortified when i continue to destroy everything good that ever comes to happen to me im lonely because im the reason people cant have good things

it is what iam, what can a broken man change that was is to come?

i prefer to stay alone most of the time, because i dont want to hurt anybody.

I'm drinking but just cause today was rough at work. What's up?

maybe if i were a lightweight i could meet some people of the same age at a bar and party joyfully one last time like when i was small with my best buds before i became such a fuckwit and they all left for new people or the next life and i can pass out knocking my head on a table never to wake up again from alcohol poisoning if i did it right. that would be a great way to die considering i cant make anything else happen

im blackpilled af
why live anymore

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I hate myself and used to drink.
I don't drink anymore, I still hate myself. I'm just more aware of it now.

nice dubs friendo

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Well all I can really say to that is that the redpill is bullshit and if you are that depressed that you are blackpilled maybe see a therapist?

iam redpilled af
but when iam thinking about the future the blackpill kicks in like a punch to the face.
i mean really, is it even worth to live anymore in this clown world?
pic related, what once my hometown was

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Right after I graduated from high school I started binge drinking on the weekends. For a while it was the best. Just me and the guys drinking and smoking until we weren't coherent anymore. But eventually it stopped being fun. Friends started getting girlfriends or moving away and I just felt so empty inside. We still drank together, but I started going at it hard. I didn't do anything crazy, but I would drink until I couldn't feel anything. Until for the first time in my life I didn't care about anything. Nothing left but the void and the liquor. My friends would all be joking and having a good time, and I'd be off to the side, drowning in emptiness. Soon I started drinking alone. To fill the silence I would talk to myself. I was convinced that none of my friends cared about me at all.
I stopped drinking a few years ago and I've only had the occasional relapse. But some days the only thing standing between me and the void is the fear of people finding out.

did you tell your friends about the drinking?

I told a few of them that I was close with. That's why I'm afraid of them finding out. I'm afraid that they'll be disappointed in me.

if they are close and loyal to you, they will stand by your side
i wish i had friends like that

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