I'm a forestry professional. AMA about trees.
I'm a forestry professional. AMA about trees
why are trees so fucking gay?
they are either hermaphrodites or male/female.
ur the one who's gay.
What's your favourite magnoliophyta?
The ones that are trees.
If a tree falls in the woods and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
it doesn't. sound is only a sound when interpreted by your brain. otherwise its just vibrating air
You in utah?
Is that the last tree standing in California?
Why don't you make like a tree, and get outta here
hi, is there a good way to learn about trees that are local to me other than buying a book?? Would like to know the trees in my back yard and around my work. thanks.
Can you tell it's an aspen because of the way that it is?
Eucalyptus trees are the coolest
if i planted an apple tree too close to a septic line that seeps into the ground, is that a bad tree to harvest apples from?
buy a book....other than that take a course
i can id 50+ trees
if anything it would be a very happy tree
Is it true the largest organism in the world is an Aspen grove?
can you reccomend a book? haven't found one that really seems worth it.
Do you know if any trees yield medicinal properties?
there's a couple contenders, depending on what you consider "massive" and "an organism".
to be short, yes. i believe it's in aspen Colorado and it's the most massive single life form on earth by weight.
but there's also a fungus that grows almost down the entire west coast of north america, so it could be the most massive in terms of land coverage.
furthermore, there'e general sherman. the biggest single tree in the world
i only have books for Ontario. any big book chain will have a whole bunch to chose from.
of course they do. i think birch sap has some kind of antiseptic effect? i cant think of any off hand.
What can I do to incorporate trees into my next podcast?
put a black spruce sapling up your ass
Are you interested in palm trees, even though they may not necessarily be trees? If so, what’s your favorite species of palm? I generally like date palms because they give off a more “jungle” feel to otherwise boring environments. Also, where do you work as a forestry professional? I just want to know so I get a feel for the type of trees in your area.
What do you do with a BA in English?
I'm really only familiar with Canadian tree species.
Why isn't a palm tree a real tree?
I've worked in Ontario and BC
Are there any disease resistant elm trees developed yet? I miss them and want to plant if available.
get a job at the library? become a permanent student?
we get a silver ring when we graduate with an elm leaf on it to always remind us what can happen if we're not careful or practice sound forestry.
to answer your question i dont really know.
Palm trees are monocots while trees are dicots. Meaning that palms, palmettos, and cycads are closer related to that grass in your lawn than to that conifer in your back yard. Speaking of which, I like the aesthetic of conifers. I love boreal forests, but unfortunately here in New Jersey there are hardly any wild conifers besides those in the Pine Barrens. Almost every conifer you see in New Jersey was probably planted intentionally. It sucks.
How much do you make? What kind of schooling did you need? Im going for a horticulure associates degree
Why are long leaf pines so hard to find but loblollys arent
I don't work in it anymore but I was making like 55k?
went to technical school for 1 year (condensed)
i will have to read up on that
never heard of a long leaf pine. is it a planting thing?
It's a pine tree that grows very long pine needles. I have no clue if that's the actual name for it.
Could you put a good word in for me? I need a new job.
That’s the real name.
i think i read that these guys are a preferred tree to plant due to fast growing nature
no, but what are your credentials?
Yeah they get harvested and replanted regularly in the south.
Majored in Bio, minored in NRM. A lot of classes on terrestrial ecology with some field work in identifying tree species. Also took restoration ecology and NRM policy courses.
>i can id 50+ trees
What's the difference between a Jeffrey Pine and Chris Pine?
Nigger excuse you
Congrats, please come :)
nice get
Chris has a birthmark on his trunk(pinus)
If you didn't catch the aspen joke you're either old or lame.
nice zeros, m8.
Redpill me on trees, op.
i think you might be over qualified
never heard of either
what tree is wet enough to fuck and should i wear a condom
What doyou like indica or sativa
>never heard of either
>tree expert
The Jeffrey Pine may only be in the west, but I'm not a treefag.
Need to start somewhere.
what species do you hate the most? like if you could with just a wish make it go extinct and and instantly decompose into base elements.
why do brown people cut down forests to plant palm oil? more specifically, why is palm oil the oil of choice?
also why are they able to cut down the forest if it's a problem? why does landowner sell the land in the first place?
prolly white birch and yes, to protect your penis
i know the difference between scotts pine and jack pine...
ask your proffs then
definitely manitoba maple. basically if trees could be retarded and shit all over the place it would be that tree.
Sweet jesus
Because regular oil has been demonized with this fake CO2 bullshit. It's why corn is so heavily subsidized. And no, it's not a problem.
I know so many people who would tear you a new asshole for saying that.
Saying what?
that you're wrong in so many ways to say its '''bs" and "not a problem"
people don't eat crude oil
corn is subsidized because of extensive lobbying starting in the 2000's.
Well who's right
How many of your colleagues make tree puns?
not even going to go into it
You really should. My dick is throbbing.
The CO2 thing has scientifically been proven BS may times. And it's not a problem. It's hard to even find on a map. I'd rather they not cut the whole damn forest down, but .00001% isn't going to make a difference.
>people don't eat crude oil
>used in chemical industry
You think that's where it's going? All those people eating palm oil?
>of extensive lobbying starting in the 2000
For ethanol, as a substitute for regular oil, which didn't do so well.
palm oil isn't good for you in the same way butter isn't good for you, but it's very land efficient for the amount of oil it produces, compared to other vegetables grown for oil.
the problem isn't the oil itself, but the way it's grown. places like malaysia are going to fuck their ecosystem in 20-30 years when soil quality is degraded and predators are lost from slash and burn strategies.
Not OP, not aware of any american elm that are resistant yet. Not the exact same, but you can get Japanese elms which are naturally resistant as a substitute if you really want an elm.
lol i forgot about this
How do you Recognize Different Types of Trees from Quite a Long Way Away? Especially, the larch. The larch. The larch.
yeah. roughly 30-40% of global palm oil production goes to biodiesel. the rest is used for nutrition purposes generally, either human or livestock.
Congratulations on those digits user