Why is Yea Forums only porn now?
Why is Yea Forums only porn now?
It’s not, it’s also shit bait threads and hurr roll & masturbate threads
I had a really good thread talking about classical piano a few days ago. Shits rare tho
right? I miss all these people actually making a post, asking a question or opinion, something to interact with, not just porn posts
they should create a new random bpard, and leave Yea Forums for porn -_-
It's worse than porn. It's literally 90% autistic lonely larpers posting random girls from Facebook/IG and pretending they know them in real life.
The WWYD shit is weird, guys pretending they want to cuck out some girl they don't even know but the weirdest one is where they add each other to KIK to trade fap stories.
I’m even ok with all the in thread shit posting and trolling. But now Yea Forums is a machine of unoriginality.
too many people and most of them think that Yea Forums is just a porn website, so there's no real drive to create a community or an interesting/fun board, most people are just here to jack off
Its literally just
>deepfake my cousin hurr durr
followed by a shitty photoshop. Its sad
I also dont get this whole new deep nude thing. Like someone could Photoshop them 100 percent better than the shitty looking microsoft paint deep nudes.
but they don’t even jack off to good porn. It’s all shit tribute threads and ugly chicks from fb
dont forget FACEBOOK/IG/VSCO
Hahaha omg every deep nude I’ve seen us looked fucking awful.
or BBC and EBONY bleached battles
right, the standards are that low now
me irl
Yeah sounds about right, maybe the occasional spidey thread
It's because they have below average iq, around the 70s. That's also the reason why the post their bullshit on Yea Forums.
They would easily flood that new board with porn.
Normies killed Yea Forums