Is this racist?

Is this racist?

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No. The people who fly it normally are though.

So by default you’re implying that it is?

yes and no, I own one and am not racist but it's used as a "dog whistle" by racists because the hackerman 4channel said so


Liberals think it is


0/10 reading comprehension

no step on snek

Libertarianism is even worse than racism.

We literally just discussed this in cooking class
>We set up mixing ingredients for cheesecake
>Teacher asks if we have any questions before we begin
>My mom raises her hand
>Oh no
>Asks the teacher why he sounds like a faggot
>Teacher is Chinese
>Teacher kicks her out
>I kick teacher out
>I teach cheesecake

A few years ago this was used by Nike to promote the men's US national soccer team, cool ad campaign. So, no.

nigger, please

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A snake that didn't want to be stepped on made a flag for itself and other snakes as a heads up to bigger creatures. That seems like a legit life problem for them. Not racist at all.

I think it means the government not black people

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racism is the new russia

Attached: russia.exe.jpg (339x460, 36K)

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Attached: Jimmy Salvia.png (830x781, 570K)