Now taking nominations for the Yea Forums hall of fame

now taking nominations for the Yea Forums hall of fame

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"Brian, NO!"

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Looks more like the YTMND hall of fame but ok

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fuck off

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Nothing beats this legend lol.

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can't flim flam the Zim zam

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Attached: Dimmy Wawes.jpg (311x130, 15K)

Highest Score

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An innocent man, grieving widower.

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Mr High Roller

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Tay Tay

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Yea Forums will never be the same


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this guy

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Can't cork the bourque

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this guy

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Too soon man

This guy's face says "gotcha you sneaky son of bitch"

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wayyyyy too soon

Too soon user

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Story on this one?

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Have some respect asshole, it's too soon

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No Sweet Eva?


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Too soon to talk about it bro.

Bitch had a couple pegging videos on pornhub

Shit got me diamonds

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Too soon user
Let princess sleep

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Make way for the king

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Did that once. Was not a good time.

Man is a hero

real niggas

try hard

commit suicide

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I'm the cop that always makes threads, I've been doing it for years, lots of copypastas but I'm the original. I remember the day moot asked me a question in my thread. Good times.

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you just a nostalgic man. you dork

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It's the "hall of fame" not "latest faggotry people are glomming on to"

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you saying something new can't be famous

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Halls of Fame are for venerated members or parts of a community, not currently popular people or things you fucking child.


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Sup niggers

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Definition of Hall of Fame
1 : a structure housing memorials to famous or illustrious individuals usually chosen by a group of electors
2 : a group of individuals in a particular category (such as a sport) who have been selected as particularly illustrious

It has nothing to do with how old something is

Number 1

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Yeah, let's go by the dictionary definition of something rather than the actual content of existing halls of fame you complete mongoloid.

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so you just creating definitons of words on your own convenience, what a fucking loser

who knows what wonders are inside!

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The feels this gives off is the same kind I get off of CwC

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Why the fuck am I even talking to you. You're figuratively shitting from the mouth.

cause you're a lonely fuck who doesn't even know what a hall of fame is


b/ros who the fuck is this?

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Jada fire

Man people are fucked

Name a more iconic duo I fucking dare you

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Pic related and cats in general

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you are trash

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Too soon



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Can they? They should.

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It's funny to think how this is how someone died. That's what you get


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she hates fags

Oh man I remember being in those threads as they happened

Not a single pic of Australia's greatest hero. I'm disappointed.

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