Wwyd thread, extreme brutality/no mercy edition
Wwyd thread, extreme brutality/no mercy edition
Encase her in cement and turn her into a fuckable statue because she’s perfection. Use her until she dies, fill the statue where her body was and send it to her family.
More plz
user gets one of her nudes because I’ve had that exact fantasy before. Based cement statue.
Run by on horseback and lasso her RDR style, then drag her away to the woods. I’d then hogtie her, cut her clothes away, and have my way with her. After me it’s the horse’s turn. I got the horses in the back as they say
Add her father on some social media and slowly convince him over the course of several months that he is sexually attracted to his daughter, then psychologically manipulate him into sneaking to her room one night and making her scream
Fuck I would take her in my truck to the middle of the woods. Have dirty sex with her then leave her there
Dirty how? I’d love to hear more
Beat the shit out of her until she can barely move, fuck her ass until I’ve made a mess, then knock out all her teeth so she can’t bite before sticking my shit covered cock down her throat.
Bukkake after being played with and torn apart by a pack of wild dogs
Take her virginity with something really big and really sharp
Amputate and turn her into a little sexy fuck nugget
Brutal throat fuck down the wrong pipe, cum in her lungs
WWYD anons? Looking for some dark stuff here
Who wants to break heather?
Bash her, rape her, then take her down to the basement where I hydraulic press her body down to an inch thick, preserve it in acrylic like a bug and use the thing as a tabletop in my room.
>Everything happens for a riesling.
I wonder what she'd do for a gewürtztraminer.
Kik me at viperkiryu and ill tell you how id brutalize that slut
I’d love to see her big belly pop from all that pressure
Break her arms and legs, tie her up and put her in a spider gag and nose hooks like in Megan Is Missing. Then I’d literally drown her using my cum.
Be brutal pls
I would brutally pick her up in my car, giving her a violent bunch of flowers then mercilessly take her for drinks and a meal and perhaps horrifyingly take in a show or barbarously have a look around a gallery before I ferociously dropped her home, callously giving her a kiss and inhumanly watching her to the door to make sure she was safe.
I will literally pay you to do that.
Fuck off moralfag
@ all of these, would slit their throats and post pics to discord.
Kik: fukarar
Huge cock bull here with no taboos just wanna turn your innocent girls into littler whores
Be brutal
Fuck her brains out together with my boys
Would use a builders clamp to spread her asshole open, until her ass cheeks painfully dislocate. Would then reach over her head and shove my fingers into her nostrils Deliverance style, while fist fucking and rupturing her small intestine and telling her to squeal like a pig for me
Bend her over my bed and let that pussy have it
Cut into her abdomen as I take her virginity to see my handiwork from the inside
Shove dick up nostril, fuck, cum on brain
Pay off a brain surgeon to let me fuck her exposed brain directly and cum inside
wwyd to this princess.
Reply to others while posting your bitches, fagtards
God who is that text me on kik: fukarar
Smack her back down onto that bed, spread those legs wide and drill her tight pussy.
Tell her to disrespect me and to try to fight back. Every time she says shit to me, tried to hit me or escape, complains that she doesn’t deserve this etc. I purée her fucking ribs with a pair of knuckle dusters. Once she has all the fight taken out of her, I rape her ass, cut off her head and throat fuck it.
My god fuck yes, more please. Here’s her ass
Nose hook her with the same setup as related pic, only using actual sharpened fish hooks piercing her nostrils with each hook wound around a hydraulic pulley. Slowly they’d get tighter and tighter, gaping her nostrils more and more until it literally rips her nose apart, mutilating that ugly face of hers.
I’d puncture small, deep holes in her nipples and fuck her tits like a tight pussy
How about her?
Fuck wanna punch those tits when I'm balls deep in her bleeding arsehole. More?
Fuck that would be an amazing sight. Blood running down her face and coating her tits
Here’s the whore from the OP post again, anyone got any more for her?
What the fuck is wrong with you? You don't have a clue, do you?
user is a newfag, as they are we once were, as we are they will become.
Wanna know what you would do to these two
Yep I’d definitely be impregnating her
Bend her over tie her whole family down and make them all watch how i fuck her senseless
17 y o from huddersfield
Convince her father to commit an act of incest, then watch as it unfolds
Skin them both and make them swap
Fuck she is hot as fuck please text me at fukarar on kik
Pls moreeee
You aren’t shit you aids ridden chimp, no one gives a fuck about your Kik here
Kik janon96
Wanna cover those tits in my and my mates spit and cum daily when we make her our house sex slave. Dont care how much she cries
Idk why do her teeth look like that bro
what would you do with abby? will respond in kind.
I’d love a passionate bj from her, followed by rough sex with lots of spanking. Maybe some foot stuff if she’s down
I'd find your girl at a party and feed her a few drinks, get her a little bit drunk.Would find a room in the back and leave the door open, but tear her top off, bend her over, and shove my dick up her ass. would invite people in to watch or join in as they passed by. hard to say how many loads she'd take in her and on her.
any more use for abby?
Tie her up and drag her behind my motorbike into the snow, cut her clothes off and throw her in some water. When she gets back out, repeat, until she’s thoroughly encased in a sheet of ice and pretty much frozen/can no longer move. Then I’d fuck her frozen ass raw and leave her out there.
yeah, you're missing the point
I could see myself taking her out at night after getting her high on some unknown drug. We’d go to a city park in the middle of the night, and I’d strip her naked and lie her on a bench. Then I’d hide and watch as strange men found her all alone
More for Payton?
Did both of you not see the “extreme brutality/no mercy” in OP?
Also, pay me my dues and wwyd the slut I posted
i already responded
and read the fucking room dude. you're begging for a response but telling people what they should want. fuck off and take what you can get. i'd get your girl drunk at a party, use her and share her. if that's not enough for you then move fucking on.
user is a faggot who thinks he’s in a Facebook chat room
drunk 8/10
otherwise ouwd fuck out of 122n
How brutal can you get with this sexy thick bitch Rosalina?
Trip with her but lie about her dosage then rape her in the woods and leave her there
I really wanna tie her up, cut her all over, fuck her and fist her asshole in front of her family & friends
Is legit break into her house and take her, raping her pussy from behind as I choke her with a belt. After a while I would start whipping and spanking her with the belt instead. Finally, I’d leave her a little present inside her womb, then come visit again a year later to see mommy and my little daughter
WWYD to these cute sisters?
Rape her asshole, fist her throat, then cut her tits off
fucking shit. get help and thanks for killing the thread you psychotic cunt.
Would then take my fingers out of her nostrils, finger her bloody, shitty asshole a little, then stick them back up her nose for her to smell
That's fucking hot
Thread started this way and will continue on as such, go make a pussy wwyd thread if you don’t like it
I’d pay all of her male friends, and maybe even a few male family members, to come and watch as I fuck her very roughly with lots of spanking and name calling. At the end, I’d cum inside her and then invite the audience of her friends and family to bukkake her
Payton needs more
It said brutal
Thank you. Someone gets it
Meant to reply to
Why do you think like that, OP? Who hurt you?
Any thoughts on her or her sister? Your girl reminded me of them
read the fucking room. it's not hard to intuit what people are asking for. not even going to bother with insults because, i mean what you are is self evident.
again, thanks for killing the thread. also kindly eat shit and die.
user is retarded, doesn’t know fetishes exist
Wwyd to her
> literally the only person on this thread who has a problem with it
Don’t worry buddy, you did good. user thinks it’s all about him
Impregnate her, repeatedly stomp on her uterus, then give her a nice kiss.
there were like half a dozen posts of hot chicks and people talking about how they'd fuck and use them. we had a good back and forth.
and then fuck nuts comes in talking about cutting tits off drowning bitches.
i'm not the only one, people are peacing out. and for good reason.
some of you act like being a fucking psychopath is a good thing. get help.
She looks like she has the perfect body to be cooked.
Fuck her in that bathroom while I choke her out, then when she falls unconscious drown her in a toilet
Would then finish in her, and lastly kick the shit out of her womb so it ruptures and she can never bear my, or anyone else’s child, reducing her from a woman to a useless grovelling bitch
Thanks man. I’m just trynna have a good time
Mhm, she sure does. Tell me more about how you’d cook her and/or eat her
> is still the only shill going around shilling about it
In fact if the thread died and is disgusting and you hate it so much, I think that’s your cue to fuck off
Be gentle....
right, enjoy your fantasies about torture. cutting women's tits off, and cooking and eating them. honestly... what the ever living fuck.
Would have loving, consensual intercourse where we maintain a mutual trust, and then think to myself how good I have it as I fall asleep next to her afterwards
will do.
Good riddance fucking faggot, I’d rape you too if I could
But I wanna fuck her teeth into her throat
absolutely terrified. prepubescent fuck.
Would report to her parents and suggest they speak to some investigators
Cucumber in pussy and carrot in her ass. Chop it up and force her to eat it in a salad.
How about this milf?
What happened to fucking off, didn’t the thread die 60 posts ago?
Gimme something about the girl in OP and I’ll continue user
just having too much fun calling you a cunt and pissing you off! :D
less snuff shit in any case though, so mission accomplished.
Wwyd to her
Seems to me like you’re the one getting pissed off and I’m one of the many jacking off to all this quality content
What do you mean
Cut her legs off at the knees and stuff them up her ass, cut her arms off at the elbows and stuff them into her womb. Would then make her crawl around the street
Pick 1 2 or 3, wwyd
Gimme a brutal wwyd for this bitch as the holy payment
seems to me like you're feeding off of angst. would it turn you on if I told you i was livid? if i said i thought you were a degenerate would that get you off??
get help.
1. That did turn me on to know I’m controlling you like this, and that by posting here I’m forcing you to reply
2. I won’t get help as I’m not the one suffering, also because the mentally ill should be wiped out
Lol this thread died
Not even kidding, i would fucking marry that girl. Don't know what it is that i find some appealing about her.
Would tie up those tits so hard they go blue, and fuck her in the ass until she’s bleeding and crying. Pimp slap the bitch, wipe my dick off on the curtain and leave the house.
lol. okay. find comfort in the fact that you "won" a "debate" on Yea Forums. jerk off and tomorrow morning fall into a depression, take your meds, get drunk and then start all over again. see you tomorrow user.
She’s a cutie with a booty
Not like I was wrong though. Also I thought it was a rule that bitches have to post tits or gtfo when on Yea Forums
I'd shave it and teach it to hunt.
I'd fuck her brains out. Duh!
I'd see what it looks like without 5lbs of makeup.
Fuck off diddler
I'd get her a weight watchers membership.
Shut up faggot
jesus christ. i was fucking mocking you dumb ass.
I'd buy her braces.
Fuck them both until I died from exhaustion.
She's nicely proportioned, has cute little titties, and looks good without makeup. I'm fucking fond of her!
How about her
Call ICE
Fall in love.
Lots of things that would involve her anus.
She’s a real good fuck too. Loves to be spanked
Just turned 18
Not a lot of sexual experience, so be gentle
I'd taste that pussy while I fingered her ass.
I'd send it back to Africa.
My cock is getting pretty thick for her, more?
Only reason this threads even still alive is because between the periods of silence, you decide you’re the bigger shill and have to come bump it to the top again. Thank you for your contribution to the thread, user.
I'd call the FBI and turn myself in.
Looks young
If you're up to sharing her i'd love to come up and fuck her from behind while she's giving you a blowjob and fucking leave her raw
Wwyd to her
Would also call the fbi and turn myself in
Shut up faggot
Why so aggressive, can’t you just diddle in peace away from us superior folk
Wwyd to this slut
looks like an albino negress
Good run lads, but I think it’s finally over. See you tomorrow with the next one anons.
You look like a tanned albino
Wwyd to her?
She looks thicc
Briana needs something brutal
Getting Hard
FBI open up
I would raise her eyes an inch higher so her forehead can be proportional to her face.
Wwyd for more and nudes
What would you do with her unexperienced mouth?
Whoa! Looks like one of the Hanson Brothers, lol
Kill then post in Yea Forums
This is very obviously a bitch in a classroom. Is this your underage daughter, user? You don’t have to post her here, you could just molest her yourself.
Would hang myself before I got caught diddling my students
It seems I made an assumption and was correct
is that a yes? can i fuck her?
The three in front all got the crazy eyes
Whos breaking first, mom or daughters, and how are you breaking them?
Wwyd with Kaylin?
when are these threads not extreme editions, tho? Like who has ever posted a "wwyd weak sauce edition?"
This one was specifically ultraviolence, death and mutilation was encouraged
I’d give her six digits
Tell every dingle one of them their looks are below average and their personalities are problematic, and that anyone who professes to be their friend or claims to love or like them is lying to them and only tolerating their presence until they finally have the common decency to leave.
anyone ?
which wwyd
Say "look at cheeseburger" and then throw it in front of an oncoming bus.