Step-son just got arrested for the third time this time for distribution. Bond is 75,000. Wife wants me to put up the house plus pay 7,500 to get him out of jail. Step son is a piece of shit without any prospects. He is being relentless from jail. Calling his mother hourly and whining about scared he is. He says he's afraid because most of the inmates are niggers and they hate him because he's white. I do not want to bond him out. So now I am THE ASSHOLE. I know a lot of you anons are unwanted little piece of shit products of conception that nobody wanted and probably ruined your parents marriages. Why do you feel so entitled to what your step parents have worked so hard for.
cool dubs
I don't know why you posted this threas but whatever you do, dont bail that faggot out. Third time haha. Guess white boy shouldnt have been playing nigger
His mom sounds like class act garbage too, why are you with her
Sounds like a piece of shit kid to me, stand your fucking ground, he is not going to change and once hes out he will do some niggering again, leave that bitch family
Don't bail him out OP. Fuck his mother instead.
>giving your house for someone else's fuckup
3rd time bro. Don't be a bitch. Put your foot down. Obviously jail is where he needs to be. Mommy can't let him be at the tit forever.
And mail him photos
you're a fucking cuck for being a stepfather. imagine investing money, time and a lot of effort in some other guy's sperm, someone that will never see you as a real father (not surprised he does this shit if he has a cuck as father figure) and a wife that will never love you as much as she loved her first husband. you're a betabux ATM get over it.