Step-son just got arrested for the third time this time for distribution. Bond is 75,000. Wife wants me to put up the house plus pay 7,500 to get him out of jail. Step son is a piece of shit without any prospects. He is being relentless from jail. Calling his mother hourly and whining about scared he is. He says he's afraid because most of the inmates are niggers and they hate him because he's white. I do not want to bond him out. So now I am THE ASSHOLE. I know a lot of you anons are unwanted little piece of shit products of conception that nobody wanted and probably ruined your parents marriages. Why do you feel so entitled to what your step parents have worked so hard for.

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cool dubs

I don't know why you posted this threas but whatever you do, dont bail that faggot out. Third time haha. Guess white boy shouldnt have been playing nigger

His mom sounds like class act garbage too, why are you with her

Sounds like a piece of shit kid to me, stand your fucking ground, he is not going to change and once hes out he will do some niggering again, leave that bitch family

Don't bail him out OP. Fuck his mother instead.

>giving your house for someone else's fuckup

3rd time bro. Don't be a bitch. Put your foot down. Obviously jail is where he needs to be. Mommy can't let him be at the tit forever.

And mail him photos

you're a fucking cuck for being a stepfather. imagine investing money, time and a lot of effort in some other guy's sperm, someone that will never see you as a real father (not surprised he does this shit if he has a cuck as father figure) and a wife that will never love you as much as she loved her first husband. you're a betabux ATM get over it.

He's just pushing her buttons. My point is what's he gonna fucking do out? He has no job.. no house... no vehicle. He would just end up living in my house sponging off of me. He would cause turmoil in the house. Im trying to play the "he's safe in jail because he will OD on the outside blah blah" but his mom thinks he's gonna get killed or raped by a nigger. She keeps screaming "He's my son!" Im fucked.

You got what you deserved.
Maybe you shouldn't have married this dumb whore with her bastard son in the first place faggot.

top kek

oh and don't bail him. :)

mother is a solid 7/10 and is still smoking hot at 48.

Cause it's 1! 2! 3 strikes you're out and you're raaaaaaped byyyyyy niggerrrrrrrs!

thanks for the support user. Stepkids are like fucking parasites.

Is this woman honestly worth this kid? And if she cant refuse him she expects you to also carry his burden? Kick the kid out. If she doesnt like it leave her and move on. How old is the kid?

No, she is. Stay strong OP. She's the one that's fucked. What's she gonna do, leave you? And go where? She's the one that's fucked. Make her realize it...


Three time loser, he NEEDS quality time in the greybar hotel...
You should've seen this coming, is the pussy THAT good?
There's no fixing this shit...

Never posted a real picture before of my wife but here it is anons. This is my wife - all your gonna see.

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Noice. Now post the kid so we can shit on him

If this 'kid' is older than nineteen or so he's a fucking waste case, RUN...

These are both extremely valid questions. What is all this really worth? The other question I am curious about is could you not do better? Is there not someone out there younger, and with less baggage? That is a lot of money going down the drain and for what?

Nice trips, but extremely bad complexion and body type.

same boat, though its my biological brother. Hes been an alcoholic for like 15 years, ever since we were teens he would get into trouble and my parents would bail him out, only for him to fuck them over again. I know theyre desperate and want to help but my life got a lot easier when I accepted he was a peice of shit and needed to suffer for it

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It's a package deal, no way you couldn't have spotted where this was headed if you weren't slitstruck...

If it's a property bond + 7500 then your step son did something really retarded. You won't be able to bond out when he gets convicted and if he doesnt show to court your fucked

It's like they know he's a piece of shit. It's like they know he will never amount to shit. They fucking know that every word out of his mouth is bullshit... yet they believe that if I bail him out at least he will be out of his present predicament.

I get it but why not just jerk off to 2D anime waifus like the rest of us?

Pierced tits, step son of which you should have known that he's a mess.

You brought this upon yourself, user.

this....third fucking time in year? what the fuck, you need to send him to rehab...look up Impact Treatment Center in pasadena...its one of the only ones that accepts insurance, and they are extremely tough on the clients. It will help him get his life back on track and also it will look great next time he goes to court because it will show the judge he is actively trying to change his life.

freckles and tan is not a bad complexion - grow up
Bigger than i like but im a chubby fuck also.


I got her tits pierced - gum drop nipples (my weakness)

Come on, a little bit of the vagoo would be nice. You don't have to post get face. sons pic

p.s. i would fuck your wife and suck her titties

Dont listen to him user none of us know what its like to find fuckable 50 year olds yet

lets see some more

Skin looks awful, it looks like I could cut it off and make a jacket out of it. No thanks.

so you gonna be a man and tell your stupid wife to stop enabling her baby boy?

or are you gonna be a spineless pussy and bow down to your wife and let her walk all over you?

fuck that kid, his stupidity, his problem

Have you ever seen Rehab work? He's been there before (not Pasadena) last time he was at some fucking church and got all religious - what a great 4 months that was... loved it when he told me I was going to hell because I was not a christian.

Fuck the little bastard, let him rot.

“No sympathy for the devil keep that in mind, buy the ticket, take the ride”


Her ID twin sister got divorced last year and pretty much fucks every 20+ guy with any game at all.

lol yea they are all different...this one i mentioned is not christian, but they follow the 12 steps of recovery. i actually went to this place when i was in my early 20s.

>gum drop nipples
What's that?

Did you adopt him? No? Let his real dad help him. And leave your wife of she thinks it's your responsibility.

Whatever you do, don't bail him out. Let his mother know that you may not love him, but he will not do any better if you bail him out. The only way for him to learn is to take the punishment.

He won't do the full time anyway.

Entirely your fault for marrying a single mom.

Post bio dads new wife. If she’s hotter than yours kys.

>my wife's son
oh no no no HAHHAHAHAHA

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Exactly my point! Shit situation.

Real dad was smart - he claimed bankruptcy.

then why are you dealing with one. i don't get it why would you mary or be in a relationship with someone who already made a kid with someone else??

When I went to jail I called my parents to tell them, they said we love you and see you when you get out.

>so i um really like you and all but i have to tell you something.. i have a kid. is that ok with you?
>uuuh ofc not i um like kids yeah
>omg thaaanks babe from now on it's your resonsibility to take care of him and support our family you know ;)
>uuh yeah no problem everyting for my pricess eheh
>um... yeah...

when you 14 year olds actually get out in the world you will find that by a certain age most women who can have kids will have had at least one. Its in their DNA. Step-Kids are nothing but problems anyway.