26 y/o Step-Son arrested for distribution for the 3rd time. Wife wants me to put up house for bond. I refuse. Now Im the fucking ASSHOLE. Family refusing to talk to me.
Your wife is wrong. I understand wanting to help your kid, but he's an adult for fuck's sake. Sounds like he's been helped twice already; time to learn a lesson. If he wants to continue to be a degenerate, he can deal with the consequences of his own actions.
Good for you for not caving.
wtf kind of third world country do you live in if you can pay to get out of prison..
You mean America?
Nice try
Distribution? Drug dealing? If he likes drugs spike the fucker with a dose high enough to kill him.
tryna flex retard?
I wouldn't risk my financial security for direct relatives.
He's a man now, responsible for his own actions.
How do you know hes guilty OP? Dindu nuffin?
Just because you're in a minority of one, doesn;t mean you're in the wrong.
And when I family member fucks himself over, doing the same thing, three times, cut the moron loose.
Following on from this. Get a divorce, you're wife, and her family, sound as dense as he is.
>my wife's son cuck acting like he has the right to be outraged
I'm sorry your family is a bunch of fucking idiots, Yea Forumsro.
>3rd time
so basically, you'd all be without a roof over your heads. except for shithead, who will be in jail after the bondsman drags him in.
you need a new wife that doesn't breed niggers
Tell your family if they want him out of jail so bad they can put their own houses up for bond
>Get a divorce
Yeh just surrender half your assets which will be used to bail out the delinquent.
This is reasonable.
OP we’re you the one that bonded him out the first couple times?
How much does bail cost?
Can't the fucker simply pay with his drug money? Or did the faggot sell to use?
Stand firm on your decision OP.
Take no shit from anyone about this.
Let that grown ass motherfucker deal with the consequences of his actions..
Don't jeopardize your house.
Your wife is wrong and she and her family should be bailing his ass out not you.
Curious how much bail is on a 3rd time offender as well OP deliver.
When you get arrested your financial assets are seized as well aren't they?
They are considered the ill gotten profits of the drug sales, even if you just have money from a day job, they take it all.
That would be the United States of America. Isn't our freedom great?!
don't feel bad for being an asshole. if he has been arrested for the third time. tell her like it was baseball three strikes you're out
>if you can pay
Most can't afford it, even at 10%.
Dont do it op!