Anniversary is August 10th, can you believe it’s been a year already?

Anniversary is August 10th, can you believe it’s been a year already?

Attached: D2E7D7C9-0A71-45DF-A456-649179D77D1A.jpg (1612x1080, 146K)

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Newfag here. I looked on what happened on August 10th and I didn’t see anything that could be like this. Can someone explain.

>Think I'm gonna do a backflip and call it a night


Are you even human? Dude stole a plane, went for a cruise, and crashed it.

Fucking respect to the skyking

I might be wrong about the day but a young man stole a sky king because he wanted to do a barrel roll, he did it and crashed.

So long Sky King
We miss you

He wanted to kill himself and have some fun doing it

Dude shoulda flown to Antarctica confirming or denying flat earth

he wouldn't have got over the ice wall

Yes I know I was here for the whole thing

Aircraft was a Dash-8 (Well, actual designation DHC-8 Q400 but everyone just says the first), guy who stole it got posthumously nicknamed "Sky King", because for about an hour, he owned the airspace above Seattle.

An Irishman on /pol/ put it best

Attached: F9A27915-4D77-4589-B460-6053C1330765.png (1540x693, 52K)


Italian* not irish

Do you even step outside once in a while

just photoshop it irish.
or maybe he was just visiting.

only to see skyking's barrel roll.

The colour on my screen is a bit off, I actually can’t tell if it’s red or orange.

It's Irish.
That's a bard's wake.

Attached: italy.png (712x92, 13K)

Guido faggot

Attached: ireland.png (872x96, 16K)

you wish wop

Rip Richard
Hope you doin barrel rolls in heaven buddy

>”nah, I’m a white guy”

based skyking

RIP Beebo

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It’s a good thing he clarified that or he would’ve been shot down within minutes.

Fly Safe, Skyking

I feel like I have so much in common with russ.

you think she cheated on him?
he was "broken" after all.

Attached: rich4.jpg (720x480, 42K)

probable since he didn't mention her on the radio.
maybe he just couldn't though.

A real human being. And a real hero.

Fly Safe Skyking.

And most will never understand why Skyking was a true hero.

If he was female or a minority he would’ve been promoted already to fill the quota

saying he wouldn't be hired because he was white....

You will live forever in Valhalla, you fucking sky cowboy!

>Oh, it's raining.

In a cruel world reasonable men must do unreasonable things

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