My gf sent me a video of her masturbating drunk.
Later that night she went out with her girlfriends. While masturbating i noticed something come out of her.
Confronted her.
She described how she cheated in detail. Got more pics of her.
My gf sent me a video of her masturbating drunk
interested in pics and story
She doesn't like washing her labia cause she builds up that white thing that lubricates her like hell. It doesn't smell but idk.
We got in a fight about it. Told her no one else would fuck like this.
Later that day she went out. Sent me the video, notice how full she was.
Told me she danced with a guy, and then she got her to fuck her.
Told me she spread her lips and laid back so he can see and told him to ram her and cum fast. She said it didnt last long and he was throbbing.
Nevertheless, i;m single now
fuckin nice
she's gross
how old is she OP?
do you have any body pics?
Glad you broke up with her instead of being a cuck. Random person proud of you brah
I second this. OP deserves better than a whore. At least one that washes herself yikes
This doesn’t check out
She looks tight as fuck
How long were you guys together?
go on post more
i hope you find someone better user
any tits?
OP doesn't deserve shit but I'm glad that he's no longer with that bitch.
Thought the thread was dead so i stopped posting her unwashed pussy.
face pls
how old is she?
The fat pussy gathers a lot of smegma...
Fucking hell that's disgusting, what a nasty bitch
The rare moment's she actually waxed.
It did glide inside really easily, though...
moar pls
Post more vids
washed or unwashed ?
title says it all
unwashed pls!
Any with her face? Tasting herself?
nice! have moar? how old is she?
fukk yeah
any more of her body?Is she slutty?
read from beginning degen
looks like a pasty gross bitch with an axe wound
gj op for fucking off
Post her face doesnt matter if its clothed
Go fuck yourself.