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Okay, I lost.
Any mugshot of her?
Not even a Volvo, impressive
Nice trick.
Doggy's an idtot, though.
>Not even a Volvo
It isn't a Volvo?
oh man that's sweet, fucking brilliant
What's the story here?
Trans woman who still looks very much like a man, a very masculine build, obvious wig, facial hair, the whole shit. Her dad can't seem to cope with it.
This doesn't make me feel good. Not saying anything about any of you, but watching this distresses me.
that woman was like fuck it i tried
>This doesn't make me feel good. Not saying anything about any of you, but watching this distresses me.
First day here?
It's harsh seeing your whole family trapped like wild pigs.
>these are the hard realities we face
ha..and those idiot rednecks said integration was a bad idea...
best doggo yet
Gorilla forgot cheerleaders actually work out. Good girl taking that nig out considering it's twice her size.
i bet some piglets were trampled to death by daddy and mommy
Shit theon really took that red wedding shit hard.
>This kills the crab.
Get a dog to do this...
Shit thats impressive but honestly i was kind of rooting for the fat girl.
I love this so much, i wish there was aftermath
wait, cutting through it's entire body with large saws several times kills it? what the fuck that's such a bad thing to do
fuck beat me to it
>being this new
I want to fuck that cheer leader bad now lol. expected her to lose instead she fucking body slammed that negro lol
faggots should've done the only obvious pick: a moving target. imagine getting a cop car KEK
>falling for bait so obvious you have to have the lowest IQ in the entire thread to fall for it
newfags calling out "newfags"
>negro lol
>i want fuck hot grill
still remember living near a similar massive brushfire. smoke would filter out most of the sun, till it's just a bright circle. And it would be snowing ash throughout most of the day and night
This why full-auto revolvers should be banned. He could have emptied the full clip into the gas station clerk in 1 minute..
>full auto revolver
>clearly a self-loading handgun
>slider jammed
is this bait
That's why niggers should be banned.
/k/ is leaking, and im not mad.
also yes, it is bait. it's clearly a Jimmy Johns clerk as he has JJ on his hat. what does it matter if he shot him 6 times center mass as opposed to once? so definitely bate
What a civilised robbery, everyone kept their cool.
>that tissue thown into the trashcan at the end 10/10
i didn't know this was a YLYL
First of all you fucking faggot, compliment my dubs. Second, summer fag? I've been a Yea Forums since before you were born you Dumbass.
bait, no (You) for you.
this one pisses me off more than most.
She's pretty much literally stealing candy from children, since that's who it's meant for.
Spaghetti all over the damn place.
niggers gonna nig
Are u fucking stupid? There was nothing cool about what that fucking nigger did. The cashier was just like of course and they tell me not to be racist but of course
>brings an air pistol to a robbery
pretty sure thats an otter
And yet i'm seeing "NO WEAPONS ALLOWED" popping up everywhere I go now. State of being cucked. It sucks.
It's clearly a dingo that ate her baby.
red shirt taunting a bull....yeah what could possibly go wrong. lol
Fucking niggers
This is Yea Forums user prepare your anus for jokes.
>hurrr durrr raycis
fucking kek
Looks like the scarlet witch and Thanos lol
I LOVE nigger rekt posts.
Thank you, sir and God bless.
ahh. it was a black chick...
I heard about this but thought it was a white.
should have known better.
>the baby on the far left that gets crushed
Smuggling chimpanzees in the cab is highly illegal.
thank god...I was expecting her to blow out a knee or ankle....
after pride month
That is Norway, I recognize the buses anywhere.
What do you fucking expect from the 13%
to think she was the baby from full house
Falocentric Dog
"What if"
words of a doctor... in 2019
I'd marry her right now.
inferior slaves
>wild boar
meh, no tears here. they wreck so much shit per hour, not even funny.
>should have known better.
Remain vigilant user halloween candy is at risk of black & white ham planets alike.
This is why robbery should be banned. Petition your politicians to ban robbery now.
Can this thing be considered as human?
my state just legalized concealed carry without a license.
It might be im kinda blind
Here come the complaints of harassment
The odd part is, where I live,
>Open carry state (but expect harassment from libtards and idiots in general cause 'HE HAZ GUN!" mentality
>have conceal carry permit
>but more and more businesses are throwing up "no weapons allowed", even though it's public property and not a federal/bar/school building
that dude's a hero slaves
You know when it happened?
Simo Häyhä
where can i buy it?
more and more niggers
>businesses are throwing up "no weapons allowed"
organize and encourage people not to do business there.
My job is the same but I'm bottom of the totem pole.
Im a huge raging liberalfag but i (and all my friends) have always been pro gun. Do you really run into that much opposition to it IRL?
I normally ignore them and go in anyway. Average person in general won't even know the dude next to them has a M&P Shield compact or any preferred handgun of their choice. That's the beauty of conceal carry.
>ignore them and go in anyway
yep. worst they can do is ask you to leave.
I don't get harassed by idiots and cops since I conceal carry everywhere I go outside of home. Why attract unwanted attention?
The recent remake of Old Boy.
Kid's good. Reads sign and takes one piece.
Nigress is a piece of shit. Decides to steal from other kids like the fucking nigger she is.
OP didnt say it was cool. They said everyone kept their cool. Big difference.
Kids aren't born niggers even if they're black, or brown, or yellow, or red, or white, or whatever. They are trained to be niggers from shitty parents, very similar to shitty pet owners.
Shit you're right...
I've carried concealed every day for the last 8 years. It's getting harder and harder for me to justify carrying. I work sun up to sun down 6 days a week at a private plant out in the middle of nowhere with my 5 man crew. I spend every night at home, also in the middle of nowhere. I see the same 6 people every single day. Do I really need a gun? Eh. Fuck it I'll carry it one more day i say to myself every morning.
I felt the same way, since my neighborhood isn't rampant of niggers, but always had the firm belief of
>It's better to have and not need than to need and not have
Good boy
I'd kick the bike.
I wish films & TV series would represent the way women really fight.
Would love to see this crazed, disorganized flailing in Batwoman etc.
You are correct.
Behaviours are learned not inherent.
A weiner dog can be trained to be a killer same as a pit bull or rottweiler.
Just like gay people aren't born gay. They develop those tendencies as they grow older through their experiences and interactions.
This is called 'bursting'. It's a knife free method of gutting rabbits. Very effective too.
new frend :-)
yep, and you bit the hook
Holy shit it IS the scarlet witch and thanos.
You were rooting for a 300lb nigger who sucker punches girls a third her size?
Kys ya little cunt
Doesn't look like weed. More like crack or meth.
She is a champion and a babe
Some day I will make a special trip to new york just to throw suction cup dildos off the empire state building.
>Do I really need a gun?
maybe keep it in your glovebox?
middle of nowhere is where I'm at too.
I don't carry but like that I can and there are people who do.
Every fucking thread...
Knocked the shitstain outta him.
An American wet dream, to be a gun totin hero Chad.
When really you just leave your guns out for your kids to kill themselves or have no family or friends and shoot up schools lol! Mutts are so fragile
>being this retarded with stale and unoriginal leftist ideologies
>dragging in politics
Dude you're a fucking legend. Thank you for your service
>posts an american movie clip on an american website.
go eat your mayo comrade.
Nigga chill
or if you use ffmpeg
>ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -ss 00:00:00.000 -to 00:00:24.000 -c:v libvpx -crf 4 -b:v 700K -vf scale=480:-1 -an output.webm
replace 00:00:24.000 with however long you want the video clip to be.
That's the only reason I still carry every day. I know the day I dont have it, I'll need it.
I'm not a fan of off body carry. A gun in my car means nothing to me if I'm getting stabbed 20 feet away. Is that going to happen? No probably not, but if I'm going to assume the liability of carrying a gun into public, I want to maintain intimate control of it until it's going back in the safe.
Ironically like a sack of potatoes
maybe a knife then?
Inever really thought about it.
I only own an elmer fudd.
This. Fuck their signs. As if criminals are going to obey it. If they don't have metal detectors their doors, I'm carrying.
Does anyone have the reversed version of this clip where it looks like the robber is donating money to them? I think it had some captions on it, too, like the guy telling the clerk to smile and that the apron looks good on him.
underrated post
May have to edit that video to play in reverse
Knives are not a defensive tool in my mind. I do carry a benchmade 9170 or a benchmade 940 daily, but everyone I know has a knife on them at all times. I also carry a flashlight anytime I have pants on. Olight M2R.
I'm just being lazy. Carrying a gun is the responsible thing to do for myself and the people around me. I'd feel naked without it anyways
what she lacks in axe throwing ability, she makes up for with her ducking abilities.
>As if criminals are going to obey it
Exactly. This. Each time I glare at one of these signs, always ask the question of
"Where in what world do these people honestly think that if a criminal out to rob people is going to immediately turn around and go home because a piece of printer paper that says "No weapons allowed was present at the time?"
>Knives are not a defensive tool
don't think guns are either....
You do you though.
You'd be able to use a knife more often for sure.
I carry and use a knife every day. I carry it because I use it.
What are guns then? What other purpose aside from defense do they serve? What item can better assist a 90 pound female in securing her right of personal safety from a 225 pound MMA fighter than a gun? A cell phone to call the police? Please.
Why is there no plastic underneath the lid or a seal on the outside?
>A cell phone to call the police?
That's what most retards want you to do when it comes to a self-defense situation. They just. don't. get it. When shit goes down in seconds, police are too many minutes away. Every time. Unless there's that one off random chance that a cop just happened to be around the corner, but that chance is not reliable.
The problem with guns is the incentive to shoot first. However shoots first (assuming they can hit) will win.
Add to this the increased distance possible with a gun, making positive identification of a weapon harder, and the risk of unnecessary use of force, or shooting someone completely innocent, skyrockets.
You can still be pro-gun for various reasons, but you have to acknowledge that it does come with some drawbacks that aren't present for knifes or baseball bats.
If I'm physically attacking someone and they put a couple holes in my chest, I'm going to go back to the drawing board and rethink my strategy.
yeah I guess.
Too bad they aren't always used responsibly.
The gun just makes the 90lb female as dangerous as the MMA fighter so...
I guess I just see the high road as victimhood.
Not that being a victim is praiseworthy.
Just that living like I think society should be rather than a jungle of preditors and prey.
I don't worry too much I guess.
Maybe my life doesn't mean that much to me for me to be so worried.
who wants to live in the world as a scared 90lb female anyway.
might as well submit and hope you live.
It's not living as a victim but more like not really giving a fuck I guess.
Posting a few old ones
>Han shot first.
As a former law enforcement officer of 6.5 years and law enforcement firearms instructor of 4.5 years, I have to say that you have no idea what you're talking about.
When a man twice your size is bashing your face in with a bat, I'll toss you a bat and a gun and see which one you use. My responsibility to "meter" force ends the very second I fear for my life or the life of someone around me. If you're doing something to arouse that fear, you are in the wrong. Period.
scared it was gonna be a fetus
Pepper spray isn't a bad option to carry along with your gun for non-lethal situations.
>Fox Labs five point three
90 pound girls with guns aren't scared. They can defend themselves.
Citizen dispensed justice. I thank my lucky stars that we're allowed to defend ourselves.
Cubed in a cube.
Had 3 level 1 exposures with fox 5.3
Its nasty shit, i assure you. Worse than CS, worse than taser. Worse than RACC belt.
OC cant be fought through. Seen it time and time again. If someone is motivated enough, only a physiological stop is going to do the trick. CNS hit is instant lights out.
Such a weird ass movie to watch when you're high.
shouldn't better immobolization methods be implemented.
I mean we have super computers in our pockets and we still resort to throwing metal at eachother.
bulls don't see colors like we do. the red thing is just a myth
>90 pound girls with guns aren't scared. They can defend themselves.
I want to live in the world where they are neither scared nor need to defend themselves.
I sympathize with you because I'm a realist but I have a hard time sympathizing with the preditors so I dont really get their motives and think they should just be immobilized.
Prisons are not working in the US.
guns and prisons are old tech.
Fuck off with your Hollywood garbage, kike.
Why don't you use that super computer in your pocket to come up with one?
nasty liberal ireland.
I hope they cut them in half again.
Pretty feisty, weight classes exist for a reason
oh baby a triple
no resource.
I use to be middle class.
now I'ma wageslave.
Blue bell vacuum seals upside down, it would be pretty obvious one was opened up.
Suck a dick
There were 3 incidents in a row, even the two that were "white" were both gay males and one was pretty damn brown... (but part white, so the media can say white)
Flat Earth confirmed
>It was at that moment that Shanice knew, she fucked up.
So you want to live in a fantasy land that has never and will never exist and will disregard reality. Okay
>I hope you never run into a real world asshole.
We immobilize people daily. It's called lithium. Ever seen a doctor systematically burn someone down with high doses of lithium over time? I have. They become 1st graders at best. Shoe strings are a real situation.
I'm not as racist as it came out.
I meant it ironically.
how do they even do that, a couple weeks ago i was going in a car that weights like 1/10 of that truck at like half the speed and the tires just gave up immediately when i slammed on the brakes even though it's a less than two month old car(everything's supposed to work fine)
Brolin's like 50 in this.
He's in great shape.
thats not a revolver, and its not full auto, and 1 minute is a long time for even a semi auto pistol, and also what does the amount of bullets matter when the gun is point blank and pointed at your face?
>wrinkly prune hands
ahh Hickcock45.
Good quality ABS. And not bald tires.
next evolutionary step
>It's called lithium.
It sure is, when it's affordable. When it's not it's called spice or whatever the fuck they can get their hands on. The system works when it's affordable. I've being stabbed before and I was lucky to get away with my life. Now I CC and the next poor, misunderstood crazy person that tries it on with me gets to be not crazy anymore. .45 works faster than lithium and it's free for all wielding screw drivers.
what is her name?
back to plebbit fuckbois
It's such an old vid, she is filing a #METOO complaint on the skateboard in her 30s.
it's a canadian movie
who made the cube? was it aliens or cia
oh I've done that to myself.
Told my doctor what I want.
Like I said I'm a realist and want to live in fantasy land so I had to complete some chemistry.
Money and stuff isn't really worth protecting.
If the bad guy has a faster draw or better gun will I feel any better that he won?
I mean really...
You can be the most prepared person on the planet and someone you'd still get the jump on you when you aren't looking.
Maybe thinking you are safe since you have a gun is the real fantasy.
I don't want to take them away
what is there purpose really?
laugh it off baby
one of the Cube movies. Can't remember which since i haven't watched in so long
Same reason I carry. As soon as some tool comes out that works better at defending my life, I'll carry that. For now, it's a gun.
yeah bitch round two
>tfw you shop in an upscale grocery store that's too expensive for niggers and seal their ice cream because of shit like this.
Beyond your nihilistic veil, the point is that I'm not gonna lay down and let some asswipe take from me while I have the means to say otherwise. If he wins, so be it, but it's not gonna be a free take.
>If the bad guy has a faster draw or better gun will I feel any better that he won?
You won't feel anything. You will just stop existing. I've being got before, through lack of awareness. That will never happen again. I can crazy a mile off and I will pop you before you think I'm a good idea.
fuckin beast mode, becky showed that frickin chimp
Shooting someone before they do anything because you're paranoid. Good plan. You should do that. Seriously.
>If he wins, so be it
Keeps reminding me of the offduty arab cop pulls a gun on some punkass skipping and hopping like a fag with a metal pipe towards the guy. Just the offduty cop guy pulling the gun out is all it took to stop the punk in his tracks.
you gotta stay protected from those pesky mosquitoes, what a nice couple of policemen
>When the game developer spends more money on a specific physics mechanic than the game quality itself
It's the only way. Someone has tried to kill me, i'll never forget just how determined they looked. That person wanted me dead for reasons only a psychologist will understand. These people are real, they exist. Genuine maniacs that want to kill you for the reasons in their head. I just want to go to work and come back home, alive. I'm not going to give up my right to life because crazy people have feelings too, fuck that.
Based and shlopilled
Nice breaks
man, this was on a practically new car, less than 500 miles on it, my 13 year old suv has better brakes
>I'm not going to give up my right to life because crazy people have feelings too, fuck that.
>b-but-but they have rights too!
yeah, no, fuck that.
I absolutely agree there are people that are off. Thats why I carry a gun every day.
But saying you're going to shoot before they do anything? That's a quick way to end up in prison.
I know what it looks like. I know what crazy looks like and I was just nice and understanding before. I tried to help him. Then he stabbed me in the gut twice and leg before I got him. I didn't want to do it then. But now, you come up to me mumbling mad shit and needing help and you are beyond 30 ft i'll warn. Within 20ft and I've drawn and I'm shooting. It's not happening again.
What car was it?
>Genuine maniacs that want to kill you for the reasons in their head.
maybe your society is broken?
all the shootings are mental illness right?
so you need to protect yourself from guns with guns.
maybe try to fix the problem instead of stalemating it.
I've only seen a gun pulled once on duty. Gun came out of the holster, offending action stopped instantly. Everyone went home.
Blow your fucking brains out you absolute waste of oxygen.
Yea, cuz all men fight like Batman
a gay ass toyota yaris
Good luck if you ever leave the house then. Wackos all over the place.
You disingenuous faggots always preach the same shit, but never give any solutions how convenient.
Any stories of road rage related situations that involved a weapon of some kind?
>all the shootings are mental illness right?
You are so full of it. Yes it's mental health, so much mental health. There is a huge taboo about talking out your problems, but most of this in adults stems from long term drug abuse. I bet you like MDMA. I bet you like drugs that make you speed up, It all rots the brain. I suppose you have this perfect solution to the problem. I just bet you want to legalise all drugs. I was attacked by a man that had long term drug, alcohol and mental health issues. They knew about him, but they did nothing.
thy baby were her twin sister dumbass
invest in mental health.
solution on a silver platter.
and usually the "mentall illness" claim is the conservatives argument and they also support gun rights.
oh, you mean your representatives?
Nothing firsthand. I got moved to an administrative position within the first 3 years I was there. I spent the vast majority of my time with officers after that, not offenders.
how would spinning help the design?
Keep drinking that soy, Gerald.
It's all in the eyes. That look, I hope you never see it. The body language too. Just don't give em a chance. I know their are shitty crazy people. I left the city, lived in it since the 80's. Got bad when they shut the asylums. Biggest mistake they ever made.
that wasnt even a good hit, waste of meth burnt it.
i made this high on meth
>invest in mental health
Wow I would have never thought of that one.
Thanks for clarifying that you are indeed one of the disingenuous, preachy faggots though
you sound like you came from one of the asylums.
I'm a free man. I've being alive long enough to know it's all a game. No side's the winning side. I've seen all sides of it and history is repeating again. Don't polarise people because of a 'side' they want that. I know you will ignore me though, it's your age. Enjoy your righteous life, I'm sure it makes sense.
I've dealt with lots and lots of shitheads that knew I wasnt their friend. Badge on my chest kinda gave it away. It's still bad. The percentage of people on psychoactive drugs is astounding. The percentage of people that need to be and aren't is more impactful though
**His dad
>Can't talk about the things I've seen
You are the problem user.
You sound like a little faggot that has never seen a real fight in his life
more like ass-ylums am i right
have a nice day.
They did a study and found that pretty much any caliber of gun was effective in stopping an aggressor. Even a lowly .22 would stop someone.
By stop, I don't mean put them on the floor. I mean the sound of the shot going off, and feeling the hit on their body would make them stop doing what they were doing.
Now, if the aggressor is on drugs or amped up then you need good ol stopping power in the form of large caliber bullets.
9mm is decent, but I personally would go for the .40 or .45.
I have a smith and wesson 500 magnum revolver, but holy shit that thing would be overkill by a mile. Literally a hand cannon.
I disagree. Most people should not be on drugs. A lot of people who 'need' to be on drugs only have these conditions because they abused recreational drugs. Most mental conditions can be treated without drugs.
not today don freeman
>Badge on my chest kinda gave it away. It's still bad
Massive respect for dealing with it every day. I couldn't. Had my fill. I've spent time in Germany where psychoactive drugs are common and there is a totally different attitude there. From the states to the GER it's night and day. I dunno why, they shut down their asylums too. Only the cops have guns there too. It's one to think about. Stay safe out there.
She thought she was just some skinny white girl, but cheerleaders workout hard! Lol
Cry some more faggot, I hope you never find an actual crazy person for your own safety
fuck you are mentally unstable
>No side's the winning side
I think someone is winning...
Can't win without playing the game.
It's just on NG+5 for me personally.
I don't subscribe politically though if that is what you mean.
Never trust a person who desires a position of power.
Side loading with springs. Prevents the cage from bouncing back up as soon as it hits the ground and letting the hogs bolt
speed. more momentum that way
horrifying. and what for
>tries to take the high road on Yea Forums
Where the fuck do you think you are faggot?
wild boar can fuck up acres and acres of farmland overnight. plus they're territorial invasive and will impale anyone that gets close
You can literally see the nerve gas
mentally ill person on show about mental illness
cool guy
they destroy ecosystems and are responsible for more than a few extinctions.
and bacon.
without bacon humans would have killed them off entirely I think.
5'o'clock shadow, looks like ryan reynolds almost
r e k t
if only niggers were half as useful
The caliber debate was settled years ago and no one really talks about it anymore. What do my guys get the fastest hits with. Caliber is irrelevant.
How people became crazy is irrelevant. There are a lot of really messed up people. If you can fix all of them where the medical doctors have failed, go for it.
I appreciate it. I got out of that life about a year ago though. Make twice as much now, have zero stress, nearly zero liability. Getting out of law enforcement was the best decision I've made in years.
Wild hogs have been declared pests in the southern US.
They devastate their local ecosystems, because they will literally attack and eat anything. They even kill fucking trees when they dig up and eat their roots, it's fucking ridiculous how destructive they really be.
When it comes to animals they will kill and eat every part of it, even the bones, leaving nothing for the whole decomposition/scavenger part of the food chain.
They also killed and ate a friend's dog and only found out after they found the collar in pig shit. RIP silver he was a good boy.
dudes having the time of his life, sperging out and giving it his all
Doesn't know what an oselot is.
Kill self soon.
>Still can't spell Ocelot worth a damn
She can lick my ice cream
wife material.
truck was probably empty, too
>"bUt WhY dOeS nO oNe TrUsT tHe CoPs?"
How deep go back to facebook
check this one out guyo
I trust cops...
Without rule of law we would be just like Mexico. Cops are the enforcement arm of rule of law. You trust and love cops a lot more than you think you do.
>If you can fix all of them where the medical doctors have failed, go for it.
How should we mark them?
a star perhaps?
would have liked to see that go wrong
Are you willing to do 25 to life because of the look in someone's eyes when they're 20 feet away and not visibly armed?
There's not a judge in the world that wouldn't lock you up for that
If I see someone with a bat, I can see if they are about to strike me with it, and they also have to get fairly close. This is fucking fact.
It's easier getting away from someone with a bat than someone with a gun. If you say otherwise, you're on drugs.
I'm not for marking anyone. I'm for keeping my head on a swivel and carrying a concealed defensive option.
obviously, because whenever it doesnt suck it just keeps bouncing...
>Without rule of law we would be just like Mexico
they have police and laws in mexico...
mexico is capitalism run wild.
Guns exist. Bad guys will always have guns. If you say otherwise, you're on drugs.
You dont want to option to defend yourself from bad guys? Okay cool. I'll keep my option on my belt just in case I ever need it.
The have the highest murder rate too. And a disarmed populous.
>head on a swivel
mental illness isn't a choice.
It happens.
Like a cold.
You can try to prevent it but sometimes you cant.
Then you also have a gun.
We need to work on understanding mental issues as a society.
>cunt gets hit in the cunt
"The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes.... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."
- Thomas Jefferson, Commonplace Book (quoting 18th century criminologist Cesare Beccaria), 1774-1776
>then you have a gun
Wow how ominous, faggot
Volvo trucks have an active system that basically acts like radar/sonar to detect potential hazards.
The truck "sensed" the kid coming into it's path and hit the brakes probably even before the driver reacted.
Mental health is a massive contributing factor to some incidents. Mental health needs to be reevaluated in the US. Access to firearms with relation to mental health needs to be reevaluated.
What is going on in someone elses head is out of my control. My situational awareness and my ability to adapt to changing situations is in my control.
Don't know but volvo tests their system using trucks carrying loads to simulate real world situations.
she looks like she is going to throw the gun at him, makes sense he threw it at her
i dont get it