I love all the BBC/blacked threads, there should be more
I love all the BBC/blacked threads, there should be more
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Fuck off to /gif/ or /bant/.
Anyone else get turned on by white genocide?
OP has a tiny Asian penis
Whites committing genocide? Why yes, yes I do
I love black genocide
I just hope for a future where black men start fetishizing subby/femme looking white guys and start chasing them for sport.
But then I just had this unreal fantasy where it's years in the future and the white race is a minority, and it's considered fashionable and cool by the mainstream to pressure white men into being gay bottoms to speed up the extinction of the 'pure' white race.
you got issues man
you realize when whites are a minority blacks will still be a smaller minority right, you filthy disgusting faggot who deserves to be shot?
So angry baka
I have personally fucked 7 black trannies in the ass
faggots like you don't deserve to live
no, i'm no jew
remember to sage if you post in fag threads like this
You want to know who’s winning? Search interracial on your favorite porn sites and tell me which combination of races pops up the most
we outnumber blacks 5 to 1 in the US so we're winning
my favorite
Yes but it's only fantasy for me of course.
kill yourself you filthy fag. you're a freak
Now do the whole world
pretty similar population between blacks and whites
>You want to know who’s winning?
You mean White men right? Because if you look at "The most searched by women" you'll find it full of white dudes and only white dudes. So that tells us White men are desired by all breed of women.
you have a tiny Asian penis
t. mad virgin
cuckolds are subhuman failures of evolution
Tenda is that you?
remember to sage, cuck
black bois can't compete.
no one can compete with the white man
>porn pics, porn sites
You need help.
>tfw white and just wanna get dressed up as a girl with a black boy and do lewd things to each other
you're in a thread full of porn, Tenda and you're posting on Yea Forums when you said everyone on Yea Forums should be put in jail on Facebook
It's the fate of all white boys
you need help you Asian baby dick bitter virgin loser
read the shit you write and tell me it's normal
black bois*
you're a disgusting faggot. i
No I mean we can both dress up as girls :)
I'm a small dicked asian boi with a 2 inch soft and 4 inch hard cock. Big white cocks are superior to mine and make me hard.
Not to mention it's clear no one here even has a black friend. Good luck on getting dates, especially if you use an app. Women do not want anything to do with black men, that is a white guy fantasy.
This will be her soon
Jealous and triggered as of Photoshop 1 out 1000 of lil tiny white dicks when 1-3 blacks are hung like horses naturally
shut up Tenda you have a tiny Asian penis
not in my experience
Yeah. BBC threads are hot, but it must be without any racism. Jokes about small white/asian penises aren't racism because it's fact so nobody wouldn't mind.
Asian men have the smallest penises Tenda it's a statistical fact. blacks are less than half a centimeter bigger than northern Europeans while whites are over and inch bigger than Asians
“Oversized” Penile Length In The Black People; Myth Or Reality
JC Orakwe, GU Ebuh
Objective: Amongst the Caucasians and some non-Black races, there is the popular belief that the black people generally have longer penile sizes. Even the Blacks themselves tend to believe so. This study was carried out to test the veracity of this ascription of “oversized” penile length to people of the Black (Negro) race.
Design: A prospective and comparative study
Setting: The Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, Nigeria.
Subjects and Method: Full-stretch flaccid penile lengths, and flaccid penile lengths, were measured in 115 adult men of the Black race in Nigeria. The results were compared with reported similar main studies on people of other races, which were accessible to the authors. These studies were done in Italy, Greece, Korea, Britain, and the United States of America.
Result: The mean full-stretch penile length of the Nigerian Blacks was 13.37cm and the mean flaccid length was 9.36cm. Similar studies reported full-stretch penile lengths of 12.50cm in Italians, 12.18cm in Greeks, 9.6cm in Koreans, 13cm in British Caucasians, and 12.45cm in the American Caucasians. The penile length for Nigerian Blacks was longer than those of the other races, but the differences were only statistically different in comparison with the Koreans.
Conclusion: There is the possibility of racial differences in penile sizes, but there is no convincing scientific background to support the ascription of bigger penile dimensions to people of the Black race
Keywords: Penile Length, Black Race, Penile Size
Tropical Journal of Medical Research Vol. 11 (1) 2007: pp. 16-18
this is reality
you just admitted that blacks are bigger
Link an article from the past 20 years lmao. Triggered.
And the guy who said not in his experience only met the 2 out 3 blacks with regular dicks. Real afrocan men everyone os over 9 inches to 13 or more haha yall mad as fuck they got natural builds too? Evem the sun hates yall white sorry mutants
All whites were biological experiments bred with apes and pigs.
Thats why youre on here talking shit and wouldnt do shit in rl enjoy being incels
by .37 centimeters on average whilst whites are bigger than Asians by 3.4 centimeters. the difference between whites and Asians is 9 times as large as the difference between blacks and whites which is minuscule and there are plenty of examples where whites are larger
>that is a white guy fantasy
only the left fantasizes about black men
oh look a retarded nigger supremacist getting asshurt
niggers have lower IQs that's why you make up retarded bullshit like this and have never invented anything
I remember this gay couple. They live together and have good penises with same size and fuck each other in turns. I'm happy for them.
Whites invented stealing of inventions only. Even stealing was invented by superior Black Man.
When you have to post the few pics put.of thousands for the few big white dicks because they are rarer than big black ones
Tfw you realize a big white dicks is as rare as a small black one
Lol when u have to falsify evidence and facts to feel better just means you admit will never be better
Sorry man blacks are stronger smarter and bigger we had the presidency and get all your women its just life guys sorry you are all delusional thank you for playing
please tell me your ways or how I can help you shitpost. you're my inspiration
all world records for weight lifting are held by white men. so is the world record for penis size
I'm just having fun.
bullshit you lying nigger. when whites found you in Africa you wearing loin cloths and chucking spears
Blacks was kings but they chill out at that day. Anyway they are kings again and you too weak to stop them.
I don’t understand this fetish at all