>Being born in America is nothing special.
>There are so many white neets doing nothing for our economy
>Hard-working immigrants deserve their citizenship.
Being born in America is nothing special
true. Though 99% of the American's are immigrant.
I love how I'm not allowed to say all beaners are gangbangers, but you can stereotype whites like this. Secondly, they're economic migrants all they do is send money back to taco town.
This is always the weakest fucking argument. No, that's not the case. Sorry beaners/spearchuckers got shit on by whites but the land is ours. now die out already.
how is it weak. The majority of the people in the usa live there for only a hand full of generations, most even less. We European people lough about that and still consider you immigrants of the usa.
time an illegal gets president in my opinion lets do this
better than niggers tho
>hardworking immigrants deserve their citizenship
you're right, and that's what us conservatives want
the u.s. always has room for hard working immigrants who want to relocate and form a life here
but legally
that's all we ask, seriously
come in with work visas
attend your court hearings and work reports
pay taxes
become a hard working tax paying consumer and become an american
the people we have a problem with are the ones who come here without visas
disappear into the nation and avoid all LE
go to urgent cares and not pay their bills
pay no taxes other than sales tax that can't be avoided
don't file tax returns
pop babies out that get free healthcare and school that other immigrants who go through the system legally and pay taxes, and citizens have to pay for
send any money they make under the table back to their families in their home county
and then also shit all over the american way of life on top of all of that
>well just make all immigrants legal and it'll fix all that
no it won't, they don't WANT to become tax paying american citizen consumers
they want to remain freeloading leeches on society
and btw, its the chinese and asian indians that make up the largest group of immigrants that come here and follow the system the right way, and we welcome them with open arms
>There are so many white neets doing nothing for our economy
>Hard-working immigrants deserve their citizenship.
Yeah, no.
there should be place for everyone
>Mexicans in the skilled trades Kek
They don't become citizens because they have to be deported back to their country, stay there for a while, fill out stuff, then become citizen.
>Being born in America is nothing special.
Wrong. Being born in America gives you advantages other countries don't have. Even in Britain they don't have freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Hollywood, Silicon Valley and many other great centers great import offer incredible opportunities to a skilled person.
>There are so many white neets doing nothing for our economy
Yes, because we have adopted socialist policies that support scum who don't want to contribute to society.
>Hard-working immigrants deserve their citizenship.
Definitely. We need a better immigration policy that lets in hard working people but keeps out people who leech off our welfare state. Learned to code and want to come to America? Please, we want you. Want to come here as a single mother of five and get on food stamps? When you starve in the streets we will take your children away and teach them properly.
>X race is lazy and doesn't want to do the jobs anyway
GEE, I wonder how many times I've heard this one before.....
Incoming: Hurr durr but itz da Black's dat commit crime!! Dats why dat graph sez dat!
>totally ignoring the initial argument
Which one of your conveniently unclickable long links (I know it's in a pic dummy) says even remotely what the image implies?
America was built by hard working immigrants, rejecting immigrants now is like saying America was a mistake.
>>Hard-working immigrants
yes, the 10% sure do, it's the rest we have a problem with.
I built this house
>But I want to live there
You have to build your own house. There's a plot of land next to mine.
>But I want to live in your house
You need to support yourself
dumb immigrants that don't have an education are not valuable and will become less and less valuable very quickly. this isn't the 19th century. at this point, you'd be very lucky to get a job as a walmart clerk. the only time i see minorities working at my walmarts in tucson, arizona, they're stocking shelves in the middle of the night. there is a robot that beeps and goes around the floors washing them. really. soon all fast food, delivery warehouses, and in 15 years, postal cars will be automated/self-driving. all farm workers will be replaced by 12 armed robots.
this nation does need dumb colored people. if you have a master's in engineering/computer science and a sponsor and can support yourself for a few years, you are very welcome. fucking venezuelans who can't speak english? fuck off.
oops... "doesn't need dumb...".
it's just... there will be nothing for you. the fucked up thing is that the current uneducated colored people just hate whitey and think they should allow more in. the problem is that there will be no jobs for anyone without an education and "people of color" will be competing with these new retards. they should be the most AGAINST open borders.
>they're economic migrants all they do is send money back to taco town.
They're still paying taxes and living in your country which forces them to contribute to the economy.
>Want to come here as a single mother of five and get on food stamps?
Youu're severely underestimating how hard it is to get into the country legally, and that the fact that illegals don't get social benefits
need a citation on that one juan
I know it's difficult to get in legally. That's one of the things that needs to change. We need a better system of evaluating potential citizens.
>illegals don't get social benefits
and you live in the EU, so stfu loser
It aint hard to get in thats propaganda bullshit mean to make it seem like its so difficult to get in that being illegal is the only hope you have. The US has pretty lax requirements to become a citizen compared to the rest of the world. Go ahead try and be a weeb in Japan and watch the unbelievable hoops you have to jump through in a place that really doesnt want dirty foreigners
It depends on where you're from and what you do. The type of immigrants these people like to complain about are Lupe with five kids. It's an expensive and long process for Central Americans/Mexicans. A poor Mexican is not going to legally migrate to the US. Biochemist Hans from Germany? Yeah pretty easily
Now compare those numbers to their portion of the population, and you'll see what people are complaining about.