Post your favorite porn. Straight, gay, real, drawn, anything you want
Post your favorite porn. Straight, gay, real, drawn, anything you want
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What a waste of space and oxygen
Scarily cute
mentally ill faggot, you should actually kill yourself
Absolutely adorable skull-dog; why is she so fucking cyoot? Good tastes, user.
What a balatant projection of self worth
If you fags want more cost Twinknextdoor2 on twitter
I never understood the pup-mask thing.
Is it so that you don't have to see the ugly face of a man while you're pounding his ass, or is it some BDSM thing I don't get.
Because the only thing stopping me from impaling a man with my gratuitous fuck-rod is his ugly, masculine face.
we all know that you at least think about it 2times per day just do it user, nobody loves you! you're a freak you're annoying, you smell weird you suck at every single thing that you do, just do it ITS NOT THAT HARD!
That would make sense. Probably explains why I can only watch murrsuit porn instead of full-blown gay porn that involves two dudes, as opposed to one dude riding a dildo or jerkin off his tally-whacker.
I'm not gay btw. Just a self-observation. Thanks for clearing that up, user.
you're gay and you will burn in hell, sorry user ):
I'm afraid not, user. I'm chaste and a virgin and I plan to keep it that way, although that won't be a hard task at all.
Worry not, I'll have my 72 virgins in Paradise, user.
average wh*te person
bro youre masturbating to a guy wearing a dog mask, is safe to assume that you will be burning in hell
"puppy pee"
nice quads
actually i'm quite a successful man
Congrats on the quads
If I had posted one of my ACTUAL favourites I would've broken a rule so here is this one which I also like a lot
pedo piece of shit
Well, actually user, it's a guy wearing a furry head of their adorable fursona. It's hardly a """mask""".
And if masturbating to murrsuit porn prevents me from engaging in frivolous sex between men, thus engaging in faggotry and revoking my purity, then I think the LORD, being all merciful, would show pity on me and understand my disposition, and give me a chance to live eternity in Heaven.
Rather, I would say you need some introspection. Just remember, yourself, the word of the LORD, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
congrats on the quads
quads of truth though show that your pushing alot of you own inner thoughts on people. its ok man
true I should killmyself
>herm cock
nah improve yourself
bro i live in a shitty thirld world country, killing myself would be fucking great tobehonest