

Shoes on the other foot now

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Other urls found in this thread:


Can't imagine which pair of feet you're talking about. Nothing significant happened lately.

What the fuck are you talking about snowflake? Did you wake up and thought Hillary actually won or something ?

If you think Donnie's getting a second term after this you're lying to yourself. Wait, you already do that a lot.

this you?

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you told us he wouldn't win.
lmao at this loser

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After what, shit head? Dude lay off the paint chips and CNN

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This is basically what the rest of the world th8nks about murica lol


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Your tears are so delicious, snowflake

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I guess muh tears of joy will taste nicer, especially cos I only eat organic foods.

Lol learn to cope trumptard

Says the group that's allergic to facts. Keep being a pawn on the game, pleb

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Goes great with my corn flakes. So I have no complaints either way, shithead

someone needs to stop being spoonfed their views from /pol/

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I heard you lot lives in a place called Denial. Hows the weather these days, shit head?

>you lot lives

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I would like to inform u all that my political opinion is superior and u are all dumb

Surprised they even let you hold a phone to be honest

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The saying is "De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt."
You really fucking butchered that one.

That explains it. Get the fuck out of here smoothbrain.


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>The saying is "De Nile isn't just a river in Egypt."
>You really fucking butchered that one.
>I am Jacks total lack of surprise
Even your puns are shitty.

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You stole something and made it worse, like a nigger with a nice car.

>That explains it. Get the fuck out of here smoothbrain.
When you cope, is it by playing in your shit or eating it?

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>Confuses "Denial" with "The Nile".
Either your reading comprehension sucks or you are mentally unfit to live.

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Lurk a few more years before posting.

>hurrrr durrr imma poor and muh dick is small must be muh Joooooz
Fuck off back to pol u nazi cunt no one actuallly believes that shit

Try saying it out loud, quietly enough your mom doesn't wake up and make you go to school.

Eat shit you horrible cunt

your tears fuel me

>Lurk a few more years before posting.
Leave the basement for a few minutes a day before trolling

Comeon dude.... he probably lives with his dad on weekdays

Eating my tears mean I am inside you. That makes u fucken gay as shit

I wish I was trolling. You're just that painfully obvious.

>Be American
>Roll my 300 pound body out of bed
>Brush my teeth with mountain dew
>Have my first of 9 meals today
>Only 3 at mcdonalds though I'm watching my weight
>Drive to work at the police station
>Do some paperwork about why I couldn't keep up with the criminal that outran me
>Go outside to wheeze
>A dog barks at me so I shoot it dead
>Shed a tear and read a bible verse so it goes to heaven
>Go home and listen to my Jesse Lee Peterson podcast
>Finally, a nigger that hates himself
>Accidentally fall asleep on my back and suffocate during the night

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Do you also eat lighter fluid?

This shit is retarded. Requesting asylum means that someone is running from a clear and immediate danger by staying where they are. Now if someone is in clear and immediate danger, then given the location, asylum should ONLY apply for people from Mexico. However, Mexico is not in a state where residents from there need to escape any clear and immediate danger. Now most of these illegals are caravans from shithole countries that have corrupt dictators or drugs ruling their cities. These people already managed to safely make it into Mexico which WAS granting them asylum. For them to deny Mexico's asylum (which previously established above Mexico was safe enough country to offer asylum) means that these people lose ALL claim to asylum anymore, because they made it to safety (in Mexico) and didn't deem it good enough and just wanted to exploit the USA's being a first world nation. Checkmate libcuck faggot.

So you can dish out but you cant take it. Why am I not surprised. Are you going to cry now?

Lol what?

The Nile isn't in Egypt you retard. It's next to the piramyds.

Sorry faggot I don’t wan tot go to lunch with you HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA WHAT A FAAAG

Thirteendigitfilename.jpg squad fully triggered today

Trump is a pedophile racist

no one is going to read all that shit nigger

Incorrect. Learn2asylum u bigot.

TLDR imma a racist trumptard who’s scared of brown people

Ohhh your tears makes for good lube. Thanks

They really need to program you bots better

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Racists are embarrassing.

Kekkkek the butthurt is strong, but again I guess u dun get butthurt no more what with all that nig dick busting out yer ass nerves

You being one yourself, you should know

Everyone I disagree with is a robot.

I recognize your filename from Yea Forums. Good to see you're at least consistently retarded.


>I guess you dun get butthurt no more

Lol what

>Hurr durr u don’t agree with my nazi ways therefore u r robot or jooooooz
You pol fags really are embaressing

Damn you soyboys are dumb. I'm not the guy you replied to. I'm not even American but I'm pretty certain that if a person is fleeing an unsafe country to seek asylum, they need to do it in the first safe country they arrive in.

Also, it's illegal to enter into a country without going through the correct port of entry. Doesn't matter if you're white black Mexican Asian the law is the law faggots.

> (You)
>I recognize your filename from Yea Forums. Good to see you're at least consistently retarded.
You just outed yourself summerfag. Watching you self destruct is fucking hilarious

He is suggesting perhaps you don’t get butthurt anymore because you have had so many black cocks up your ass that they have destroyed all the nerve endings. It’s rather clever as it makes u look both stupid and a prolific gay nigget fucker.

>Like 5-10 sentences

Boy you liberals really are retarded if 5-10 sentences qualifies as TLDR.

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If you’re not murican then fuckoff.

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You can just say it was you and you post like a tard nigget

No, fucktard, you DRINK lighter fluid.
Because FLUID.

You are the worst at trolling. Just being honest, shit head.

Perhaps it’s was more the fact yourost was such boring bullshit kekkek
You trumpfucks must be getting scared now he’s only got me more year before the Democrats steamroll into the White House and fuck your racist shit up proper good. I wonder if you will all cry and sperg and ‘not muh president’ and shit when Dianne warren becomes pres?

Its a sad thing that most wont even read all this even though its a very valid argument/point on this argument

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>Trump supporters are like Neegan kek!
doesn't bode well for your future success, then.

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Trump's getting a 2nd term kek


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Sorry kid but you and your other group of soyboy leftists are too young to vote. MAGA

Watch this:
They already had asylum when they crossed the border into Mexico.

Actually no they didn't.

No tldr. Not hard.

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not a chance amigo. can’t wait to see all the white red hat wearing cunts cry into their moonshine

Keep waiting and drinking that soylent.

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Trumps voters going to be dead from diabetus before the next election

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What exactly do you think soy does? Can you explain it because you don't know how hormones work.

I am a Trumptard, fucktard.



Americans please just kill yourselves already. Your country isn't even worth the effort anymore.

Cornering the triangle vote

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>you are here

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Wow /pol/ are faggots? What a surprise! Post your pic /pol/buddy. Let's see how hot you are lol.

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>you been here, loser

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Then you just scored an own goal you dumb shit

> (You)
>Wow /pol/ are faggots? What a surprise! Post your pic /pol/buddy. Let's see how hot you are lol.
You really are shit at this kid

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Turns males into effeminate beta commies. Science has proven that.

Trump and Epstein fucked all of them,
Pence just jerked off in the corner

Kekkek which conspiracy you tuber made that claim that you blindly believe regardless of peer reviewed science?

I have NEVER browsed /pol


you seem upset

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You dont browse pol, you wait u til Yea Forums cuts a fart and you take a deep sniff

>m-muh peer reviewed science

Your m'lady is showing you pussy queer

Em hmmmmmmmm

You never browsed Yea Forums either judging by how shitty you are

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Made me lol

>You're spamming this whole thread, loser.
>Im just entertaining myself with you

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Saw your own posting history hey fagit


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Your next fall guy right there

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But migrants did have asylum the second they touched Mexico, like it or not thats a fact, that they chose leave & to try enter the us illegally through brute force after being offered safe asylum in Mexico, which alone is grounds to send them back. However if they wish to enter the united states legally through normal channels like ever other fucking migrant here, I welcome them with open arms.

been here since 2010, son

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Not at all snowflake. Not at all

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Being born in 2010, isn't the same as browsing Yea Forums in 2010 kid. Go play video games or something

Wow that’s such a 9gag level cringe picture I actually feel embaressed for you.

>you wait u til Yea Forums cuts a fart and you take a deep sniff
speaking from experience, are you

Hahahahaha rekt

I have partaken of the pol in the past, don’t breath too deeply or it will give you ass cancer.

it took me about 10 seconds to read that

Then u must be retard

it's probably 3 or 4 14 year old anti-trump trolls running this entire thread so I'm not sure why anyone is surprised by the idiotic posts
just sage and leave

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did mommy help you type all those big words?

well spoken, 16 yo big boy
they are just meany dumb dumbs

Its summer vacation for these faggots. Its just one loser spamming the thread anti-Trump shit anyway

Stop hurting yourself kid. You still have to go outside today and play

dummy losers, they're not winning
we're going to win so much it will make their head spin!

Hopefully August will kill some them off

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Pathetic, such as your life

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its Funny cos it isn! Greece is EU, Rome is EU Go back to school or back to your work and fip burgers.

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Shit I really feel bad for you kid

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For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.

Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.

They were the Confederacy.

They were the KKK.

They were on the side of the Robber Barons.

They were anti-suffragists.

They were anti-civil rights.

They were anti-LGBTQ rights.

They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.

With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, they're also now anti-democracy.

They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion, or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on civilization after a few years.

And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or wrong. What's true or false.

They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding, and they know it.

The amount of room Trump must take up in your in head to start one of these threads so early.

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Okay, well show the "science" that backs up this shit tier insult.

>implying I'm op

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>autistic enough to claim you're not

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can't debate so post a facebook meme

Trump supporters are so fucking braindead.

Go back to Walmart, your mobility scooter is waiting

>thinking all memes comes from facebook
Keep outing yourself, twerp. Just like everyone in your school. We are all laughing at you

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all i know is that i've voting for at least trump and legal weed in arizona. this time when it comes to weed here, it's all about a major setup where they have put a dispensary on every corner and then it's got the backing of an established framework of distribution, inspection and taxation. it failed by 2% last time and then was kept off the ballot in 2018 because the measure wasn't beneficial enough to everyone but next time, it gets done. they've invested many, many millions in bullshit medical shops and want to sell legally to everyone. there is no way it won't happen.

in fact, i don't even need to vote, just like i didn't vote for trump and knew he would win, to know he'll win and that weed will be legal. then, i'll chill. the left can suck my ass but i'm not upset. children on the right or left should be ignored. knowing where it's going is enough.

republicans do not want weed legalized you stupid mother fucker

There is so much wrong in this post. I hope it's a bad bait attempt. No one could possibly be this ignorant.

>There is so much wrong in this post. I hope it's a bad bait attempt. No one could possibly be this ignorant.
The 14 year old that posted it, could.

Here's the guy who gets all his information from facebook memes.

Incoherent babbling, sad attempt at offending me, but clearly I got under your skin.

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Trump supporters slept through history class. I'm frankly surprised you could even read that many sentences at once.

> (You)
>Here's the guy who gets all his information from facebook memes.
>Incoherent babbling, sad attempt at offending me, but clearly I got under your skin.

Keep telling yourself that, kid.

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Liberal morons still screaming at the sky almost 3 years later enjoy it because you're going to do it through 2024

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Can't come up with a comeback so he borrows what I said.

Lazy Trump supporter spotted.

Your Walmart mobility scooter is calling.

I am 100% certain I am better than you in every way
Kill yourself

Attached: !crywithtrump2019.jpg (900x900, 219K)

>Doesnt know what green text is
>whines in every response
>gets more triggered by every response
These threads are being saved and shared. I'm just watching you self destruct

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Seems more like this guy is some suicidal loser who has no job or assets projecting because he's below average in every possible way.

>Starts argument.
>Realized he has nothing intelligent to say
>Retreats back to his meme safe space

You do know that the American revolution began in 1775, right?

Lincoln was the first Republican president of the United States.

The democrats are the party of the KKK.

The factual errors in your post go on and on...

It's almost as if you have no education whatsoever. I hope you aren't older than 8.

>starts an anti-trump
>gets embarrassed into oblivion
>reaching for the razor
Don't let us stop you. Go on

Where do you live I'll come smash your little internet faggot skull in

Okay I'll educate you since you've never opened a history book in your life.

I never said anything about democrats and republicans, you made that assumption all on your own because you have terrible reading comprehension.

The parties were flipped back then and switched after slavery was abolished.

The Democrats used the be the conservatives.

Lincoln ran his second term as a Democrat after he abolished slavery.


>have unprotected sex
>get pregnant
>somehow "forced"
huh really mak thikn

>I never said anything about democrats and republicans, you made that assumption all on your own because you have terrible reading comprehension
No, no mention of "Conservatives" anywhere in your copypasta, twerp. None what so ever

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this dude literally cannot read and thinks he somehow outsmarted everyone with his facebook memes

Lincoln choose a Democrat as his running mate. Lincoln never ran "AS" a Democrat. My God what the fuck are you learning in Summer School?

Amazing. You can't type a single sentence with facts or truth. Congratulations.

>Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.
>They were the Confederacy.
>They were the KKK.
>They were on the side of the Robber Barons.
>They were anti-suffragists.
>They were anti-civil rights.
>They were anti-LGBTQ rights.
>They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.

Do you see how you used "they" to follow up your original sentence?
Brought to you by public school education these days

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Lol have fun with Sherrie murray. Your identy politics won't work against a black female immigrant. Get fucked faggot.

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Your arguments are so abstract.

You guys are desperate and pathetic.

So how did the mud/straw hut guy end up owning the world? Privilege?

Facts don't care about your feelings. Neither do adults, twerp. Grow up!

Trump supporters have "alternate facts"

You are idiots in your own reality.

It doesn't matter what the history books say.

The scientists, economists, journalists, intelligence agencies, historians...

Nothing they say matters to you because you believe anything your Cult leader tells you, and only what he tells you.

very good comrade, division is best for western society! many rubles will be given to bank for you!

The same reality where you claimed, "Lincoln ran as a Democrat for his second term?" Pfft lol with this guy

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Trump has nothing to do with the fact that everything you think you know is actually wrong and usually the complete opposite of the truth.

That is astounding.

If you paid for that education, I'd try to get a refund.

Lincoln would be considered a liberal in this time.

You are ambiguously focusing on one tiny part of what I said because you have no ability to raise an argument as well as I did.

sure thing you dumb cuck. Lincoln was further right than any modern American politician

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Well it seems like you aren't able to discern fact from fiction and learned everything you know from Facebook memes and Sean Hanity.

But somehow everyone else is wrong.

All the professional scientists, economists, historians, journalists, they are all wrong but somehow you have better sources.

This is a facebook meme.

Posting this as an argument is so fucking pathetic and shows where you get your information.

So now you are choosing to ignore your claim and throwing in assertions. Keep dying on that hill, twerp.

So history and facts are your kryptonite?

>This is a facebook meme

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that's a verified quote and the source is in it

>facebook meme
who the fuck has the balls to post that shit on Facebook?

That kid is allergic to facts. Look how he dances around them

you'd probably get banned from Facebook for posting that you libtard

You think facebook memes are facts...

Posting propaganda is not an argument.

It's pathetic you think those are real.

>reddit spacing

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that is a verified quote by Abraham Lincoln and it's sourced. the founding fathers were white supremacists and so was virtually every white man until around the civil rights movement

College spacing.

That's how people who went to college write.

Sorry you work at McDonalds.

Not so much white supremacists, many were against slavery, but it was a complicated problem to solve and no one had the answer.

>Facts that are verifiable
>Facts that are omitted from your public school history book
Just because you choose to ignore them, doesn't make them any less true. Take some penicillin. Seems you have a bad reaction to the real world

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Taking AP Summer classes doesn't make you ready for college. You have a long way to go in your case.


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This is not a quote.

It was from a fiction book about Abraham Lincoln

Facebook memes are propaganda not "facts"

the collected works of Abraham Lincoln is not a fiction book you fucking liar

it's a compilation of his speeches and writings

You don't even know when to use a new paragraph properly. Sentences and paragraphs aren't the same.

>In 1953, the Abraham Lincoln Association published The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, a multi-volume set of Lincoln's correspondence, speeches, and other writings. Roy P. Basler and his editorial staff, with the continued support of the association, spent five years transcribing and annotating Lincoln's papers. The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln represented the first major scholarly effort to collect and publish the complete writings of Abraham Lincoln, and the edition has remained an invaluable resource to Lincoln scholars. The electronic edition is searchable and browsable by keywords and phrases. The print edition is available in the UCSB Library Special Collections Dept. as part of the Wyles Collection at E 457.91 1953b.

>collected works is considered fiction now

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liberals love lying and making shit up just like niggers do

i laughed hard at this. well done

Yup, They all just need asylum. lol

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Illegally jumping the border then requesting asylum is again, illegal.

Conservatives doesn't mean a specific party. We associate conservativism with the GOP now, but it used to be the basis of the Democrat party.

>Republicans dont want a deregulated free economy

You stupid motherfucker.

Trump has already made more progress toward legalization by deregulating industrial hemp manufacturing.

This is your most lopsided attempt at a rebuttal yet
>Conservatives isn't affiliated with any political party
>It used to be muh democrats but now its republicans
You lost kid, just walk away