You are given $10 to buy something at the gas station. What are you getting?

You are given $10 to buy something at the gas station. What are you getting?

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Coffee or soda, and a pastry or chips

3 of these, comes out to 9.74

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you sound like a massive beta faggot

Those taste like shit compared to Sour Grape.

A hand job in the parking lot

found the nigger


They taste like shit and you're both fucking faggots.

coffee, two burritos, lottery ticket,

no nigger the red is the best one, then the gold

You're a fucking faggot. Gold and Red are the worst flavors because they're both trying to copy Redbull.

they taste absolutely nothing like red bull you stupid nigger, go rape a white girl and stop being stupid nigger

they fucking literally named Red after redbull, you fucking retard.

Yes andy capps hot fries are the shit

litteraly just made a thread about this and bought theese chips

Attached: chips.png (1074x573, 1.05M)

you're a dumb ass nigger your opinion is invalid go drink some grape soda a steal a white woman

>We're not gonna tell you what it tastes like, because then we'll get sued.
It tastes like shit is what it tastes like.

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it sure as fuck doesnt taste like red bull

10 cheap energy drinks

condoms and a pack of camels
ya'll are fucking losers

shit tier detected

only children and retards drink fourloko or redbull

its cheap and gets you drunk, I also drink skol

fuck you and the horse your rode in on

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And here you are, on the cesspit of the internet, calling others children. Are you ready to go back to school in 10 days? Looking forward to the 6th grade?

you're a degenerate
enjoy never amounting to anything an dying alone

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I would like to try andy capp's hot fries but they don't sell those in Australian gas station so I often just Doritos nacho cheese and a oak chocolate milk and would add up to around $7.50

I've accepted my fate

just photoshop a can of redbull in there and it's perfect

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