Limited edition freezer corpse Bianca, comment kek for spiritual enrichment

Limited edition freezer corpse Bianca, comment kek for spiritual enrichment

Attached: AEBF8813-5426-45A0-9CAB-E15666CA3CE4.jpg (481x640, 103K)

Why is this supposed to be entertaining?


I don't see how that answers my question.


Kek, I love you retarded assclowns that get off to this, it makes me feel better to know that life can get worse for me, but isnt

Does that mean something in another language? I'm so confused.


Can someone tell this fine gentleman that i do not speak his language, but i wish him well?

You are a faggot, and it is entertaining because she got what she deserved.

I don't know who she is.

Still a faggot, still entertaining.


This man seems to really like saying that word.

Okay, but why is it entertaining?

> because she deserved it

Why did she deserve it?

kek for spiritual enrichment

She was a manipulative drama qween insta thot

(she didnt deserve it imo , she deserved to just be banned of social media , witch whould most probably lead to suicide because she cant live with out instagram)

Being a fembot

What's a fembot?

Use google you fucking degenerate


Also, press F for nosehook Bianca

Attached: 6FF8D9C1-603B-4DF6-81F9-F27C697DEE81.jpg (977x736, 134K)

What did she do?

Bled to death

I'd rather you tell me.

Some of people on this site are insane. It's crazy to think that someone on this site will recreate this shit.

For being a whore. I can't stand worthless flesh that consumes our resources.

How was she a whore?


See above post

You don't play fun games. Get better games.

Do you not know?


Fuck I love when everyone comes together to cyber bully the same faggot at once

This person is a guy? I thought she was a girl. Unless... has faggot become unisex on Yea Forums?

Retard there is nothing tieing you down to the screen. Therfore no such thing as cyber bullying.

One of the posters here is a proud feminazi, and should be raped

it's an acronym for "kill your self". Evidently, user wants you to commit suicide.

Huh. That doesn't seem to make sense.