Drunk/High/Unconscious Sex stories... Let's hear them...
Drunk/High/Unconscious Sex stories... Let's hear them
I fuck my wife when she passes out from drinking too much, she's ok with it as long as I don't do anything to hurt her, a couple of times I've fucked her arse but she's not a fan of it.
>doesnt like anal
>wait till she passes out
>fucks ass
Thats rape buddy!
I wish my mom was like her. When she was a fall-down drunk and figured out it was my jizz in her lubed up pussy she was mad for years and made me help raise the sister I helped her make.
But hey, she quit drinking.
Nope she just asked me not to do it again, so I didn't.
Wife knows, maybe not a fan but has yet to tell him to stop... That's consensual non-consent buddy...
I let my friends have their way with my gf when she is passed out drunk.
I wish I was your friend!
If you are Kyle... thanks. We all loved those drinking parties.
In college was at a party with a girl who was drunk and likely rolling. She was flirting with everyone and I had some liquid courage. When she took a Jell-O shot, I made my move and kissed her. She kissed back. So I grabbed her hand, led her to a back bedroom, and fucked her doggy. Came in her hair. Told her I’d go get her some tissue but just went back to drinking. The only thing I ever said to her was basically “I’ll be back.”
She didn’t stay at the party. Probably lucky she didn’t change her mind about consent after the fact and make some BS complaint bc she was upset I exposed her for the whore that she was.
I'm going to become friends with everyone I meet named Kyle... just in case.
Not kyle. Sometimes she is so full of cum and so sore the day after so she can barely sit. Here is a pic of her
took a girls virginity out in a park while we were high
heard creepy footsteps, was really strange
Go on.. She like being used as a cum sock?
Yea, that was me... sorry about that...
Dude, you're the whore in this situation
read: I'm a cuck
My gf has this habit of getting drunk and high with her girl friends then they get frisky and play with each other. She's done it with maybe 3 or 4 of them. It's mega hot. Pic related, it's one that she's fooled around with 3 or 4 times.
Definitely hot!
>be fighting and broken up with gf
>ask her out to dinner just out of frustration
>she says yes
>wears this outfit
>get her drunk at the hotel bar after
>take her to the room
>rides my cock and I blow a huge creampie up her twat
Stayed broken up after that. It was a weird time but man did that shit feel good.
there was no one, but i mean we could both feel the footsteps, thats how powerful they were only there were no one
jeez. was it really worth it, for one nut?
I would expect nothing less with someone wearing that! Good for you!
Here's another one she's messed around with, my gf is on the right. MDMA is powerful lol.
My kik - wantago69
> party at my house
> hot friend drinks too much
> pass out on sofa
> I look of she's ok
> unconscious.jpg
> I have thoughts of feeling heer body
> end up bringing a blanket
> go back to sleep with wife
> regrets.gif
She's a friend. A very good friend. I'm interested, she's clearly not but likes me a lot. I know she sees another friend. Jealous as fuck. I'm in open couple and she knows. Sometimes I think she gives some signs but maybe just me.
Oh and I found her nudes, she's hot, even more than I could have thought.
What are my chances /b?
I don't want to loose her as a friend, yet want to feel her body onto mine. I want to give her what others cannot, yet stay friends.
I fucking love this story, nice! any more pics from that night?
fuck yeah dude, i would totally encourage that. how can you get involved, too? maybe she should bring a friend home...
It was a fun night.
yup lol
You are one lucky S.O.B.! And I am incredibly jealous! LOL
It'll happen eventually, just got to let it happen "naturally" (read: without them realising I'm engineering it). Ive had them both in my bed after night out, I fucked my girl while her friend was in her undies next to us, I tried to touch her too but my gf wasn't in the mood. My gf was totally naked at the time. Even seeing her naked around other people made me really hard tbh
First off you gotta share the pics, then we can judge
It was a two story restaurant, and when she walked up the stairs we got a looooot of sidelong glances from the people eating downstairs. Also me walking behind her with an obvious chub showing lol. I was already dripping precum at that point bc I was pretty sure she'd let me fuck her after.
fucked the sister/daughter too?
hah yea I'm jealous of me back then too. she put her hand over my mouth right before I started jizzing in her bc she knew it would be loud lol
>me and gf shoot up heroin together
>bang for hours cuz can't nut on that shit
>both of us nod out with my dick still in
>wake up later and keep banging
Yes. As most we were 5 who came inside her pussy and asshole
more of her
Hard to believe on here but I am loyal to this friend. She helps me a lot in life, I think I do too. I respect her thus I'm not sharing. Plus it would devastate her if she finds out.
She's a petite, sporty girl and geeky. Nice A cup, athletic, hamburger pussy.
give her what others cannot? weird thing to say.
my suggestion, if your wife is okay, is to drink alone with her sometime and put the offer on the table after a few rounds. but be prepared for her to say no and to respect that if you truly don't want to lose her as a friend.
she might say yes :)
fuck yeah dude i love it! an ex of mine gave me head in a parked car on a major street and i swear the looks we got
I mean by that, she got it hard the last few years. Difficult breakup, her crush didn't treat her well. I can give her something simple and respectful. I would never do anything to hurt her.
Wasn't just once. I did it regularly. It wasn't until she got knocked up and paid attention to my behavior that she realized it was me.
Still do. Not as often as I did when she first got her woman attributes.
Another drunken story
>be me, late 20s
>gf is late 30s, hyper sexual
>she gets frisky, we go out to a pub and she doesn't put any panties on.
>flashing her pussy at me when she can
>tries to suck my cock on the street while waiting for cab
>get her in the cab, finger her while driving home, pussy soaking
>get her out the cab, take her around the back of parking garage
>I get my cock out, hard as diamonds
>she immediately squats down and starts licking and sucking my dick
>pull her tits out while she does it
>pull her up, spin her round and fuck her front behind up against the wall
>eventually take her to my flat
>strip her down and take her onto the balcony
>she sucks my cock and I fuck her from behind in full view of the street
>cum buckets
Wish we'd been caught and had someone join in, or jerk off while we fucked.
>be me
>be kissless virgin at 24
>be at best friend's house
>his gf is passed out on the sofa off her tits
>he goes out to get more alcohol
>she's wearing loose underwear
>start playing with her pussy
>she whimpers a bit and gets wet after a while
>get my dick out and slide it into her
>she's warm and tight
>fuck her for a couple of minutes and have to stop myself from cumming in her
>put everything back to normal and go into the bathroom and finish myself off
No pics=No proof
Lmao I do the same thing
Seriously, bitches and MDMA are a godly combo. Especially if you don't take it and stay cool.
hell yea, that's the good stuff. one time I was making out with this hot af poojeeta in the movie theater parking lot, other cars were there. couldn't help myself and got her huge tits out and started sucking them right here. ended up not fucking her because I actually wanted to date her and not mess it up by fucking her right away, fucking idiot move and she didn't talk to me after that. but people def saw me sucking those big titties.
Like you keep proof of "sick" and illegal things you do. kek
Just because your intention is to not hurt her that your actions wouldn't cause her pain. if she's monogamous, it might actually be painful emotionally to be sexually intimate with someone when you can't be romantically.
i'm not saying you can't still give her a fair offer, but you need to stop thinking that having sex with her will fix her emotional problems.
It's called an external hard drive
My girl takes sleeping pills and lets me hit it while she sleeps. So I usually watch porn and cream pie her
Damn man, shame you didn't!
I definitely fucked this girl a half-dozen times. She was great. The head was better than the pussy, and she was kinky and nasty as fuck. Was gonna fuck her ass but then we stopped seeing each other. damn.
Bump for nudes
some chicks are animals man, it's crazy. this one let me nut in her mouth, then in her pussy, THEN in her ass, all in one fuck session. god I miss being 22.
I showed up late to a party, I was drinking elsewhere. I drank a lot more there, passed out first on the couch.
I woke up first, bladder ready to burst. I staggered upstairs and towards the bathroom. I noticed a bedroom door was open, Some hottie was face-down on the bed, her nice ass showing off pink panties, skirt hiked up.
I had a raging morning wood, I staggered into the room and fonded her. Comatose, she was. I pulled off her panties, pulled her to the edge of the bed, and after some spit and pre-cum taking a while to lube her pussy, I thrust in and out until I cum.
It took a while. I was still drunk, not even hungover yet. I imagined she was my sister, she looked a lot like her only with different hair and dressed like a slut... and wore perfume... not at all a long-haired tomboy.
Now that I got off, I pulled her panties back up, and staggered to the bathroom as my wood vanished, and pissed... pissed forever.
I staggered back downstairs and passed out on the couch again.
Hours (seemed like seconds) later, I heard commotion. I heard my sister's voice, someone fucked her while she was in a booze coma.
Turns out, she cut and highlighted her hair after she got dumped and went shopping, using the party to get wasted and remake herself.
Now that's fuckin hot!
My biggest regret ever when I was 20...
>friend gets with this cunt of a girl
>treats him like shit, doesn't let him out etc
>he stays with her cuz he was a virgin & now he's getting puss
>other friends & I plot to break them up cuz we're immature faggots
>decide one of us will try & "fake" seduce her and tell friend
>I'm the chosen one
>find out she's at a bar with her work friends
>intentionally bump into her there
>get drunk & end up actually fucking her
>friend obviously hates me now
>lost a good friend
Where did this Kyle you're speaking of live?
bahahahaha did you fuck her again ever after that? what a slut!
Pittsburg, PA, USA
Pittsburg, PA, USA
Yes, I arranged the other times. I had a taste and wanted more. Over the years, I let her know it was me and convinced her it was her idea.
She acclimated to it. Now I fuck her every time she is in an argument with her husband. One or more of their kids might be mine.
Mates wife wears the trousers , flirts in front of him with me and a few other guys, cute little lady , sits on laps wriggles till she feels you getting hard then gets up to embarrass you, teases a few of the younger guys too she’s late 40s we are late 30s a few are 20s they get very embarrassed easy, but if you try and touch she slaps hard , teaser bitch .
Her problem is she drinks , mostly it’s fun but sometimes she passes out . This one time she got very annoying , fell off lap onto floor showing her panties . Got a couple of smacks, husband took her to bed.
We carried drinking and watching the football . But she tries to join in again . Taken away again .
Then we hear a noise , 3 of us go to see , she’s passed out fallen off the toilet lol, we carry her to the nearest bed ....
Oh please tell me you took turns!
Her husband is looking at her , we are having a peek , then one of the younger guys she teased early arrives and grabs his phone takes a pic , im waiting for husband to cover her and get us all out , then she’s moaning about her panties cutting her leg , telling him to sort it . Well we help lift her but we can get them back up , dead weight , so he pulls them off , angry ... she rolls on her back
Sounds like she everything she got... there was some sort of punishment there, right? LOL
Brother of the year ladies and gentlemen.
The Yong guy just takes pics says hey cool pussy , her husband is kinda in a trance and just lets us all look . Now we never expected to ever see anything as she’s so strict . Always so controlling, but now we are all getting a look . Expecting husband to cover her any second , but he lets us look .
We are all fairly drunk but this is fun , my mate Steve says I’m sure she will be more comfortable like this , and he moves her legs wider
I once fucked my mates girlfriend after a night out while he was passed out upstairs
Always used to flirt with her & one night he get wasted and passed out so I did a bit of flirting with her downstairs.
>Went on night out with mates
>One mate gets totally wasted, being sick
>Go back to his parents house to crash as they're on vacation
>He goes straight upstairs, throwing up in toilet
>Ends up passing out on floor so we leave him
>Other mates have found bedrooms to crash in
>I'm downstairs on one sofa, mate's gf is on other
>She tells me to turn around while she gets pyjamas on
>When I do she jokingly says "you don't have to really"
>I look and she's facing away from me wearing black thong
>Jokingly tell her she's giving me a semi
>She asks to see so I flop it out
>After that she's absolutely gagging for it
>We keep talking/flirting and then I end up pounding the shit out of her on the sofa
>Seriously the hardest I've ever fucked anyone
>She split up with my mate not long after & I've only seen her a couple of times since
>Never spoken about it
Now that is a pussy that I would love to take advantage of!
Now we can really see , even her lips are peeking out , but everyone is a bit nervous, husband is now laughing saying she would be so so angry and embarrassed to know you saw this lol.
Specially you 2 youngest, serves her right !!!
It’s then my mate Steve grabs the youngest hand and strokes her with it lol , the husband laughs again , the touching starts
To be completely honest, I'm hoping it doesn't end for quite some time!
God she's hot!
The guys don’t really want to touch each other so a kind of que starts and one by one we all get to touch and with the encouragement of others open her up , finger deeper , her husband joins in but this could stop any moment , I get me turn , and she’s getting very wet , I’m fingering her very deep it’s very horny , the husband reaches into the bedside table and brings out a toy , he pushes it in her - her hand moves down - but her eyes don’t open , more pics are taken
When the toy is pulled out and in and out her Pusey is soaked
I would have loved to have been there
I'm REALLY hoping this story has a happy ending lol
The husband takes another small vibrator out of the draw and pushes it inside her , it’s remote and he turns it on it’s quite loud vibrating and she’s moaning and moving her head
What thread are you on faggot
This just keeps getting better and better
My ex used to drink a lot on weekends when we were younger. We came back drunk almost every Saturday night and I loved to fuck her passed out, sometimes on cam too. I regret not letting strangers have fun with her for real
He pulls it out and the crazy bitch reaches down and says oh put it back , and she reaches down and spreads her puss , the room is very quiet but pics are taken
Only reason I'm following this
Fingers go in
And was she as tight as she looks?
The toy gets put back in and deep , she’s moaning
Look at that gorgeous ass
Very , though it got so wet and she was feeling it for sure , I never saw such close ups of an open puss , certainly not with 4 other guys lol , she was well exposed, nothing to imagination lol
She pulled up her legs , writhing about moaning
You’re literally carrying this thread keep going
Her husband pulled her to the side of the bed ,
He gave her a good pounding
Meanwhile we got her top off just to see it all , he would not let us fuck her , but we got a great evening , and lots of pics
She turned over , but with a helping hand we got a few pics more of her ass
Wet ass pic
Hope you enjoyed
During college I had began to sleep with my best friend for a few months while we were seeing other people. About a year later we met up and went out hard, woke up after fucking her all night. no regrets cheating, creeped on her sexy butt while she was knocked out
Developed a fetish for undressing and taking pics of passed out girls, after doing it to my wifes friend a few times...
pics please
If you found them, that means someone else could of. Someone find it and post this!
the life!
she could be someones wife one day you sicko
Fucking after breakup is incredible. So satisfying to get that one last fuck out the way forever
>2years ago
> 9/10 looking gf. smallish tits but real nice. amazing ass. was heavily into sex and bdsm with me.
> we talked about a rape fetish once
> apparently her ex bf tried to fuck her in her sleep when they were still together. she noticed but let it all happen
>he finished and they never spoke of it
> we were talking and she said the thought of that happening while she was asleep was hot
> I said that I can try to fuck her in her sleep once if she wants
> she said ok but I dont want to know beforehand
>ffw 4 months. sleep together in her bed
> awake early, she always sleeps in late
> start feeling her ass up. horny as fuck.
> she turns on her back, still asleep
> slowly start fingering her pussy. wet as fuck. soft moans. still asleep
> get my dick out. remove the blanket and her panties. she is still asleep at this point and I m so hard.
>start fucking her softly. after around 3 minutes she wakes up
>''this is so weird user''
>''you want me to stop?
>''no go on'' and she kinda falls back half asleep.
> I finish on her ass. whipe it off with a toilet paper. go back to sleep next to her again.
if that's your fetish, imagine when you film somebody secretly when you're fucking them. all their secret moments that you want to show the world but you try to resist
this tiny little asian girl couldn't resist my cock. It looks like she's in charge because im handcuffed and she's holding my cock, but i have it all on video
my soon to be wife has let me do this to her for over a decade. Sometimes ill just start fucknig her in my sleep and keep going, Sometimes she wakes up, sometimes she doesnt. She loves waking up with dried cum stuck all over her too. She's such a freak into the oddest things.
I wish I could get my current gf to try this too. fuck it was the hottest think I ve ever done
its the best knowing if you have an urge you can just go nuts
LG from AK?
fuck this makes me so horny. Ive often imagined being involved in something similar but the bf or another guy is still there and we double team the chick. I'd love my gf to do it.
my gf and
When my wife turned 18 one of her cousins friends used her to taste a batch of heroin he bought. He injected her between the toes and she passed out. Him and a handful of his friends gangraped her semi conscious body for an hour before she we woke up to getting double penetrated and throat fucked.
Too lazy to greentext but a female friend of mine who has a bf in nova scotia right now (Canadafag btw) got drunk and had me eat her out then stay the night, next day we went to visit her dad, got drunk again, fucked for two hours, then I went home. She's a model in Toronto so shit was cash. We were baked the whole time too
Post vid faglord
True lets see em
I got an apartment with my HS girlfriend since we both ended up going to the same university. About two months into the lease she gives me a talk about wanting the "college experience".
Looks into moving out and realizes she can't afford rent on her own place.
We have a one bedroom. AWKWARD.
Pretty much every weekend after that she'd go out clubbing and then she'd either come home drunk or one of her friends would call or text me to come get her.
Any time I had to come and get her, I'd mix up a 20oz bottle of about 50:50 Jack&Coke before I drove out to whatever bar they were at, and then as we were driving home tell her she could have some of my coke if she was thirsty. She always accepted. She never showed any indication that she noticed it was half whiskey.
In any case, it usually hadn't hit hard enough that I had to help her walk to the apartment, but it was a pretty rapid onset once we were inside.
Initially I think I did this so she'd have a bad time puking all night and maybe rethink her lifestyle choices as she dealt with the hangover.
What happened instead the first time is that she decided to go take a shower when she got home and then be unconscious when I checked on her when she seemed to be taking a long time. Dried/dressed her and put her in bed. Talked to her about it the next day and she professed to not remember leaving the club.
The next weekend, I tried making out with her a bit, and while she seemed to be into it in a sloppy way, she eventually kind of abruptly fell asleep or passed out. I left her in her state of partial undress. She asked if we did anything, since, again, she didn't even remember leaving the club.
By the third time I've had a lot of time to contemplate the possibilities and have decided I'm not that kind of person and am going to keep my hands to myself. We get home, she says she's taking a shower, after a while I realize I haven't heard the water go on, and find that she passed out while peeing.
Did things to my sister when she was passed out drunk
Did what?
Jerked off next to her at first
Then pulled panties to the side to see more of her
Didn't you stick her?
>me, 6'1
>(ex)-gf at the time, 4'11
>normally careful not to hurt her when having sex because unlike porn, most women don't actually like being jackhammered full blast
>get stupid drunk
>she keeps teasing me and thinks it's funny
>warn her not to push my buttons when I'm drunk
>she does it anyway
>mercilessly turn her inside out
>she cries for like two hours and won't speak to me for a week after
I did
You nut in her or on her?
Bonus points for jizzing in her hair.
No I started to cum as soon as I went all the way in
Got scared and pulled out
Ah, the same thing happened to me when I sleepfucked a fwb.
I lasted all of 40 seconds, never nut so quick in my life, she was so wet off the jump I couldn't hold back.
Yeah I rubbed my dick on her prior, when I slid my dick in her that feeling of warmth and excitement of taboo got to me too quickly
Just leave you fucking beta
Went to a party at some dodgy guys house once. Most people in their 20s and 30s. Ends up getting gatecrashed by local kids etc. I recognise a couple of the girls, one of which is a 13 year old who gets teased by other girls because she has macromastia. She's obvs trying to fit in and hang around with older people. Long story short, she ends up getting far too drunk, as the party winds down a couple of guys start feeling her tits up. They end up getting her tits out, cocks come out, there's basically me and one other dude left in the living room watching it all. The two guys feeling her up get carried away and fuck her six ways to Sunday while she's semi conscious.
She'd taken her top off and had the booty shorts down around her knees, kinda keeled forward and crumpled with her face in the corner where the wall across form the toilet and the side of the tub met.
Which meant when I opened the door to see what was going on, I was basically looking right down at her bare pussy pointed back up at me.
Getting her out of the position she's in basically requires me to grab her by the hips and rock her back to get her face out of the corner, and as I kneel down behind her I consider maybe I am that kind of person.
I get her unjammed from the corner and stand back up. She has one knee on the floor by the edge of the wall and the other is on this shitty bathmat we had. The bathmat starts to slide until her other knee rests against the cabinet/sink thing and she's in a stable doggystyle-like position despite being limp and unconscious.
From the way her legs have now spread, I watch the slow motion breaking-the-seal action as her labia unstick from each other and separate. I may have imagined the sound, but I swear it was faintly audible.
Stop staring into the abyss and notice I've got a bit of a boner peeking out from my boxers as if mocking me to say "You're that kind of person."
Shrug and start to jerk off, but that's a chore while standing up, and I want a closer look anyway, so I throw a towel down for padding and kneel behind her again.
And without further internal debate, move from just looking to touching. She pretty quickly becomes wet. And since my junk is starting to dry out, allow myself to give her one thrust in and out, and am then jerking off with her pussy juices as lube, while fingering her with my other hand.
Once she starts moaning a little I eventually realize this fingering business is a foolish and unnecessary middleman, and switch to just plain fucking her.
Pull out intending to come on the floor, but somehow end up getting most of it on her stomach and tits from below.
Did you jack off?
Wipe her off, change her into something she'd sleep in, put her in bed. She doesn't mention it, or ask if we did anything, but clearly was blackout drunk from the club again. Figure out that she assumes that she'd put on her pajamas herself, so obviously nothing happened.
Use her unconscious body as a self-pubficating fleshlight at least twice a week for the remaining eight or so months of the lease.
We end up moving to separate places with other roommates in a nearby complex, but her friends still call me to take her home, and if her roommates don't appear to be there, I'll fuck her, dress her for bed, then go home.
Pattern continues for about two years total, until she gets a new boyfriend and then I only get called if he doesn't answer or can't/won't come get her when she's overdone it.
Haven't been asked to take her home in about three weeks when I get the call again. Pent up, misjudge, start to come inside her. Reflexively thrust and bust deep in her cunt. Sweat over this, but hear nothing about it. Decide this shall be the new normal.
A few months later she and the BF break up. One of her roommates said it was because she had an abortion. Continue to come inside her, but she's turned into such a slut after that and we've been "just friends" for years at this point, I don't think she'd even think of me as a possible reason for her subsequent pregnancy scares. Pretty sure I actually do knock her up a few more times, but she's drinking enough to cause miscarriages.
She eventually drops out with one semester left. I graduate. Last I heard she's still living with her mom and is a waitress at some shitty truck stop diner off the interstate.