What's the worst television show you remember?

What's the worst television show you remember?

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Perfect Strangers was decent for it's time. Kid Angel, now that was dreck.

TPB post season 7

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Stranger Things



Hands down Gilmore Girls. It will always be the worst piece of shit to ever be on tv.

at least the mom is hot

Alf was better that zombie Simpsons any day.


Anything made past 2000

2 broke girls

I could barely get through that shit show of a 3rs season i mostly had it on as background noise while i browsed Yea Forums


Full House

Stranger things with that retarded L.


>Anything made past 200

Especially anything ith that CSI fashion style whre all the girls look like basic plastic bitches and the guys look like latino chads

all the edgy shows
>breaking bad
>game of thrones
>house md

Reality Shows and the idiots they produce/entertain.

Everything in this thread applies to OP. No example I could defend for an instant.

I haven't watched TV since 1998.

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This was a good show & like the Odd Couple.


Fuller House was way worse. The only redeeming quality is Jodi Sweetin's big fucking tits

BB and Better Call Saul are legit good shows & better than 90% of the trash people watch these days.

Gilmore girls or charmed. Then again, I wasn't a teenage girl at the time and still not one so they never appealed to me.

American Horror Story. Watched exclusively by basic bitches who think they're edgy and twisted.

>What's the worst television show you remember?


2 1/2 men
big bang theory

the worst show in the 80s was still interesting unlike a lot of the crap done these days

The original I Love Lucy really sucked and I was a preteen at the time. Talk about a retard. I really think they wrote it for people with Down's Syndrome. But I suppose she had some nice jugs.

Followed closer by Blue Thunder

Everything that was ruined by a "laugh track" and the moron-creating faux drama "reality shows".

Stranger Shits
the fkn Hannah Baker Suicide Show
>mfw normies in my old class used to binge watch these tv shows
I couldn't cringe more, showing them some really satiristic reddit-tier memes about Hannah Baker literally triggered them to cry for some reason. Feelsgoodman as a freshman in college now when everyone has partially grown up.

mcMillan and wife....holy shit.

But I still like the quirky incel guy from the Big Bang Theory.



Really hated MASH when I was young pup. In retro spec it's was a decent show for it's time

You got that right. 80s kid here & it was an innocent time when TV didn't take itself so seriously. And there was hardly any degeneracy at all. Mostly family oriented or just plain wacky stuff.

This was a show about a big rig driver & his monkey companion driving around the country, picking up pussy & getting into adventures. Was on network prime time btw.

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pic related

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show was amazing. maybe best thing on TV at the time.

Worst tv show is the news

Dog with a Blog
Actually anything Nickelodeon ever made after like 2009

OP's Mom's Sex Tape

ITT: user's pick good shows and pretend not to like them

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The porn version’s better

>OP's Mom's Sex Tape
OP's mom stopped putting out for OP, so OP got to masturbate to something.

Joanne Loves Chachi

Worst shit ever

It was bad. Happy Days was shit when it ended too then got spun off into a bigger pile of shit w that show.

Terrible shit. But funny when you realise that 'chachi' is a VERY rude Korean slang word for penis.
I highly doubt it's a co-inki-dink.


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this and daredevil

so you were like 12 in the 50's? get off this site you old fuck

Pipe down whippersnapper

that 70s show

idk the title always made me cringe

and so did the fact that it was a show following a bunch of beta faggot stoners

Grey's Anatomy. So fucking ridiculous.

i liked Perfect Strangers. It was just fun.

Jessica Jones. Forced myself to watch it, it was endlessly frustrating and senseless. Kilgrave was good though.
So far all the Netflix adaptations of comic books are very disappointing.

Fuck off

I can’t necessarily say it’s the worst, but Friends was/is horrible. None of the characters had redeeming qualities and the fact that they hung out in a coffee shop was so cringeworthy

Big Bang Theory, Friends and other brainless kikeish programs that tranquilize and dumb down people with forced"jokes", fake laughter and subconscious integration of jews into the white man's idea of an acceptable normal society through utilization of a mostly jew cast.

Small Wonder was pretty shit.

The Ropers. I mean that show didn't even try. And also Three's A Crowd.

I re-watched that as an adult. That... is pedophile fap material... what they DON'T show, what they imagine between episodes.

whatever that stupid fucking show is with the winchester brothers in it.

just renembered supernatural is the name. garbage fucking show.

Dancing With the Stars

Yes omg that show is insufferable and my girlfriend fucking loves it.

This guy knows what’s up

The daughter on Alf was hot.

It was a real life cunnie doll in a tutu and knee high socks. You just know the dad was fucking that thing.

T J Hooker really kinda sucked.

I fucking loved this show.

THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THIS THSI TSHI TSHI lfgdjldkjfalskjfsld;jf dslj fdsalf jdsalfjlkKQ!!!@#@l!#!#!!@#

all of it!

No one ever found Lucille Ball attractive in any way. Not ever.

Game of Thrones

Seinfeld. I bet if there was no laugh track it would have bombed.

i could never stand "that 70s show" and all my high school stoner friends were so fucking lame they liked it. i always hated redheads and the main star was a gimpy little fuck.

"that 80s show" was actually great for anyone who liked "married with children" and the dad was like an angry ultra asshole al bundy on crack.

Sitcoms made up 90% of the shit I watched as a kid, but even back then I couldn't stand this garbage.

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The Bachelorette

Had a few nicely cheesy TV special effects, though.

Must suck to be you..

Spin City. It had one good, actually funny character, and that was the mayor. The rest of the cast was irritating as fuck.

Yeah because some tall doofus acting like a retard is real funny

You honestly think this sums up Seinfeld?

Not the guy you're responding to, but I don't find Seinfeld all that funny either. People love it though so there's probably something that I'm missing.

Me too, I couldn’t stand it. I never really changed my mind though, maybe I’ll try watching it again.

the dynamic of "seinfeld" was that they had animosity and disdain for everyone, including each other, selectively as needed. it was very refreshing because it showed people how not to give a fuck about others. that is how it ended, with them going to prison for a year for not being good samaritans and laughing at a big fat guy getting robbed. the last scene showed how they really had nothing to talk about and repeats the first line of the show, which is dismissed as something they had discussed before and with all of them trapped in the cell, it's as if they were all fragments of the same psyche, bouncing off of and relying on each other.

there will never be anything else like it and even if resembles it, it will never have the same strength for whatever time period it tries to suit. it is heavily dated, and perfectly suits the era right before the information age.

i meant "how to not give a fuck". it's a foul new york attitude, and is a primer for people trying to understand the anti-social attitude of overpopulated places. it can HELP you when you're sick of all the crap that just wants you to "like" the characters.

don't worry, you will be one day

Yeah see that's the thing. I've heard this explanation so many times before. My friends used to geek out over Seinfeld. "They're so self-absorbed! They're so narcissistic! It's so funny!" Like, I get it, but I just don't GET IT. It sounds like a really funny and interesting premise, but when I sit down to watch the show... meh. But, that being said, I don't think it's a bad show. It's just not for me I guess.

fuck you op, perfect strangers was champagne comedy! Balky is still hilarious and taught us all how to laugh at stupid foreigners.
The worst shows ever would have to be
Homeboys in Space
My Mother the Car
The Chevy Chase Show
House of Payne


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Will and Grace.


Malcolm in the Middle

Fuck that show

My Mother the Car?????

fucking high school drama bullshit in my superhero show...

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it had jerry van dyke in it

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I'm surprised nobody has cursed you to death yet

FOX News

Holy shit it’s real.
Why the fuck 2as his mom a cat?


Saving Grace or According to Jim

>Reality Shows and the idiots they produce/entertain.
AMEN brother!

>Jodie Sweetin

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Pimp my ride was total garbage. Recently found out it was all scripted too.

Omfg. All my female friends 10 years ago loved that show. I thought it was unwatchable cringey trash.

CSI Las Vegas
Because finding midget body parts including four decapitated heads in furry costumes after a lawyers coked up swingers party in the middle of the desert at 3am is so fucking believeable. Especially when the investigating team make witty jokes about it all through the episode.

vampire diaries is pretty bad

Theres nothing wrong with Perfect Strangers.

Matt stone and trey Parker look really young in your pic OP

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.


with Bea Arther

The apprentice

Herman's Head.

There was a show in the early days of fox, I think ti was called Oops! it was about a group of people who survive nuclear war and find an uncontaminated farm with lots of food where they start trying to rebuild society. It was a sitcom with a laugh track

Tim and eric

Oh Stanley.

13 reasons why
its some b.s that netflix made
centered around some high school girl getting raped, and watching everyone around get raped and abused, and everyone covering it up
main girl ends up getting raped multiple times and beaten
sicking stuff tbh fam
my dick threw up several times watching it


Small Wonder. it's about a family with a robot daughter they pass off as human. could've been an interesting concept if it was a drama instead of a shitty laugh track sitcom. and yet i watched it alot as a kid in the late 80's.

I don't even know where to fucking begin. Why do people like you find rape something to joke about? You think because you get to sit in your warm homes on a computer that you can just joke about horrible event like this? What the actual fuck is wrong with you? This issue is very serious, yet crazy assfucks like you are throwing shit jokes about it. Sick fuck, doing this shit does fucking nothing. So you want to come on an imageboard to be an asshole about situations like this? Let me tell you, you are fucking weak. You would never be useful to the world with such behavior you present. Honestly why do people like you even exist? I bet you don't even know about half of what people have gone through from then till now. You are such a disgusting bully. Isn't it bad enough that people go through hardships of their loved ones? Seriously what do you really find funny about it? Stupid fucker I'm so angry right now that I wish I can fucking punch my computer screen so that my fist can get a good hit on that asshole face of yours. Sick fuck. Seriously, just fucking grow up and actually act properly about the bombings. Stupid fuck, keep eating those cheetoes that you stain on your shirts every day.

i remember this show. and how the premise is pretty much the book Z for Zachariah, minus the attempted rape.


can we at least agree that Three's Company was awesome? i wouldve given anything to bang joyce dewitt in her prime.

Eat flaming death.

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To be honest, "Perfect Strangers" was just strange enough that it still gets played on TV. I mean sure it's dated (in the opening, the highway is absolutely packed with bulky box-shaped American cars), but it's not terrible.

My half brother would always watch this code lyoko show when I had to baby sit him after school years ago. Hated the fuck out of it. Didn’t know what the hell was going on

Why are you here?

Jersey Shore

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Pretty much everything on MTV

found the homosexual

Hands down the worst thing our country ever witnessed.

The Big Bang Theory.

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Rape and bombings? Stop mixing up your copy pasta retard.

That 80's Show

CSI Cyber cus Patricia Arquette can't act for shit.

Amazing Race and Survivor are the GOAT

trippin. that show was great. so was eerie indiana, jerk off

this fukkin show

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Go to sleep bitter boomer


*christ, i just revisited the opening...90s sitcoms man. theme songs are just about the worst part of the 90s

Dope sick nation

Bird Up, the worst show on television.

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holy shit, Dennis was in That 80s Show. i caught like one episode of it when it came out and, even as a young teen, i knew it was doomed.

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This show was such fucking cancer. It was never funny, had only like 6 episodes, and they showed it CONSTANTLY

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Parker Lewis can lose was stupid

7th heaven and blue bloods ...

>Fuller House was way worse. The only redeeming quality is Jodi Sweetin's big fucking tits

John Stamos and his family seem to be having fun with the roles and are fun to watch. The girls are all fucking garbage tho.

Anything with niggers in it like sister sister. A different world.


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He'll yes. what happened to Judd Hirsch's sense of good judgment after Taxi ended?

Star trek the next generation

The Orville

worst pile of stolen plot bullshit ever created
I shoveled through the 1st season & quit

Stick to dumb cartoons, Seth

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Just turn off the sound and jerk off while watching and it's much better.

There is a lot of good middle seasons. But re-watching the first couple seasons, there are far too many evil energy gases, its actually ridiculous.

the only problem with "perfect strangers" is that it's not really a cohesive story. it's basically just "episodes that happened" like various crackheads were coming up with them.

my favorite bit revolved around how balki loved wayne newton and they ended up going to vegas and were going to see him. balki takes larry's credit card downstairs and wants to gamble and he comes back up to the room and he's like "i find this machine, and i put in the card, and it GIVE ME MONEY!" thinking he won at the casino when he was just using an atm.

>joyce dewitt

You'd have to be heavy on the melanin. She was a coal burner

Little House on the Prairie
Knight Rider (I couldn't stand David Hasselhoff)

When I watched them it was only because I was desperate and there was nothing else on.

Keeping up with the Kardashian.

>born mid 80s, grow up in 90s watching all that stuff, but never Wings
>become pilot in later years
>remember Wings being a thing, excited to watch a pilot themed sitcom
>painfully trudge through the entire thing

absolute garbage 95% of it. A couple chuckles here and there, fun to see sand-man and monk in earlier roles, but man what a disappointment. not to mention, had almost nothing to do with aviation beyond being staged at an airport.

Perfect strangers were gay

Black mirror as it's being used as a "look at me I'm deep" fodder for northface jacket and stretched face tight hairbun teen girls.

>What's the worst television show you remember?

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I think the humor was ahead of its time. If you dont find it funny i could see how it would just look corny and try hard.

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I really dont get this thing of people being butthurt over rick and morty. I know some dummies make gay memes about it but its just a stupid space cartoon with stupid jokes. I dont get whats so offensive about it?

No your just a retart


pseudo-intellectuals like to bitch about other pseudo-intellectuals that think the pseudo-intellectual humor of Rick & Morty is too intellectual for "common folk." Basically.


dude, you must not understand that larry and balki ended up meeting two hot porn worthy blonde bitches. what the fuck? they were given porno sluts.

Kek really?

I mean the whole crux of the show is all ricks 'genius ideas' are obviously retarded and nonsensical for comic effect.

Shit if people out there actually think its 'intellectual humor' that actually does make me pretty annoyed kek.

Bazinga Penny

According to Jim is THE answer for this thread.

Perfect Strangers is a beautiful show about how, even if you have a funny accent or struggle with wild moneymaking schemes, you can eventually wear down a hot stewardess and convince them to marry you if you're funny enough.

Will & Grace

It's called having a paycheck. Ask Anthony Hopkins and Nicolas Cage.

Bozo the clown

Beavis and Fuckhead

I have to agree, i really wanted to like it but i just found it retarded.

>just retarded, not funny retarded there is a subtle difference

The Never Ending Story shit at the end was complete cringe.

Definition of "Jumping the Shark"

>The Never Ending Story shit at the end
>at the end

Im having an acid flashback

can't stress this enough. terrible casting, boring plotlines, weak pandering to stonerfags, and a laugh track to boot. just fucking smash my testicles in a king james edition bible.

that intro used to depress the shit outta me


This. Fuckin. Piece. Of. Shit. Over 8000 episodes of pure pain. Being kid of family where not only my Mother and Sister but my stepfather liked to watch every episode of this turdshow made evenings of my teen years even worse than they already were. Bad acting, people staring each other for eternity and bad script were only a start... I can never forget how much it sucked even though I tried to evade seeing/hearing even a tiny bit of it... Bold and the beautiful ffs

For me it's the fan base. The show itself isn't awful but not my thing. Hate the animation style though. But the fucking fan base can be pretty insufferable at time. Back at my old job two of my coworkers would jerk off over screaming pickle rick at each other and it got old real fucking quick.

Early seasons was good.

[insert popular TV show here just to be edgy]

I was so fucking excited for this, i love crime shit and historical dramas AND its set in my home town.

Its the definition of style over substance, it looks great but the story line and character developments are so lazy.

The bit where the strong matriarch is raped was so weak for example. It reminded me of sons of anarchy with gemma, but in sons we see her come to terms with it over several episodes, showing rare signs of weakness, trying to cope with it and how it effects the characters around her.

In fucking peaky blinder nothing happens for 3 episodes and she just shoots him in a phone box then everything is fine. Such crap writing what a waste.

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Yeah that sounds fucking unbearable.

Im glad i was spared that, i was just introduced to it by friends who arnt raging retards, i probably would have truggled to enjoy it in your position.

it was retarded but in an endearing way. it definitely gets hard to watch in large quantities though. i think of the series as more a story about the people they interact with rather than beaver and buttcode themselves. the reboot like 10 years ago was absolute shit though, same with futurama.


You just mad cuz Alf gets the puss

i'm surprised no one has mentioned the cleveland show yet. whoever greenlit that family guy/madea mashup deserves to have their eyes pulled out through their butt

>same with futurama.

Fucking this, i loved futurama so much but the reboot was so fucking god awful.

Asides from the old plots being fun and endearing and the new ones being dull its hard to put my finger on what feels so off about them, the dialog just feels so stilted.


Beverly Hills 90210

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Uhm, no.

I associate that show with having a soar boner, my gf at highschool liked to wait an hour after we ate before fucking.

She allways put friends on and my hardon was always grinding against my zipper for several episodes.

>majestic soaring boner

The one with the robot girl from the 80s. Idr what it’s called

short circuit?

I just remembered. It was called “Small Wonder”.

Small Wonder

there's a lot that factors into it i think. the first episodes were solid with cohesive plots and characters. there was a sense of continuity. the reboot dated itself though, i got into futurama because of the slighty dark sci-fi humor, not to be reminded that iphones and susan boyle are things. and like you said, the dialogue does seem fairly forced. bender's personality got pussified, too much emphasis was placed on fry being a retard, and the whole thing just seemed lame and childish even for an animated series. the finale was a good note though, it was pretty satisfying.

i popped my first boner to her :D

Tele Chat (Cat tv) French depressing Kid TV show



Never really watched it but I found 'Doug' really depressing and I would race to change the channel when it came on.

Lol. I was in hs when Cleveland show came out. This one (literally) autistic kid was telling me how he caught the first episode last night and it was the best tv show ever. Absolutely awesome and funny and hilarious with great writing .
He had me convinced, I watched the next episode. I was like 'huh?? It's just a regular cartoon, there's nothing special or interesting about this at all. In fact it's just lame' Learnt a lot about how autism works that day.

This thread is full of contrarian cunts. Y’all hating on popular shows when there’s obscure shit way worse.

Cleveland show is probably the worst or Futurama.

Parker Lewis might be the best.

>something is good because it is popular
Hurr durr, go be a retard somewhere else.

>short circuit?
>robot chick

I don't know why i lost so hard to this, thanks user.

Hahahaha mine was to Heather Locklear

If u dint like futurama, ur probably stupid

These don't even look like real people. Too much photoshop

Short Circuit was first to come to mind but I think it was a movie

Ill have to watch the finale, for some closure lel.

>susan boyle iphone episode

That one is literally the first one that sprung to mind when thinking about this shitty new ones.

Just the 'joke' of the boil being called susan is so fucking weak.

wow i thought i was the only one who felt that way. even as a kid, it filled me with a strangely profound sadness for some reason.

the office

Yeah i totally understand why it would come to mind, its just the idea of someone describing the robot from short circuit as 'that robot chick' is funny.

Its the least feminine or even fuckable robot i can imagine.

>i may have spoken to soon, just checking rule 34

You underestimate the power of 34, user-kun.

Cop Rock - A musical, about cops. WTF?
30 Something - Fucking yuppie horseshit

yeah definitely give the finale a watch. they could have had that be the only episode of the reboot and ended the series with a lot of grace. the episode is overall maybe a 7/10, but the ending was 10/10.

one of the other gripes i have with the reboot is their needless injecting of "omg such smart science" into it. not a whole lot of people watching a comedy central animated series are gonna be familiar with mobius strips or schrodinger's cat so a lot of their jokes fell flat.

7th heaven

Sadly i just checked and there doesn't seem to be any short circuit porn.

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That. That shit right there is not funny.


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that shit was doomed from the start. i loved family guy when i was a teen but tuned out after that stewie movie came out. caught wind of the cleveland show and decided to give it a try. never again. it's the cringiest parts of family guy in blackface with a gratuitous amount of fart jokes and self awareness of how bad it is. truly pandering of the lowest (highest?) caliber. shitty black humor for shitty black people.

Hly shit I remember the one where they kidnapped a bunch of cheerleadrs (or beauty pageant girls) in the trailer of a rig. One of the girls said "It's hot in here" and the guy watching them with a gun replies "Why don't you take your clothes off".

Rick and Morty.

Yeah i look forward to watching that when i get in tonight.

>one of the other gripes i have with the reboot is their needless injecting of "omg such smart science"

Oddly enough sometimes i think they do the opposite with shows.
I remember overhearing a line in the big bang theory when one of the scientists asks another "have you ever heard of milgrams experiment".

Milgram's experiment is literally the most trite psychology reference imaginable everyfuckingone knows it from highschool. I feel like they just put it in so some pseudo intellectual can feel smart because they've heard of it.

I just watched it to jack off when they were on screen.

A lot of the humor was pretty shit but it's hard to deny the greatness that is Raz

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only -- and even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Haven't seen this pasta in a little while.

Late to the thread but you are definitely homosexual. She was very pretty in her early career, I Love Lucy started when she was about 40, and all the smoking aged her terribly

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Serena the teenage Bitch

Friends still to this day makes me rage.
Hannah Montana - I once ripped the cable out of the box outside the house to keep from choking a kid to death or putting my foot through the TV. Told the kid the niggers down the street did it.

jesus, you just sound like a butthurt edgelord

truths. trite is a great way to put it. with futurama is just came off as almost pretentious, like look at us guys we finished a semester at community college bet you couldn't tell huh? classics like jurassic park or roswell will never get old though.

Harry and the Jefferson's

It was a hilarious show about a pack of wild niggers living in the woods of a small country town. Great show.

Fucking jurassic bark man, that one gets me every time.

Im not especially keen on sappy shit but when its done that well and thrown in out of nowhere...damn that is good writing.

Dawson's fuccking Creek

Even season 7 was pretty shit
Shoulda stopped at 6, that was the perfect end

There is only so much Disney you can take.

how has no one mentioned "charles in charge"....shit show but fappable

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most of us didnt wreck our parents shit and blame it on black kids though kek

As someone who's spent way too much time watching kids shows as an adult, holy shit this
Just sit and watch some of those Disney shows for 5 minutes sometime
It's incredible how low effort they are. No one is trying
Austin & Ally was even worse
Laura Marano's so fucking hot and I couldn't even jerk it to it

This is absolutely true

Shameless. I enjoyed the first few seasons it was kind of a neat look at the dynamic of dysfunctional families. Got repetitive though. Like we get it Fiona's a slut, Frank's a drunk, that little Debbie or whatever the fuck is a hairy cunt. Character development never really went anywhere. Plot lines moved away from somewhat realistic shit a family could find themselves in to just over the top retarded toilet soup.

Ok anons im going to the pub, this was a good thread.

Take care user.

Did you ever watch the UK original? I never saw the US one but the UK one stays pretty fucking good for several series.

Try to think of Seinfeld as an approved for 90s TV version of Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
I feel both are going for the same thing; just shit has gotten way less PC in 20 years.

Have one for me M8, stuck at work for another 5 hours still

Haven't watched a single episode but I'm in love with this girl
How bad is she?

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Jurassic Bark was timeless. To be such a light hearted show then suddenly out of left field to have that hit you was immense. It's hard not to feel like there's a knot in your stomach during that ending sequence. Seymour was a good boy.

This. Absurdist humor really took off like 7 years after that show aired.

Normies like it so of course Yea Forums hates it

Take that back

Doug almost certainly grew up to shoot up his school
That kid has some fucking issues, he was just still too in the blissfulness of childhood to be aware of them

no i haven't seen it. i'll have to give it a try. pretty much any effort on their part would be a damn sight better than the us series

Two and a half men without Sheen

that was my childhood

nice trips
Also yeah, idiots who think they're smart idolize rick as a hero completely missing the point that he's not meant to be someone to look up to.


Constantly makes fun of gays and Jews, what's not to like?

Game of Thrones. You know I'm right.

That, and Lost

Best Shows:
.1 Babylon 5
.2 FarScape
.3 Let the blood run Free
.4 Seven Days (sci-fi)
.5 Get a Life

Worst Shows:
.1 Lost
.2 Game of Thrones
.3 Bill Cosby Show
.4 The X files

Your Welcome! fag.

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>inb4 shut your whore mouth, blah blah blah

Well, aren't you just a special one!
>protip: nobody fucking cares

A missed opportunity.
1: Lost
2: The X Files
3: Game of Thrones

Murder she wrote, sucked because I only had a few channels and this stupid show always came on when I was home from school.

Pretty much any sitcom goes to shit once a major character leaves
>That 70s Show without Eric and Kelso
>The Office without Michael
>Community without Pierce and Troy
>8 Simple Rules without John Ritter

another vote for this one. Had to sit through it multiple times cause my wife and her gay friend adored it so much. NOTHING HAPPENS! NOTHING! WTF?


Go and watch The Expanse

It was the universe's way of saying "go outside and play, faggot".

>My Mother the Car
"1928 Porter... that's my mother dear.."
I remember when it premiered. Can still hear that theme song.

Well, you're an idiot.

Too late for that now. Also, outside? Ewww.

It was a wacky comedy where supposedly when his mother died she was reincarnated as a 1928 Porter, and spoke to him through the radio.

Blasphemy, alf is gold

I'm redpilled on the whole Zionist conspiracy too, but could you bring the whole Jew-hatred down a notch or two? We're talking about shitty television shows here.

God bless you, man
I wish I could still have hope that /pol/ will stop /pol/ing like that

This nig not has no taste

Holy shit, I forgot about this and suddenly now I recall the entire shitty theme song.

lol my sides

I remember there being so much hype over it, all the cool kids watched it. I couldn't sit thru one episode without being bored. I felt bad for the kids who were brainwashed by mtv back in the day.

the movie was good though

Never said that faggot, but the truly terrible shows never make it past the pilot.

Perhaps I never gave it a chance. I did the same thing with South Park too, still only like some of it but definitely despise most of it.

The movie is hilarious for exactly one watch and then it’s the stupidest shit ever when you watch it again. Still enjoyed the first time though.