Yes, I think blacks look like monkeys, primates, but tbh I fucking love humping monkeys...

Yes, I think blacks look like monkeys, primates, but tbh I fucking love humping monkeys. The more she looks like a monkey, the harder I would breed the cunt.

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Humans are primates.

You're an idiot.

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I love niggers

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Mmmmmfffff, I love the pink hole between those black lips

Humans are not primates, they are evolved idiot.

we are considered primates actually

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Evolved, that the entire idea behind evolution.

you said we are not primates but scientifically speaking we are. all animals are evolved

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Get a load of this retard.
>humans are not primates because I evolved not to be primates RuhUhUh!
look it up

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Family - order - we are in the family of primates indeed however a primate is as well the ancestor of humans. If I talk about a bonobo we're talking about a primate buth Neanderthals are primates but directing to humans as being primates is scientifically correct if you follow the Biology but it's complete retarded to call our species primates.

The only reason to think that would be retarded is because it emotionally disturbs you for some reason. That's generally the reason people tend to make the claim that to say something objectively factual and non obvious is stupid to say.

Gorillas till Oerangutangs are primates. If you direct at primates you mostly not talk about humans. If you're doing research to Oerangutangs and you talk about its primates you can at its best direct to the family in which Oerangutangs are located but if you're talking about humans and its primates, and it's family, you're not talking about humans idiot.

Damn, I'm Biologically incorrect but if we talk about language it's not incorrect either but youre completely retarded. Go do something practically, with you're hands. Education is not quite made for you.

I think you've been niggered itt by a butthurt nigger. Such a retard can't be white.

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I love fucking black girls but what's all this breeding horseshit? Like I would ever make a half nig baby

>pic related notice the condom

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Remember, we will easily win from the blacks so the more you breed them out the better.

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I've never felt so attracted to Martin Lawrence.

This guy posting these like he discovered some new, incriminating dirt on the Trumps. Everyone has known for ages. She's a model. She's done nudes. She's hot. No big deal.

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oh so you're a faggot

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Are you white op?

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>not a video

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Monkeys, just a bit. horses, however... 100%. Let me ask you, why is there no native horses in Africa? Evolution happened. Why do you think black men has horse size penises and black women has horse vaginas? Why do you think their features are horse-like?

BTW, this just proves white folks loves to fuck animals. God damn.

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you're a cuckold
niggers do not have horse cocks you fucking cuck

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WHITE horsepussy

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being this triggered over penis sizes betafag confirmed.

>cuckold calling someone else a beta

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betafag got mad. what's wrong? still haven't lost your virginity yet? it's ok keep using your hands, it's all the same for you betas

says the cuck who thinks niggers all have bigger cocks
sorry you have a tiny dick and you're a cuck

by fucking them do you mean jerking your 2 inch dick in your mom's panties to their pics?

> the difference between a black and white dick is 0,4 cm
I feel sorry for your two inches tbqfh. An average toddler got more than that. However, Jamal, at least my mom is hot and got hair. I bet you're is obese, loud, bald. (like every Nignog from age 21).


WTF is wrong with that dick? Hole's on the wrong side.

Not even black dumbass. I just know you've never had more than a 2min conversation with a black girl let alone gotten one to fuck you.

>loves to fuck animals
The only other options are minerals and vegetables.
Some people do like to fuck silicone, though.

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I agree about the fucking part but god mate breeding with them? Are you retarded?

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People are actually arguing on if we are apes or not? LOL if you don't understand that all Humans are apes then you have no grasp on science. There is a reason sapien is in homo sapien.

Anyone who regularly uses the world mate needs to be shot. Prove me wrong

If I had a vasectomy I might be open to fucking black chicks but I wouldn’t want to risk making more

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You are dumb as dogshit.

You're dumb as dogshit. You failed to speak your own language.

yeah i need a source for that thanks


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>believing this horseshit

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>not understanding science

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Science would also state that there are distinct physical, mental, emotional, and intellectual differences between whites and blacks as well.
So do you agree that whites are more intelligent and less inherently violent than blacks? Because science shows that.

You have no fucking idea how taxonomy works.

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are you so stupid that you believe every single animal to ever live came from Africa? Did dinosaurs come from Africa too?

anyone who has time to make or post these kind of images have definitely never had sex

Anyone who makes or post these pictures have never had sex or will get sex, in their life

Any moar?

Oh god, I want her to kill me with that ass.

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butthurt, tiny-dicked nigger

White boi here that wants to sniff that ass.

You must be a Democrat

He's a (((white boi)))

you guys must be fags

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Just a guy that likes asses.

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They need to be knocked up

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Nothing better than big black booty

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You have been visited by the Laura of horrible cereal noises.

Y-YOU HAVE TO BUMP THE THREAD! It's c-coming, don't you u-understand?! It's coming! And if you haven't b-bumped the thread by the time it gets here, the thread is going to D-DIE!

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miss tierra, lexxi brown

>Wanting to breed away what you're attracted to, instead of trying to make more of it

Does not compute.

The future? Nah. There would be 50 black women in that room.

same fetish with horses and orcs

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>nobody posting actual monkey porn
Yea Forums I'm disappointed

That's why you chk their profile first to see his dick pics. Just don't pick the ones who aren't long.
