I got 20 minutes
>ask a guy who works at a knife store anything
I got 20 minutes
>ask a guy who works at a knife store anything
What line of work are you in?
why do niggers smell so bad?
Do you sell to minors?
whats the biggest knife size, and post knife picture
Do you ever feel tempted to cut/stab someone? Has anyone ever tried to stab someone in your store?
because the jews are lizards
nah, its illegal in my state to own one under 18
my largest knife is 5.5 inches, but biggest I've seen is like, 14 inches in a carbon bowie. let me take pictures, fam
had some poorfag come in drugged up and mute try to take expensive products, grabbed a S&W Border Guard, thank god it was packaged. I drew my knife, fixed blade, and he just set it down and walked out.
every time I'm with a hobo at a bus stop, and they're being nuts, I grip my knives
One is Kizer Little River Bowie, 1095HC steel
Other is Spyderco Para2, S30V steel
I'm also going to pick up a Benchmade Griptilian with custom scales in 20CV
inb4 picture quality, phone is 4 years old and its better than cracked, faggot
There's a whole store for knives? Are these specifically for self defense? Favorite kind of knife? What's the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
could u recommend a chef knife
Do you have swords?
1. we also sell collectibles and nerd shit but the primary focus is knoifes
2. knives are normally sold for self defense and for utility. work, play, mame, or collection, our store pretty much serves all of these needs
3. ooooh kind? like blade style? Tanto or anything with a blood groove. they're so pretty in tandem. as for like, brand? Benchmade and Kizer are super good for like, everything, and I have a spyderco. honestly though Chris Reeves makes some dank knives for people who like to blow 500.
4. african or european?
thanks for knife pictures OP
Opinions on the Swedish Fire Knife?
Spydiechef for the collector in you, Victorinox Rosewood or Phantom for versatility
plenty of katanas, unfortunately. while the original fucking swords were god awful, newer ones with proper steels are great. We sell prop replica LOTR swords and anime weebs shit too.
you're welcome, random citizen
knives with firestarters are cool, but to be frank, they're almost always in crap steels. Best option would be to get an Ozark 6 - 1 multitool and pair it with a good knife w/ serration for survival capabilities. The Benchmade Griptilian and Kershaw Link are pretty good for these uses, and if you're hurting for cash, a KaBar folder could serve you well.
Thanks user.
you're welcome, brother
thanks for the recommendation, knifeanon
What would you recommend to someone who prefers dull knives?
Aside from a psyche evaluation.
What guns do you sell?
I appreciate the name! Thanks friendanon! Here's one for you.
here's one for y'all. More knife questions? I have time, apparently.
I'm not sure what the use would be for, but really anything in 440C will be dull in like 4 uses, so MTech, TacForce, and DarkSide Knives are good brands to look at. Handle designs are really pretty with those brands.
foam guns because shop is in a mall in a liberal state, and we don't have the license necessary. We have cap and ball replica revolvers though, if that counts.
MTech looks pretty nice.
The use would be pretty much anything though.
I've always preferred dull knives, and when I get a new one, I tend to not use it much for a while because I don't like handling it when it's sharp.
if its for *personal* reasons, I'd keep at least the tip sharp for daily use. It'd be a neat hobby to get into whetstone and leather sharpening, and a fun way to kill time, learning how to anodize and stonewash all on your own.
you could get any knife, run it along rocks, and have something cool tho
are your sharpening services just done by some dumbass on a grinder with no idea what he's doing? i made the mistake of taking my benchmade to the knife store at the local mall and they fucked it up.
Thanks for the tips, I'll try them out.
Also, if by *personal* you mean an engineer who cuts random materials with whatever the closest sharp object is, then yes.
Sawing a brass pipe with a chef's knife would be my latest example.
our sharpening staff was trained by a kid who had at least 3 years of experience behind him. We've only had one dumbass fuck up a knife, it was a Reeves. Sheared off the stud and scratched the fucker. We panicked because this sharpener was trained by both knifekid and by his own pop, so him fucking up was unusual. He quit a week or so later.
I really, really hope you got to chew out the dude who fucked your Benchmade. Best option would be to take it back to the shop and demand they pay for a Lifesharp servicing since their employee fucked the knife.
I was hoping it wasn't personal trauma, so I guess we're good there, pal. Sorry.
I'm glad I could help, friend.
Nah, I've never had 'that' kind of problem.
Worst trauma was essentially a papercut trying to open up a pocket knife.
what kind of cheese is your favorite
Not him, because he's giving terrible advice. Never ever buy gas station knives like MTech. They're so badly made that the lock is liable to slip even in normal use, if it locks in the first place. Much nicer knives can be had that will meet your criteria.
Take a look at Cold Steel's budget line. They'll usually come in AUS-8 which dulls quickly, and their build quality is good for the money. CRKT also works if you want some more interesting designs. Kershaw's American made knives will be at the high end of what you want, but the Link and Dividend models in particular are superb.
I don't know shot about knifes, what knife should I get for stuff in general?
>bad advice
>budget cold steel
>mentions Link, a knife I already mentioned
>an MTech can be kitted out and given locktight to make it relatively durable
>CRKT is all gimmicks and no use
At least you didn't tell him to take a Smith and Wesson. kek
That depends on your price range and intended use. Spyderco's Byrd line has something for everyone, and their normal catalogue has everything under the sun.
Good EDC knives are pick and choosey, but I've found Spyderco to be fairly popular, with Benchmade being the top overall and Zero Tolerance being the niche brand. Kizer does some amazing stuff with gimmicky looks, and high quality S35VN steels.
Case in point: First knife? Kershaw or Kizer. Experienced? Benchmade, Spyderco, or ZT. You got money? Spartan, Chris Reeves, Hinderer.
>an MTech can be kitted out and given locktight to make it relatively durable
I'm sure putting red Loctite on the screws will save you from a shitty liner lock failing. Also
>MTechs are fine if you fix them but CRKT is gimmicky shit!
They're both gimmicky, but only one makes consistently safe knives and it isnt the one you're recommending. Neck yourself.
I don't like MTechs but buddy wanted a dull knife, so to save him dough, a 20 dollar fuck all blade would be a good idea.
CRKT really is gimmicky shit though. Literally not a single one I'd use because I prefer quality knives.
Locktight can be applied to screws and to the washers (if it has them) to gunk it up and keep it relatively stable. A pal of mine worked on an MTech hilt and fitted it with a new lock and blade, and it held up kinda nicely.
Instead of necking myself, I took the time to explain. Your turn.
$20 nets you a whole lot of Kershaw's Chinese lineup, all of which are better than every single MTech ever made. Better steel, a warranty, and they won't send you to the hospital.
CRKT likes gimmicks, absolutely, but there are diamonds in the rough. The LCK is an amazing budget piece for all of $10 more.
With the money you're spending on Loctite, you could've just bought a knife that isnt total garbage.
Do you sell bayonets for rifles?
Do cringey 18 year olds ever buy them thinking it’s cool to have a knife?
This guy watches nick shabazz on youtube and thinks he's a knife pro
No, rifle bayonets are illegal in my state, though technically we have them. knives with rings are legal. kids mostly want butterflies and kirambits because CS: GO
I'll agree on the chinese kershaws, but consider that if you buy them online, poor quality. Friend had an LCK with terrible detent and a faulty lock. CRKT has pretty bad quality control.
who is this nick schabazz
where do you work
that I cannot disclose. You know how the internet is.
i will kiss your dad faggot
Or maybe I'm a hobbyist as well, and my opinions are a result of experience.
I'm not gonna pretend CRKT is a great company QC-wise, but I like their gimmicks. They're safe to use, but I just wish they did them better.
I would agree with you if I had any positive experiences with CRKT. That'll come down to opinion.
In all actuality, we could have mentioned a KaBar folder or a Smith and Wesson, which come rather dull in the first place, unfortunately