My faggot parents expect me to get a job by next summer i am 21 how do i convince them to let me be a neet at peace

my faggot parents expect me to get a job by next summer i am 21 how do i convince them to let me be a neet at peace

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Reeeee and eat tendies

yeah already do that
i barely have any energy to do everyday activities,if i have to wagecuck i will most likely rope

You are useless sack of shit, do you know that, OP?

projecting kike because i am not working my ass off so that mr shekelstein can cash in more shekels

do door dash or shit like that. technically employed, but can still set your own hours

grow the fuck up. get a job wich gives you joy or join the military you filthy degenerate. Do some shit with your life. You can be glad you parents allowed you to live in peace until now be greatfull

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literally incapable of living in the time its easiest. You can be literally retarded and work some shit ass job and still get currency which you can trade in for anything you need for surival.

no one said that i can't retard the problem is i don't want to the only thing that keeps me from roping is my comfort otherwise i have nothing live for except misery and anger

then rope yourself faggot. You have no use for society anways

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you have no use for ZOG fix that for you

Sell fucking drugs then you pansy piece of shit. No one gives a fuck you're to simple to do minimal work to survive.

>i am 21

lol,i would of kicked your lazy ass out.parents these days are to soft

jesus christ you are even more a degenerate then I thought.
Incapable of living, not providing for yourself and others around you but yet demanding to get breastfed.
I cant even tell if that ZOG bullshit is ment seriously.

Kys now you fucking parasite

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thats what I´m saying. This faggot needs to grow the fuck up.

>21 and a neet

You useless fucking parasite, I hope your parents kick your ass the fuck out, your kinda should literally die out

SEETHING WAGIES why work when i can live the comfy life

remote IT job? work while gaming

listen up buddy. Life is going to suck no matter what you do. All you can do is trying to make it acceptable by working and buying shit you find interesting, finding someone to fuck and maybe even love and to be able to provide for yourself.
No one will give a shit if you try to be successfull or kill yourself. But since you are a parasite, who has been breastfed by mommy and daddy your whole miserable 21 years I dont think youll understand

It's not the aspect of work, it's the aspect of income. Find a way to make money doing fuck all and it's not that hard. If you do something digitally you can sell that. At least gather a social media following and convince them you have a future ahead. They want you to work because misery loves company. Just believe in yourself user. No matter what, you'll be in a shithole apartment living off of the wage that I lose out on. Maybe start loving streaming your cock. If all else fails, grope your mother and claim mental issues. No one will hire someone with severe sexual impulses and you can live off benefits.

>source: I groped every woman in my family until they took me to a hospital.

Because thats not how life works you parasite

Imagine doing absolutely nothing with your life.

There's no way you don't hate yourself user, you're in denial.

he should fucking freeze to death. There where camps for his kind and I kinda miss the 1933-1945 times when I read that shit


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>work gives you the meaning,purpose,happiness in life
jewish indoctrination truly is unstoppable
you have to suffer because mr goldstein said so

dude just get a job. if you really hate it you can quit you live at your parents its not like youll miss a rent payment. get out there man youll feel better with some cash to spend







literally, your tax money goes directly to enable my shitposting
you are not just a slave
you are MY slave
stupid wagie
go back to work, i want more tendies
and clean my diaper while you're at it. fucking wagecucks

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Who the fuck pays taxes selling drugs? Holy fuck you're retarded.

based and neetpilled

Not OP or even taking his side but what your saying is really fucking stupid.

If you aren't physically fit and have a want to serve your country then don't join the military.

As for finding a job that you find joy in... Easier said than fuucking done.

There's maybe about a million of those in existence. And there's 6 million people all looking for them.

The reality of working is that work is always shit.

I personally have a problem with authority so I could never join the military. Just ain't in my future.

Imagine thinking that work gives you happiness and purpose, cause it doesn't, you inbred incel

The purpose of work is to give yourself value. Your purpose is whatever you want it to be, but without some sense of work, you've brought nothing to this world to help out others. You're just selfishly obssessed and self centered without it really. Happiness is subjective, I can't even get into that, but it's not like I could even TRY to explain it to someone as fucking retarded as yo

jesus, I sure wish the good old times back. Where scum like you was exterminated in death camps. Or send to the frontline as cannon fodder

>*six billion looking

fuck you nigger, I'm 21 and I'm expected to have a job by the end of this summer. I'm signing on with the cbp, gonna guard trumps wall and shit.


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well the military gives you perspective. It highlights your good attitutes and gets rid of the bad ones ( the drill sgt will make sure of that :) ). Well life is always going to suck its all about finding the slightest purpose and making your suffering acceptable

My biggest regret is being to scared to go active, and going reserves instead. Basic was the hardest and most fulfilling part of my life, now I sit around in rinky dink unit in the middle of fuck all no where once a month. The only time I actually do my MOS is at AT, and our last two at's have been garbage.

Work at An amazon warehouse. Demand minimum wage payment only. That way Jeff will be able to get us off this one rock so we can suffer for longer on multiple rocks.

joining saved my life. I was on a downward spiral of self-pity, insecurity and anxiety. I probably would've roped myself if I had taken any other wagecuck job. My family, close "friends", all berated me for it. Joining also showed me who were the people in my life dragging me down

job will give you value and self respect since you are not a leech hmm whatever makes you sleep wagie for another night

I joined the GED plus program for the army back when that was around. I stayed there for three months intentionally failing the GED. They paid me for 3 months of active duty, basically scrubbed that I had a millitary record and let me out. I now have a decent place that is clean. I make my bed everyday, cleanup and go to work. I couldn’t be a slave for the government but they definitely benefited me unlike my foster parents that gave me no direction or discipline.


You're depressed from being inactive and involved. These feelings are temporary. Activity and involvement will help you get past your depression. Take care of yourself and live through the feelings. A therapist can help you if you can't manage to make progress on your own.

* uninvolved

>You are nearing the ninth hour of a fifteen hour long mandatory shift in the WAGE CAGE.
>Weeks of near-constant confinement to the cage has taken a heavy toll on your health, both physical and mental. Your fingers have become gnarled and aching with carpal tunnel, your hair has fallen out in patches, and you have begun to involuntarily urinate into your Maximum Absorbency Garment whenever an employment officer patrols by, pistol in hand.
>Over the course of many long nights, you've memorized the officer patrol times and routes... despite the constantly blaring high-pitched siren that permeates the entire warehouse, preventing employees from concentrating on anything other than their work (and therefore committing time theft). You steal a glance at a clock on the wall, careful not to look too long and draw attention to yourself early. It's time.
>You begin neatly sorting boxes with the cage's mechanical arm seconds before an employment officer rounds the corner, right on schedule. He stops in his tracks, observes your work to be sure you aren't merely pantomining, and moves on. He's already gone before you realize you've voided yourself again.
>Paying no mind to your soiled wage-diaper, you spring into action, breaking your thumbs with a pained gasp and slipping your emaciated wrists out of your wage shackles. You violently swing the cage's arm, knocking several dozen boxes off a shelf and into the aisle behind you. The high-pitched siren immediately deepens, becoming a terrifying call-to-arms for security. Your wage cage powers down with an omnious "Have a productive day!".

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>You begin on the cage's mechanical console with a precious coin, hastily unscrewing bolts to reveal a mess of interior cords and circuits. The blocked path has bought you precious seconds, but it's only a matter of time before they find a way around. As you fumble around inside, a voice booms from an intercom nearby.
>Shouts and footsteps shift are audible from the next aisle. You bite wires apart and twist others together, all the time praying and weeping.
>A wave of hope washes over you as the cage audibly hums with power, functional and unrestrained. You look up just in time to see a squad of employment officers taking aim.
>Gunning the controls, you cover your head as the cage surges forward at the guards, mechanical arm swinging wildly. You hear bullets and screams and feel a sharp pain in your side as the cage mercilessly rolls over bodies and company property alike, as if there were still any difference between the two. The cage slams against a concrete wall and you swing the door open, lumbering away from the jumbled pile of boxes and viscera as blood seeps through your jumpsuit.
>The world goes black.

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"Accidentally" get a life changing physical disability along with clinical depression. It'll suck for a while but if you play your cards right, you'll be cashing in those pity points for life.

I came from fuck all, and I made it just fine. Worked since I was 14 (under the table), worked through junior college, worked through 4 year college, worked through grad school, and now I have a well paying STEM job that’s fun, interesting, engaging, and challenging in all good ways. All cars, homes, and everything else I’ve ever owned I paid for myself with my own hard earned cash. Hearing pieces of shit like you moan about wanting to be comfy in your parent’s basement makes me fucking ill. Man the fuck up, learn a trade, get counseling, better yourself. No one else is gonna do it for you, and then I might not want to hurl if I ever meet you. Use my disgust for motivation if you have to, just get your shit together. Fuck.

anxiety works wonders

Can't believe I forgot the crippling anxiety but yes, that, too.

What Will you do when your parents die ?

my parents are immortal, wagecuck


I know that capitalism doesn’t work in favor of everyone but at least fucking try to be happy. Run away and be homeless till you appreciate society again. He homeless in small towns in Oklahoma. They will give you the money for your apartment just to keep you in their shitty town

I cant respect anyone who can't support themselves and im a dirty con artist lol

>con artist
care to expand ?

Jesus Christ OP are you ever going to amount to anything in life or will you be the scum of the earth and leech off of your parents teet because they are too fucking retarded to kick you onto the street to die worthless cold and alone.

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Work? Life's too short for that shit

Learn a hustle kid darknet is full of the information you need but being smart enough to actually apply info irl is whole other thing the need to feed my kids n not being able to get work made me very resourceful only 3clues i care to give is darknet religion n sex now go out there n use that grey matter faggot!!

Work construction. You’ll hate life so fucking much but they’ll pay you well, hire you with no experience and it will teach you how to appreciate life more you fuck

I love you fucking losers.
Its like fat people with body acceptance
>"i could start working out and get my body in shape"
>"but its easier to gloryfie beeing fat and ugly so i dont have to do stuff in order to be accepted"
Just fucking die pls
You have only this life with unending nothingness to follow. And you use that chance to be a useless peace of organic matter. Just kill yourself please

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By the way being a con artist you'll do things that will make you question your humanity n make you hate yourself just get a job kid your lucky that your in a place where thats even an option you dont want be me its not glamorous at all

By getting a job