Well, user? Do they smell or not?

Well, user? Do they smell or not?

Your fortune: Good Luck

Attached: anime is the pits.jpg (740x1080, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:


they smell enticing, like fresh toilet water

it's better with just a little bit-o-stubble that really gets the stink going and it's a nice texture to nuzzle into

no because you put on deodorant like every human being should do

who or what are 'they'?
please clarify.

the armpits, dude


Attached: cattearstoiletwater.gif (474x319, 142K)

Armpits. A classic euphemism used to describe friendships and the burden. Does it smell, to hang out with your friends? Can you take the stench? What smell is right for you? And why do people not like seuss' fucking stench?!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Saekano S2 - 07 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_16.20.188.jpg (1920x1080, 124K)

I don’t like deodorant

please don't post in my threads

of course you don't

heck yeah my dude
wish stubble were more popular

Attached: 43867764_p3.jpg (2128x1872, 688K)

Do you think she likes oranges?

reminds me of my ex you know shes not cheating when she's not whoring it up i the mirror before work stubble = stability she is comfy

Attached: 1542210993719.jpg (278x586, 40K)

please don't post in my threads

is it as soft and cute as it looks?

Attached: 55309371_p0.jpg (800x912, 451K)

please don't post p*rnography in my threads

yea man girls don't have coarse hair at least if shes high estrogen she doesn't

I’m sorry is this better?

Attached: pit.jpg (700x988, 411K)

I also wish anal hair was more popular

yes thank you

dubs of truth

Yes. Jesus christ you need to put on deodorant.

no way, deodorant tastes awful

yeah, it burns the fuck out of your tongue


I hate my degeneracy

Yukiiii likes stinky armpits
*giggles and runs away*

Wait is seuss from futurama?...

take a fucking shower you fat smelly bastard

Attached: anger.jpg (536x545, 26K)



Your fortune: Bad Luck

Attached: lEs0QN5.png (1739x2444, 802K)

ftfm (fixed that for me)

Attached: 1562263653258.png (700x988, 440K)

Yes they do. Please take a shower

Attached: jerkcity821.gif (588x588, 98K)


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is this why my cate sniffs my armpits

Attached: ❓.png (539x408, 17K)

Yes sorry i've been doing rituals to astral project into you cade and sniffy u

your cate is patrician

Attached: 527fabdda6691227f1749c8367cbd660.jpg (1191x1630, 955K)

stinkiness is next to godliness

Attached: 1423535661384s.jpg (116x125, 4K)

Where do I find boards I've posted on?

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iam going to FUCK her

In the BUTT

*defends her butt*