Why is it worth being a part of a society?

Why is it worth being a part of a society?

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Because otherwise other people kill you and take your stuff.

that way you don't have to worry as much about stupid shit. while you're busy being a wagecuck and having kids, you will be too busy and far from this shithole.

There isn't if you're an emo fag.

The only society is a white society.....

Because you need people around to tell you're you're a fucking moron. It's important.

that sounds convincing

so you are part of a society so you can escape from it? Or maybe I don't it.

Stop being a faggot and have a laugh who gives a fuck what you do bud.

Attached: you have shit taste you faggot.jpg (1080x1218, 217K)

I don't know. For some reason everyone gets triggered what I just try to have fun. They start calling me perfect and narcissistic faggot etc.

shut up faggot nobody cares what you do just do it.

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To have social meaning.

ok I will do my best to believe that

money, quality of life

pretty much sums it up, also only western society is worth being a part of because it is superior in every way

everything is made commidifiable to the greatest extent possible to our current ability, life is easy as possible, you don't have to hunt for food, shelter is the greatest it ever has been, plumbing, soap etc. etc.

life is good, if you want to go squat in the wood somewhere and hunt for your food and drink from streams and wipe your ass with leaves then go for it, but that life sucks massive donkey dick

in other words: "why should i ever close Yea Forums and leave mom's basement?"

Are you paranoid or narcissistic?
Go to the store right now and ask anybody in the store if they care what you look like or what you are doing.
If they say "Yes we want to know everything" my shrink lied.

I'm both. It's not like everyone wants to know everything. It's about reactions I get from people. They usually behave like I am a problem when they are aware of my presence.

if people don't care then why everyone dresses nicely and want to look good? It shouldn't matter, right?

it is already working. Cheers man.

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It is not worth.