she left me
probably gonna kill myself
she left me
probably gonna kill myself
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Do it faggot.
Also video tape it for the rest of us please
Dont do it man, theres plenty of life to live. This women is just a shitty part of your life and you will get through it
Smoke another joint Ricky. The feeling will pass in time.
don't kill yourself over some bitch, there are plenty of bitches, love is an illusion, you can get over it and live on, faggot
Kill her instead
I agree with suicide, but thats a terrible reason.
Kill yourself because life is miserable and meaningless, not because a woman behaves like a woman. They are never satisfied, capricious, irrational, and always looking to upgrade.
Kill yourself, but not over a woman.
What a sad faggy life you must have
Don't kill yourself over some bitch lmao.
post her tits
You don’t need her bro, she’ll realize she’s the one that lost out, not you
>On Yea Forums
>looking down on others
Why is Yea Forums full of pussies now I thought we would have been all over this for the stream
Stream it bitch
Do it ahah, and don't forger to make a livestream so I can jerk off
Aydogan? is that you??
What was her reason for leaving?
Was it a failing on your part? (not enough attention, never there, drunk all the time. etc...)
or was is a failing on her part? (cheating, gold digger, general bitch, etc..)
If it was a failing on your part, then learn from this and grow from it. Better yourself and get a better woman next time that will appreciate you.
If it was a failing on her part then you have dodged a bullet and be grateful. Learn what to look for and move on.
As others have said this is no reason to end it all over. Even if it was your mistake or failing. There are a literal shit ton of women out there that will be more compatible with you.
My buddy thought he was happily married. Wife got hooked up with a cop that told her what she wanted to hear. So she jumped from buddy to cop. Buddy was devastated (2 kids with wife, been married 13 yrs).
It took him 2 maybe 3 weeks of being back playing the field before women were coming out of the woodworks like crazy. He now has a gf that he loves, and she is more attractive than ex wife, AND according to him she is damn near a nympho in the bed. hurts now, and it hurts because you cared. However, this is not the end. Move on, get your shit together and put yourself back out there.
Don't pussy out. Yea Forums needs this it's been a while.
Stop being a faggot.
Op, you too should stop being a faggot. Now is a good opportunity to lose some weight and fuck hookers.
Death is clearly the only option.
Woah. Next level strat my dude.
It's probably because of the facial hair and the mild obesity, oh and the shitty personality. Shave, get in shape (just eat less, faggot, it's not that hard) and try not to be a whining little bitch. Or, you know, don't, and livestream an hero. It's all the same to Yea Forums.
Go suck someone else's dick
Just do it. Life sucks anyways. Don't do it because some skank left you. Do it because life doesn't get better.
don't be a bitch and kill yourself over a whore, plenty of reasons to kill yourself but not that one
do it you fucking virgin cuck lol suck my dick
No wonder she left you.
Move out of your mom's basement
Grow up ya little panzy
And go find another slot to stick your peg in
Women are everywhere and a dime a dozen.
Don't piggy-back on my comment and just say the exact same thing. Fuck!
Although, maybe he can do it because he's a bitch who would do it over a whore?
If you kys, she wins.
Why would you let her win ?
She probably did it in the most half assed way possible.
>what do?
Get those MF Gainz then smash all of her more attractive friends. burn bridges like you were Nero. Laugh as she tries to show you she's doing so much better.
then when she's posting about khs as her
> Bitch, Whats best in life?
after her lame and half assed reply
>To smash all her closest friends, hear their orgasmic moans, and see her tears wept over you.
now stop this pity party and go represent for Bros everywhere.
why are you replying to your own post
there is not a woman alive who is worth more than your own life
you need to get good and drunk with a few friends, or get stoned, or whatevr you do to deal
then you need to take a couple of days and work your ass off at work, like your life depeneded on being the best fucking worker in the world
then you need to look in the mirror at how badass you can be when you put your mind to it, and get moving forward with life
because the feelings you have of sadness and emptiness now WILL go away. that girl is NOT the adventure or fulfillment you are looking for. she is NOT the point of this life.
so get out there and kick some ass dude
Just put a log of shit in her mailbox.
this indecisive bullshit is why she bailed. Do it or vacate.
That kind of pussy shit is probably why she left. Fuck that shit. Work on yourself, and the women will come running.
if you are over 15yo just do it
if under 15yo its (almost) normal to not be able to stand this because you are still a fragile kid.
If you are a grown up you are way too weak to survive everything else anyway, because that was the easy part.
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Kill her instead and stream it
Do it faggot stream it
Do it you fucking faggot, you’re worthless, fat and ugly. No one will miss you.
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Guacamole nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger penis pen is penis penis penis penis penis toilet
guess what
fuck you and do it
you Yea Forumstards talk shit about that 17yo whore and her legion of orbiters but the moment a girl dumps your sorry ass you come to the internet to whine about suicide
you bunch of beta fucks
grow some balls or at least some self respect
God enters a man like a body his same size like me floating into you or you floating into me.
We all think that at first, we are all wrong.
If you’re the type of fag who kills himself over some bitch, she was right to leave your pathetic ass.
You’re allowed to be sad and angry for a few weeks, but suicidal? Fucking shit, what’s wrong with you?
All women are whores.i wouldn't worry too much about one.there are millions of open holes for you to keep loose change and gum in.get back out there you fuckin little baby bitch and make some other woman miserable.
Dont do it man, girls come and go and life moves on. Suicide is never an option!
get over her/him you cunt, man the fuck up and go out and search for another couple you furry, luv u.
Less talk more an hero
Fuck you, it was a her. Penises can be feminine
Killing yourself over a whore is the ultimate cuck move. Don’t.