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fuck off

Enough already. Let her rest in peace


Tbh we need more people like the guy who killed her, women today are such fucking whores

Spoken like a true faggot.

How dear you stupid fucks feel anything for this life sucking bitch

Who is she and why should I care?

I would let her peg me tho.

literal cucks

So, where's the pictures?

Shes underaged lmao

She got removed from this earth for being a drug addicted whore that scams her orbiters for money. Glad she died. Nothing of value was lost.

t. slut

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He’s right though.

Not anymore lol

Even if the thot is dead people still white knight her ass, yall nekros.

Do you care when land whales die?!

Maybe we care that someone was fucking killed? Maybe if anyone cared about you, you’d care about people more.

We are all going to die someday its just funny when some thot gets the luxury of life taken from them

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Congratulations, you're now on a federal watchlist.

You must be new here lmao

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lol and 4chaners wonder why they can't get laid when they think the penalty for being a 'thot' is death

what bugs me the most is:

why on earth didnt he post her corpse nude? i mean he attempted to suicide afterwards, so why not make her a Yea Forums legend? okok, maybe time was running out.. but still, missed opportunity

most people wont get this

>the edgiest boy in 5th grade

Don't worry user we have technology

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newfag lol

>4th grade
Get it right faggit

Now she's underground

Hahahahaha you’re so fucking asspained and offended over some druggie slut dying. Literally nobody gives a shit about your opinion on here. Go back to tumblr or twitter

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This should happen to more thots tbh

looking for the story he posted to insta and i can't find it :/
halp user

I mean the life of someone who spends their time making people mad on the internet is worth less than someone who actually has friends

if you aren't wearing this 24/7 you're basically begging to get slasherooed


LOL white knight faggot

shut up homo if we defend her honor as a lady she might give us Ghostbusters head

since when was Yea Forums populated by absolute cuck lords that white knight dead whores????

havent been on here in a while but the population of true Yea Forumstards is definitely getting smaller and smaller each day

She has to have nudes somewhere.

>since when were there so many faggots on Yea Forums
read that back to yourself nigger then ask it again


I mean people started to realize that people won't like you if you do shit like this sorry you missed the train user

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Chuck ass incels pretty sure girls just don’t like you because of your shit views and personalities
I’ve seen good lookin incels but their personalities are murderous shit and THATS what keeps girls away ya dumbass

Homegirl was an edge lord but damn murdering her wasn’t what she deserved.

Pic of the boyfriends cut throat ?

no we dont care

based. should of cut her head off on cam

Yea Forumsetas. dick raters and white knights.

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Girls are gay lol

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>someone who actually has friends
You don’t know that. She’s literally a roastie that fucked 10s of guys and scammed many people while hanging with her other junkie friends, literally the epitome of human trash.

Nice cuck response. When’s your next s o y lent shipment coming?

Nah mang she was a real slut. See that big ass cut on her neck? Thats some real nigga shit. Touch her blood and you get aids

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