Sup Yea Forumsros, what is your view on the United Kingdom?

Sup Yea Forumsros, what is your view on the United Kingdom?

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Best and worst country I've ever lived in.

OP here, can confirm

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What is your opinion on my country, Yea Forumsro?

could be a great place, but doing that slide into selfish right wing fuckery like so many other places in the world right now

Agreed. Brexit turned this country from onw that is respected globally to the world's butt of all jokes, and allowed for the niche far-right to spill into the mainstream. It's strange because every year we remember those who fought in both world wars to stop this shit in the first place, and are often regarded as national heroes for it. I don't know man, this referendum has confused the minds of so many people.

delete all the niggers first, then we'll talk about brexit.

the media and politicians are generally doing a great job of convincing us common folks that the problems in our society are caused by immigrants or poor people instead of the rich fucking stealing everything



great music, but you guys really fucked up that whole revolutionary war deal.

>media convincing people immigrants are the problem

sorry, is it fucking opposite day where you live or are you just retarded

This 100%

All of our problems can almost directly be traced back to the rich avoiding paying their share, companies avoiding paying their share, and rich politicians helping companies to avoid paying their share

Shitloads of my income goes to the taxman, and if I were to miss out a fivers worth I'd end up in prison, when some cunts with billions spare can just find some way around it and not pay

sorry what's that? you've been brainwashed? well, don't feel too bad, you're in plenty of company

yup and Tory policy is all geared towards increasing this imbalance, selling off national assets so their fucking posh mates can make a killing and run them into the ground

used to be a nice place. my wife and i were planning a vacation there and possibly getting a job transfer to live there, but then brexit happened and now its a sinking ship.

still good for a vacation, so much history and beautiful places
to live... ehhh maybe not right now

yeah we might still vacation there at some point, once things calm down and get figured out. we dont want to get in the middle of a riot

It's actually a Divided Queendom.

Outside of the Internet nobody cares about Brexit.

Britain makes some of the finest audio equipment (two channel stereo) there is. My speakers, amplifier, and turntable are all made by Brits. Never been there, but maybe someday.

Fuckin sucks

Wow! Guess you told them, huh?

see what you did there lmao

Very well worded,user.
Am of similar thinking/opinion.
This month,will ‘lose’ approximately £2,200 in tax & stoppages/NI.
Fucks me off.
Horrendously so.

All countries are great.

Our retarded cousins that we still love
Cities overrun by Pakis instead of Mexicans


pretty close up

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