Why do girls do this?

Why do girls do this?

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to mark their territory

She's not a fucking girl.

That's a fucking dude with tits.

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

uhhh can you be a nigger retard incel somewhere else dude

But she's not a fucking girl!

Boys take HRT and dress as girls to BECOME GIRLS! You mean to tell me she gets to walk, talk, fart, shit and flap as she pleases and she still gets a fucking lady card? Fuck you! That's a boy! And I'm horny for men!

Your fortune: Good Luck

uhh can you go be a nigger retard incel somewhere else please


She's gonna get football raped. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Your fortune: Godly Luck

but thats a girl with a bagina

did you know transgirls literally have more estrogen than a lot of regular girls it's fucking hilarious turfs get so mad

spurdo, listen. Just because she has a vagina doesn't mean she's a girl. Gender is a socially defined construct. She's two hundred pounds, with the shoulders of a linebacker. She smokes American Spirits and masturbates in the park. She shits in urinals and complains about her fantasy football league being unprofitable. She's a man. She wants to be a man. She wants to be treated like a man. She likes it in the ass. Not the vagina.

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis, and the vast majority of chromosomal disorders still conform to these two phenotypes

But the circuitry doesn't account for all kinds of gender related phenomena.

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

/pol/'s face when they raid the board and the only person who talks to them is the schizophrenic black man

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seuss is loose :^)

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

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trips confirm : )

I haven't been erect for three or four days!

Your fortune: Average Luck

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Might as well just talk like doremi again you fucking NIGGER!!

Nice. Very nice.

You know what turns me on! You KNOW how to get me erect! You just don't do it because I WANT it. You deliberately make it impossible for me to have fun around you, and then complain when I don't go away!

Your fortune: Better not tell you now

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That's because you're acting or for attention your not even crazy. Oro now they were a true schizo, I miss them...

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Acting out for attention is not bad! It's not a negative thing! You immediately reconfigure attention to mean something like villainy! You have to admire Lady Gaga, or Ivanka Trump, and ignore people who just want a little affection! That's terrible!

Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

If lady gaga was stood in the street screaming obscenities all day I'd tell her to fuck right off

You still give her the time of day to tell her off.

Your fortune: Average Luck

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It is when you do it for days on end.

It is never bad! Never!

Attention is attention. There is no status quo or peace that shouldn't be disturbed! Only children believe they're entitled to a safe space without first reconciling with the community!

Your fortune: Average Luck


So negative attention better than none at all ok i see

Actually yes!

I can give you sources for this, did you want some? More people die from neglect than from bullying!

Your fortune: Godly Luck

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no thanks i got some err things to do

you've just discovered the crux of all interaction on Yea Forums