I need your bright minds on this one

I need your bright minds on this one
Currently I'm at work , not gonna specific tell you where , but you'll tell I ain't English native speaker so bear witness with me.
Lately I've been suspecting one of my co-workers spying on our asses let's call him "BMW".
By coincidence I checked his phone to tell time the notification in background said
>(Voice Record Is running in background please che-)
I'm the only one who knows about the voice recording
Lately BMW has been acting weird in the office , going to the boss room without his knowledge , and going to the bathroom for long time , I've counted he takes about 33 min minimum in the morning , 20 afternoon , and 20 more before leaving DAILY.
I've searched the bathroom a lot , and I got a chance to enter Boss's room a lone in a Saturday to do some repairs , but I've found nothing except some foot steps on a chair in the corner.
This is my second time posting here the other thread got dumped , I don't know exactly what I'm looking after or what I'm even doing

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He's fucking your boss faggot

Why would he need a voice recorder ?
Also he always leaves his phone on his desk he never hold it.

ICE Agent, he's collecting evidence to deport you immigrants

He's the immigrant here , actually.

Just kill him and take him to the woods, noone will miss him

>bear witness with me
The expression is just "bare with me", "bare witness" means you're telling someone to watch what you're doing, not being a dick just helping you out lad

That's how they get you, you trust them and feel more comfortable

it's "bear" and not "bare", just fyi

i is english very good trust me
But thank you for correcting

You'll never figure out what I'm really up to bro. Stop worrying about it, because it doesn't even involve you.

So what did BMW say when you confronted him about the voice recording? You did confront him didn't you?



This is true and I am retarded, I'll kindly go hang myself now

Doesn't involve me yet.
It just sound interesting more or less I'm board

What are you talking to us for then? Go talk to him about it

Maybe not yet ,
I can't just casually call him out for it any day , because seriously I don't know what's he's up to

Start looking for another job.

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Hangout around his desk during the times of day he records and wait for him to get a notification that makes his phone screen light up so you can say "Hey you know your audio recorder is on?" and see how he reacts. If he acts like he didn't know then there is definitely something suspicious going on

I might actually , I just don't feel comfortable here.

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I'm actually hitting myself for not even thinking of this.

It's your best bet, if he acts like he didn't know then rinse and repeat to see if he continues doing it and that's when you call him out on it. "Hey man you can't record people at the office" he'll huff and gruff. From there, check it while he's not around and if he is Still recording, then I would go to your boss and tell him. In some states it's flatout illegal to record audio without consent so you wouldn't be in the wrong recording it, it's a shady activity.

Reporting it*